Welcome to the Official Website of
The Temple of

A Wiccan Temple
A Timeless Blessing

A Whirlpool of EarthStar Energy

Located in the Fey Glades and Enchanted Mountains of The Berkshires in P i t t s f i e l d, one of Athena's cities, a Realm of secreted glades, and wild dales, towering encroaching forests, wood, metal and stone villages, Humpback Mountains, city streets & windswept bluffs; of ancient fields and forgotten caverns, Hidden by the ancient of Trees, where the land itself lay between the worlds...

Bléssèd Be Your Bodies, Hearts and Souls

Our Mother is Both our Mother & Our Father, Compassionate Be The 
      Souls of All People and All Things!       

The Inner Sanctum

A Family of Traditions
THE 11:11

The Temple of Risinisis is dedicated to The Sacred Living Flames of The Diverse Family and Temple of Life - for all us who were, who are, and who will be again.

Serving The Beloved Watersheds and Tributaries of the
Housatonic, Hoosic and Mid-Connecticut Rivers

The Great Ancient Mother Lands of the Berkshires

And The Meritorious Father Lands
of Western New England and Eastern New York

Western Massachusetts Webguide PITTSFIELD, Massachusetts

TETORIINC.© - 2008 All Rights Reserved

The EarthGate CommunityTM, EarthGate Healing Arts©, EarthGate - Auroreis©, The EarthGate Temple of Risinisis©, The EarthGate School of the 3W's©, EarthGate Cattery, The Berkshire Metaphysical Society©, The Berkshire Society for Metaphysics©,
B.E.S.O.M.TM, T.E.T.O.R.I.©, Crystal Resonance TherapyTM, TishMaran©, IsisMethodTM
Are registered sale/trademarks and/or copyrighted logos

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(including: text - java - flash - audio - graphics - html - MP3 - salemarks - trademarks - EleMaGrav matrices - look & feel)
Copyright 1999-2008 TETORI Inc.
Pittsfield/Pontoosuc, Massachusetts
All Rights Reserved Worldwide & Throughout the Solar Ring
TETORI Inc., Pittsfield MA.:Bléssèd Be Your Bodies, Hearts and SoulsSM:. shall not be held liable in the event of incidental damages stemming from the use or misuse of information supplied or implied
upon this site.
Unauthorized reproduction without prior permission is a violation of copyright laws and Temple Ardaynes.

The Temple of Risinisis is an incorporated, established, non-profit Pagan church and network of dedicated individuals. Any and all support for this Organization is wonderfully appreciated.
Donations to the Temple can be gifted at any time, and are Tax Deductible.
Donations directly support the local Western Massachusetts Pagan & Healing Arts Communities, and support The Greater Berkshire Ecosystem through Temple-sponsored recycling, conservation, tree planting and composting campaigns.

Bléssèd Be Your Bodies, Hearts and Souls

The Temple Of Risinisis