

"1-2-3-4-8-9-10-8-9"  - Daniel Boughton, age 2 [ever non-conformist]

"trees without leaves; see, they're deer trees"  - age 3 [ever poet]

"I climbed a ladder and threw it up in the sky."  - age 3, answering the question, "Where did your energy go?" [ever reasoning that a dull question deserves an imaginative answer]

"Time flies when you're having fun.  If only I could remember what was so fun."  - age 13 [ever cynic]

"Half the people you know are below average.  Half the people I know are above average." [ever realist]

"Time wounds all heels, and doesn't Achilles know it." [ever classically-referential]

“I think I've visited once, . . . I've at least seen pictures”  - 1:21 AM, September 26, 2000, on reality [ever amnesiac]

“I feel your pain.  Not really, but I can sort of look at it with sympathy.”  - 12:53 PM, October 10, 2000 [ever empathetiic]

“Try not to forget I can't see inside your brain (for now: when I slice your head in half that is a different question).”  - 12:45 AM, October 23, 2000, to Adam Rutledge [ever the cutting remark]

“If my behavior doesn't drive you speechless there is quite a lot of material that is conducive to comment (for weeks).”  - 8:10 PM, November 30, 2000 [ever entertainer]

“Sure my syllogisms aren't as tight as yours, but at least they're still goofy.”  - 3:19 AM, February 3, 2001, to Adam Rutledge [ever logician]

"As my current nickname is indeed Jesus, I take it upon myself to refute you."  - July 7, 2002, to Peter Miller [ever judge]

"Men will always need women, but young girls will always need Brendan."  - July 7, 2002, to Mary Johnson [ever romantic]

"She winked at me without closing an eye."  - Daniel Boughton, September 29, 2002, to Adriana Michaela Lopez [ever metaphoric]



"So you haven't been drunk yet and made out with random strangers?  That will come.  Have fun sticking spoons in the ceiling, in the meantime."  - Lydia Boughton, my sister, September 10, 2000



Classmates (and others from high school)

"You know what's better than getting 20 useless emails everyday?  That's easy, getting 22 emails is better, silly."  - Brendan Byrne, December 11, 2000

"Wouldn't it be nice to have a pretty girlfriend that isn't psycho and can take a joke?"  - Brendan Byrne, July 6, 2002

"Yes, this man is among us and he can A TO THE MOTHER FUCKIN' CT.  DB, I salute you and with me an entire nation who wants to get you on the silver screen doing porno for sex."  - Brendan Byrne, July 17, 2002

"Steve Smith is probably the greatest man ever invented . . . next to the light bulb of course."  - Brendan Byrne, July 18, 2002

"The beauty of pessimism is that if you are wrong and things go well, then you can be happy; if you are right and things go poorly, then you can be smug.  This is true happiness."  - Paul Drake

"What would Jesus email us about?  Not sex I'm sure."  - Peter Miller, July 5, 2002

"If you're not going to be good, be intelligent."  - Dr. Mooney

"Dan--I can't believe that you shared that with us, I almost fell over."  - Lily Pascucci, March 4, 2001, re my sharing about events from March 3, 2001

"I remember afternoons chasing the pigeons."  - Christopher Penzenik, from "The Misplacement of Innocence"

"BASS, if you say one more thing I'm going to fucking kill you."  - David Rader

"I'm not shallow, I'm just horny."  - David Rader

"Are you going to become a famous movie star?  If so, will you remember where you came from, or will you become a coke-sniffing bastard?  Anyway, life is gray here.  Not a lot to say about it.  I guess my life currently consists in avoiding doing what I should be doing at any given moment.  Thus, here I am writing you an email when I ought to be reading M. Merleau-Ponty.  Or, when I should be engaging in correspondence, I am (figuratively) masturbating furiously.  I guess if I had to sum up my existence with one word, it would be 'masturbation.'"  - David Rader, October 30, 2001

"Dave, you bring the sharpening stone and I will bring the knives.  The Coup de'tate begins tonight.

        Jacques 2"  - Stephen Smith, January 29, 2001, to David Rader, re La Lumiere

"Profanity.  Profanity.  Oh but how do such words mean anything outside the importance you assign to them?  Do you create the meanings or does the society that you try so heartily to elevate yourself from impose itself upon you, impose its language, its meanings; it is a vicious cycle, yes?  Semantics.  I say bitch you say bloody bastard another says punk. Semantics.

Waste not your energy on condescension.  Life is too short to criticize the way people talk."  - Brigid Sullivan, December 27, 2001



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Copyright ©1984-6, 1990, 1995-2002, 2007 Daniel Boughton or respective quoted persons