
 Star - Librarian

Librarian's Log:

Someone gave me these old files but I can't read them.  It's like Greek to me.  Something's wrong with all the letters and stuff.  Talented writer...  Whoever wrote this can write an entire book upside-down!! Maybe I'll try that someday...

Anyway, don't ask why I'm stuck in the library when there's a library goin' on out there.  Mumble mumble...they just stuck me here and told me to organize stuff and be useful...frankly, I don't see why can't hand out the  Well.  Amuse yourself.  Look around.  I can't believe they left me in charge of all this crud in here!!!


Old Files:  This folder contains a bunch of junkie old stories about the adventures of T.I.R.A. and the gang.  You might possibly find old comics here as well...if I feel like scanning all the cruddy things I drew awhile back.

Missions: One through Six
Comics: *maybe* 'Seven Sisters' or 'Priceless Power.'

New Files:  This disk contains newer stuffs that I have worked on since I put up this site.  At the moment, there is absolutely nothing here because I'm a lazy bum and I'm not a genius like the other people who write a lot. o_O!!

Stories: none
Comics: none

