Timothy W. Levert

Commentary on the Horror Genre

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Commentary on the Horror Genre


    Fear has to be one of the oldest emotions known to man.  From the knuckle draggers to modern day capitalists and fascists, everyone has been afraid of something at one time or another.  The person who can claim never to have been afraid of something in their lifetime is a bold faced liar.  Fear is an innate emotion, it's hardwired and difficult to understand.  What frightens one individual may seem paltry and bland to another and vice versa.

    Fear for some is an adrenaline rush therefore we have extreme sports.  For those of us less inclined to experiencing dismemberment or death we have film and literature, which in their own right and time can also provide a bit of that rush, probably not as much but enough to keep the average Joe more than content.

    There are those in society whom however deem it necessary to dictate what should and should not be viewed.  These people normally hide behind a book called 'The Bible'.  Right Wing Christian Fascists is all they really are, trying to impose their view and way of life onto all of mankind.  The believe that items such as Horror films and literature are a large contributing factor to the downfall of society as a whole.  This of course is a load of bull crap in my opinion.  Sure, these groups are more than happy to quote newspaper headlines and stories of people watching this or listening to that and then going out and committing some sort of atrocious act.  Of course, they're missing the obvious problem and pinning it on something that had little to nothing to do with the film, book or music that said person listened to.

    If a person watches a Friday the 13th movie and then decides to put on a hockey mask and go butcher his neighbors with a machete....Hello? There was obviously something quite wrong with this individual to begin with.  Anyone that takes a movie or book or song as set of instructions or as a manifesto for what should be done was in dire need of help long before they even watched a movie.  But of course the Christians and right wingers will finger the blame on the most likely ( in their eyes ) of suspects.  A work of fiction is just that, fiction, it's not reality and has made no claim to be such.  Anyone that believes otherwise should seek some sort of professional counseling.  The Bible is merely a book, sure Jesus may have existed, but try and prove half of the things written in the Bible, you can't.  Does that stop the Christians from believing every word as truth? Of course not, but judge not lest ye be judged so I'll move on.

    Should children watch or read items that are intended for adults? Absolutely not, these items were created for adults to read or watch depending on the venue.  But again we have people saying that these things are destroying our youth and corrupting their minds.  Well wake up and smell the freshly spilled entrails Joe Family.  The only way children watch these things is either if they're not monitored by their so loving families or the pot smoking junkie at Blockbuster ( Sorry Rich, nothing to do with you on this line. =) ) not bothering to check ID.  Even at that, how much affect does it have?  Not a whole lot.  Anyone that is disturbed enough child or otherwise that acts on such books or films was disturbed prior. 

    Why then should a certain group of people picket and write letters about a certain films content?  Mind your own damn business.  Are film companies coming to your door with a hacksaw and a pair of pliers saying, you will go see this film or we'll have Guido here teach you some manners.  No,  it's freedom of choice ladies and gentlemen.  The government and the Church need to do their own thing and leave entertainment and freedom of expression alone.  Nobody has to buy a Stephen King book or go see a John Carpenter film, nobody.  The fact that some people do is irrelevant, the matter here is that it is a choice.  If you're so worried about what your children will see or read, take it upon yourself to do what you're supposed to, be a damn parent and don't let them watch or read such things if you so choose.  Don't however try and dictate to me what I can read or watch if I so choose. 

    The situation is very confusing.  At any given point you can go to a variety of news sites and see pictures of real honest to god butchered,  maimed, limbless and even dead people.  That's real, it's not fake, it's real.  It's okay because it's real though right? That kind of thing repulses me and makes me nauseous, however again, I don't have to look at it, so most times I don't.  I don't write letters to the editor claiming mental duress because of the pictures they published, I just click away.  I'm an adult and I'm responsible for myself and what I watch or read, parents are responsible for their children and what they watch or read, corporations are not responsible for this.  Don't want your children watching a certain TV show, change the channel, it really is that simple.  I do not however condone or in any way endorse limiting exposure to all things certain people consider 'bad'.  Everyone needs a taste of the real world and what goes on within it.  No need limiting exposure completely to create some fairy tale type utopia of the world that doesn't exist. 

    Horror for the most part is just fun.  It's also a form of escapism making some think that 'Hell, my life sure could be a hell of alot worse' or something of that nature.  Horror is meant to scare and gross you out and it doesn't claim to do anything but.  It doesn't claim to be educational or a guidebook to life. 

    Does Horror desensitize people? For some, maybe if they're that predisposed to having images alter their perceptions of reality that much, but then again, there had to be a pre-existing issue there.  I've watched and read items in the Horror genre for as long as I can remember and to this day I still can't stand the sight of real blood and gore, I don't have the stomach for it.  If it's fake, great, the more blood and gore the better.  If it's real, count me in the first handful of people to either puke or pass out, can't handle it.

    Watching Horror films or reading a Stephen King novel or even listening to Motley Crue or Black Sabbath is a choice to be made by the individual adult ( notice I didn't say 'child' ).  It's not for some religious zealot to decide for me.  I'll make what choices I wish and do what I want because I want to do it, not for any other reason.  I like Horror films and movie props and always will.  Do I worship them? No.  I merely enjoy that genre.  I'm not a demon and do not force my likes or dislikes on anyone.  Don't like what's playing or up in my home, then go to another room or leave and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. 

    The only thing you can force people to do is breathe, pay taxes and die.  Of course paying taxes can be argued but that's not the point of this.  Everyone has a choice, let each individual make their own.  There is not a single group that can claim to be as 'Just' to be able to dictate the choices of others, I don't care what the religion involved is.  Life is too short, watch what you want to watch and read what you want to read, so long as you're happy doing it, nothing else matters.

    The one graphic below is just to piss off the religious nuts that happen to visit my site, nothing more.  It's meant to offend just a select few people that may visit here and they can kiss my lily white butt.   I'm pretty sure they've been to the site, but don't have the guts to post to the guest book, it's a shame they're so afraid, cowering behind that little book of theirs.  They are nothing more than liars cheats and thieves and I bestow upon them a line from the Stephen King novel Thinner "The curse of the White Man from town is upon you".  That's right you religious zealots, I wish you nothing but misery and pain and the worst life has to offer.