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Tinitn with her much loved AIBO, a japanese spitz.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How do I contact Tintin and Julius through text messaging?

For Globe subscribers, just type 41 - if you want to subscribe to Tintin Bersola or 42 - if you want to subscribe to Julius and send to 2978.. or type FANZONE and send to 2978.

2. Do they really reply to text messages?

Yes they do! Tintin loves texting! She replies everyday, updating texters on whatever she's doing.

3. I want pictures of Tintin and Julius but I can't copy them on my harddrive. What should I do?

If you want pictures of Tintin and Julius, just email the webmaster @ tintinandjuliuswebmaster@yahoo.com The pictures on this website are copyrighted by the magazines and newspapers that they appeared in, as well as the photographers.









TintinandJulius.com (for now it's TintinandJulius.cjb.net, hosted on a free web host) is the brainchild of Tintin del Rosario, a long-time fan and friend (cyber, text, you name it ) of Tintin Bersola and Julius Babao. She is the website architect, content manager, editor, coordinator, designer, developer and producer. She is a web developer/designer. She also do freelance writing, hosting and also dabbles in painting (oil and acrylic). You should definitely check out her works at http://www.tintinsendy.cjb.net.

She had this chance meeting with Tintin and Julius at BAYO Megamall on January 31, 2002 while window-shopping after office hours. It was because of this chance meeting and another incident that made her pursue the website. It was indeed a misfortune that she forgot that her digicam was in her bag all the while she was talking to Tintin and Julius. It was too late when she realized it. She tried to run after them, but to no avail. Starstruck, eh?

It took a while though, before she finally uploaded it on the free server. But webmaster Tintin made sure the site makes it on time for their wedding on December 8, 2003, as well as Tintin's birthday on October 30.

The pictures that appear on this website are mostly from newspapers and magazines. The webmaster made sure she accurately included copyright information for each photo that appears. If you see a photo that needs to be properly acknowledged, kindly email the webmaster. Most articles are original works of the webmaster unless indicated otherwise. No part of this website may be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the webmaster. Contributions (pictures, articles, etc.) should be emailed to webmaster Tintin. The webmaster reserves the right to accept or reject and edit articles/messages as necessary. Your comments and suggestions are highly appreciated.


