Man Misses His Chance

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This image addresses a fundamental problem in modern American life – the opium of television. This is the most political image AK has produced so far, and it raises more issues than this commentary can address. American man has become completely dependent upon his connection to television. As AK points out here, the relationship is not rewarding, or even pleasant. The man is angry, not only for what TV is showing him, but because he is subconsciously aware of the soul-numbing affects of his TV addiction. Herein lies the meaning of the title, for man is missing his chance for his soul to be touched by the divine, all for the idiot box. AK nicely mirrors the gesture of the Divine Finger with the position of the man’s arm as he points the remote control. As man tries to control this world with technology, and in effect (as this image shows) play God, he grows more detached from his place in the world, and the real need for spirituality in life. There is also some interesting resonance between the feeble glow coming off the TV, and the powerful lightening that accompanies the Divine Finger – this reinforces the connection between God and Man’s creative act, and the great disparity in power between the two. There is also the issue of modern man being too busy and preoccupied to take advantage of any opportunities that may come up by chance, represented here by the “Greatest Possible” opportunity of touching the divine. As I said, there is more going on here than we have time for. As for further images, these issues make me think of the Sistine Chapel, especially the panel where god separates light from darkness, but that’s probably just me. While you’re at it, just check out the whole chapel, and you’ll see some great images celebrating man’s spirituality.

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Image and title "Man Misses His Chance" copyright 2000 by the artist