Tim The 12 Hours of Rocky Madness Log Sara

Okay, on Sunday, 3/24/02, Sara and I sat down to watch all five Rocky movies in a row, and play all five drinking games. I have to suggest that you not try this, as not only did it result in my internal organs rebelling against me (whenever I hear the sound of a can opener I shit my pants and lose the use of my legs, and every time an ambulence drives past the house I start to drool and forget another semester of college), but I have recently learned that I'm now officially WANTED in a small New Mexico county for two counts of indecent exposure and a crime of passion with the Sheriff's deaf daughter. But anyway, this is the log of our adventures that night, complete with some of the pictures we took. I have preserved all of our spelling and grammer exactly as it was, just in case any of you readers out there are thinking of starting a cult to worship me and you need unedited texts to make your holy scriptures out of. Also because it's funny when people are so drunk they write things like: The last time I was single my friend Rose was also single and when our coupled friends, we would say things like "Ooo, lovey dovey Nrrrrr" to. Anyway, enjoy the 12 Hours of Rocky Madness Log, written by Tim (in white) and Sara (in yellow).

I'll be going it alone this first hour, as my roomate is leaving for work and the special guest star isn't here yet. Well, there's not much to say yet- I've got a half full keg of getting flat Keystone Light (I'm not the one who bought it or anything) and all 5 "Rockies" on DVD that I got for my birthday from my mom a few weeks ago. Time to get started.

I'm beginning to feel a little tipsy. Adrian is so cute! She's totally emo! Sara will be here any minute now and we're going to watch the rest of the marathon as a team. Go TEAMWORK! This movie's awesome, I think there need to be more movies with dumb main characters. Well, writing this is starting to sober me up, so it's time to get back to the show.

Sara's here now and I'm almost officially "drunk". Rocky just ran up the big stairs- that's fucking cool. Did you know that Stallone's first movie was a porno called "The Italion Stallion". I guess he made Rockie's nickname "Itallion Stallion" as a joke. That's a Fun Fact!

I'm drunk now. Its "Rocky II". The scene where Rocky does commercials. It's like the boringest scene in any of the movies. [I seem to have forgotten about "Rocky IV"- ed] This movie is like the "sweet" romantic movie, but it gets pretty boring when yr fucked up. Its okay though. I'm going to stop before I completely embarass myself.

I'm very drunk. I very drunk. And there is still a long night I got ahead of me. Rockies in the chapel right now. The last time I was single my friend Rose was also single and when our coupled friends, we would say things like "Ooo, lovey dovey Nrrrrr" to. Rearrange that sentence in your head so it makes sense. Anyway, I say "Nrrrrr..." to this movie. (Rocky II)

I'm not quite that drunk, but I started way later. I just have a couple things to say about Rokcy II: 1) Tim has a point: the lovey-dovey shit has to go. 2) Burgess Meredith is a badass Mick's character is also a badass

HOUR 5, 10PM
We're taking a break 8 minutes early because it's the end of Rocky II All I wanna say is that "You, Adrienne, I did it!" was the most hardass last line of a movie I've heard in awhile!

I'm quite good to go at this point. Whenever possible, especially while creepily hanging out around Elementary + Jr. Highschools, I like to encourage the consumption of hard alcohol. I'll want to say right now is- "Don't try playing all 5 Rocky Drinking games in a row with hard alcohol. Seriously. Maybe even consider 3.2 beer. Im gonna go now.

Oh yeah. Sylvester Stallone is a piece of hot-ass shit-eating MEAT mutha-fucka!

HOUR 6, 11PM
It's past eleven + we're not very far into the IIIrd movie. We ordered pizza. Then an old friend called. The pizza is gone now, and Tim is talking on the phone to Ross about his new apt.

Dude. Drinking. OH MY god. Mrt rocks. HERES A FUN FACT- The statue in Rocky III is real. The city of philedelphia built a statue for Rocky, even though he's not real. Its in front of the Art Museum there. Go philly. Anyway, I need to get back to the movie now. Our friend Ellie is here now too. She's going to contribute something later once she's drunk. Bye now.

HOUR 7, 12AM
Rocky is training. This training scene is pretty homoerotic. The camera's out of batteries but we are going to hunt for more. [The next part is largely illegible, and might in fact just be scribbling.- ed] ghe m
UMAYE - we got buttens ["we got batteries"- Ellie]
UPDATE - No we didn't
UPDATE - Yes wedid

Rocky is a pussy in this movie so far. Tim is drunk. Ellie grew up in the "place where there's a Rocky statue" so she's rebelling against her child-hood by hating Rocky.

It seems that here at the start of the ninth hour, some members of the "5 Days of Rocky Madness" team, think we're in the eleventh hour. Yes, sadly, someone who's first initial isn't "T", might not remember the words to "Eye of the Tiger" well enough. "It's the Eye of the Tiger it's the thrill of the fight; rising up to the challenge of the drinking!" Hopefully, the Adrian-esq pep-talk I gave her will turn her around as we begin "Rocky IV".

This section written by Ellie
i just paid $3 for two batteries so these drunk-ass motherfuckers can take some pixtures. i guess im just a sucka as clubber lang would probably say before he knocked my punk-ass out. Quote: "He ain't gonna kiss you- he's gonna kill you." -Mickey

6 hours! 6 hours of Rocky! 6 hours of drinking KEYSTONE LIGHT! Tim's gone 8 and he's still standing. I don't even understand. Mr. T is a badass [here I can't tell if Sara made an "!", or a "?", but it better fucking be an "!"- ed] ! I don't know how Silvester kicked his ass, but it was a damn good fight. Rock on Rocky!

The parts OF MY BRAIN ThAT STILL WORK ARE Angry. ROCKY 4 IS the shitiest rocky movie. Robots Dolf LUngdren SO MANY FLAGS. SO MANY DRINS. I cant takeanmore

7 hours. Congratulations to me. I'm going to bed. good night. :)

i'm surprised either of them are still ambulatory. [The Foxy Mouse has hired a team of scientists to work around the clock until they find out if "ambulatory" is an actual word and if so, what it fucking means. They will then begin the task of figuring out what the fuck it's doing in this god-forsaken article- ed] considering that i am still the most sober of all of us, i think we are in some serious trouble...
i don't think i've ever seen tim this drunk before and that is saying quite a bit. and he's still insisting he's going to go for the eye of the tiger + stay concious through the rest of the movies. i'm expecting to find him passed out in a pool of his own vomit. so that will just be fun + games. just like every other weekend in this place. i think i need another shot.

So here's my drunken "provakative" question: Is Rocky more of a pussy or less of a pussy for fighting. He keeps saying he's going to retire and then "giving in to fighting" one more fight." Pussy, not pussy. It is the question.

HOUR 10, 3AM
Jesus fucking christ. Rocky IV is over. Sara + Ellie are nodding out. I will be the champion. EYE OF THE TIGER. No more robots. Fuck sucky robots. A second ago there was a prank call. The guy said "I have warts on my ass." I called him a fag. He does not have the Eye of the tiger. Sara just went to sleep. I must go the distance.

HOUR 11, 4AM
It's just gone. Eleven hours of sitting on my ass and drinking, and suddenly I'm sober. I broken the drunk barrier. This is weird. "Rocky 5" is going on, which is a descent movie, but definately not my favorite. I'm still too tired to be even as almost-funny as I usually am, so back to the show.

HOUR 12, 5AM
VICTORY! It's over. Somehow it took twelve hours and nearly killed my friend Sara, but I looked deep within myself, into the very heart of my being, and somehow managed to find the strength and emotional reserve to get drunk and watch 5 movies. Victory has never tasted so sweet.
The Rocky Madness Keg

Yo Adrian!

The Set

I want to run up the big stairs!

Follow Rocky!  He's the champ!  Join the Nintendo Fun Club Today Mac!

Sara has a hat like Rocky!  She's the Super-Champ!

The sexy man orders the pizza.

Those are lovely tits, kind sir, please point me to the room of bath.

The cup I drank from during the Madness.

It's Ellie!

The drunkness exists in me!


SARA- going... going...


I pity the fool!

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The 5 Days of Rocky Log

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