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Hello my name is Tim. This is my Wolfenstine 3d page.
email me if there are any requests or problems
email me if you want to link my page to yours
This is my download section
go to this place it has a lot of old hard to find things
full versions
cheets download this file it is for wolf 3d and sod the codes are in the zip
B.J. Rowan's wolf 3d bunker is a good site
Flo's wolf3d editor 1.1 (this one is the best) size 3.3 m
Mr. Lowe's Wolf3d page is one of the best
I have the origonal game castle wolfenstine and beyond castle wolfenstine for apple//e and an apple//e emunlator for windows 3.1,95,98  to download click on the names that are underlined
The wolf 3d hq
beyond wolfenstine ll
the sliver's wolfenstine 3d page