/**                                                                     **/
/** MODULE: Create Report               AUTHOR: Tim Sabin               **/
/** DESCRIPTION: In Part II, we fetch data from the database and create **/
/**  a "flat file".                                                     **/
/** DATE CREATED: 04/08/1997            LAST UPDATED: 07/18/1997        **/
/**                                                                     **/

#include "sybfront.h"
#include "sybdb.h"
#include "syberror.h"

char months [][4]={"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
  "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};

char *printfComma (int size, int intToConvert) {
static char buffer [20];
int tempi, i, j;

    memset (buffer, ' ', 19);
    buffer [size] = '\0';
    for (tempi = intToConvert, i = size - 1, j = 0; tempi;
      tempi = tempi / 10, i--, j++) {
	if (i < 0) break;       /* Field not wide enough */
	if (j == 3) {
	    if (i < 0) break;
	    buffer [i] = ',';
	    j = 0;
	buffer [i] = (tempi % 10) + '0';
    return buffer;

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
int i, status, outstand_shares, line_seq, runTraded, runHeld, inDex;
int change_in_shares, shares_held, oddness;
char *sybServ, *userID;
float closingPrice;
char password [20], SQLcmd [500], filer_name [61], issue_desc [21], ticker [7];
char issuer_cusip [7], issue_cusip [3], report_month [3], report_year [3];
char qtr_date_yyyy [5], mgr_name [61], day [3];
char lastCusip [7], lastIssue [3], osc;
LOGINREC *login, *login2;
DBPROCESS *dbh, *dbh2;

/** Fetch the Sybase server and user ID from the command line **/
    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
	if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-s"))
	    sybServ = argv [++i];
	else if  (!strcmp (argv [i], "-u"))
	    userID = argv [++i];
    if (!sybServ || !userID) {
	fprintf (stderr, "Need sybase server and userID, exiting\n");
	exit (-1);

/** Login to the Sybase server for Section 00 **/
    PASSFILE = fopen ("maint_file", "r");
    if (!PASSFILE) {
	fprintf (stderr, "Cannot access maint_file, exiting\n");
	exit (-2);
    fscanf (PASSFILE, "%s", password);
    fclose (PASSFILE);

    if (dbinit () == FAIL) {
	fprintf (stderr, "Could not initialize Sybase interface library\n");
	exit (-4);

    login = dblogin ();
    DBSETLUSER (login, userID);
    DBSETLPWD (login, password);
    dbh = dbopen (login, sybServ);
    if (!dbh) {
	fprintf (stderr, "Could not login to Sybase server %s, user ID %s\n",
	  sybServ, userID);
	exit (-4);
    dbuse (dbh, "sec13f");

/** Login to the Sybase server for Section 03 **/
    login2 = dblogin ();
    DBSETLUSER (login2, userID);
    DBSETLPWD (login2, password);
    dbh2 = dbopen (login2, sybServ);
    if (!dbh2) {
	fprintf (stderr, "Could not 2nd login to Sybase server %s, user ID %s\n",
	  sybServ, userID);
	exit (-4);
    dbuse (dbh2, "sec13f");

/**                                                                     **/
/** FUNCTION: Fetch QCed Data (Part II) AUTHOR: Tim Sabin               **/
/** DESCRIPTION: This "function" creates a "data list" for the rest     **/
/**  of the program to access.                                          **/
/** DATE CREATED: 04/08/1997            LAST UPDATED: 07/11/1997        **/
/**                                                                     **/

/** For the Company Header (section "00"): **/
/** Perform an SQL SELECT, getting header information into a temp table. **/
    strcpy (SQLcmd, "SELECT issuer_name, issue_desc, ticker, "
      "issuer_company_cusip, issuer_cusip_suffix, qtr_date_mm, qtr_date_dd, "
      "qtr_date_yyyy INTO #SECT00TMP1 FROM inst_inv_manager_holding "
      "GROUP BY qtr_date_yyyy, qtr_date_mm, issuer_company_cusip, "
      "issuer_cusip_suffix "
      "HAVING max (convert (integer, qtr_date_yyyy + qtr_date_mm)) = "
      "convert (integer, qtr_date_yyyy + qtr_date_mm)");
    dbcmd (dbh, SQLcmd);
    status = dbsqlexec (dbh);
    if (status == FAIL) {
	fprintf (stderr, "Error: cannot get Section 00 (header) data from "
	exit (-5);

/** For the Institutional Holdings (section "03"): **/
/** Perform an SQL SELECT, getting detail info into a temp table. **/
    sprintf (SQLcmd, "SELECT issuer_company_cusip, issuer_cusip_suffix, "
      "qtr_date_yyyy, qtr_date_mm, qtr_date_dd, inst_inv_mgr_name, "
      "change_in_shares, aggregate_shares_held "
      "INTO #SECT03TMP1 "
      "FROM inst_inv_manager_holding "
      "HAVING max (convert (integer, qtr_date_yyyy + qtr_date_mm)) = "
      "convert (integer, qtr_date_yyyy + qtr_date_mm)");
    dbcmd (dbh2, SQLcmd);
    status = dbsqlexec (dbh2);
    if (status == FAIL) {
	fprintf (stderr, "Error: cannot get Section 03 (inst.) data from "
	exit (-5);

/**                                                                     **/
/** FUNCTION: Create Flat File          AUTHOR: Tim Sabin               **/
/** DESCRIPTION: This "function" takes the temp files already created   **/
/**  and creates a "flat" file a la the CDA input tape.                 **/
/** DATE CREATED: 04/14/1997            LAST UPDATED: 07/18/1997        **/
/**                                                                     **/

/** DO FOR each company in the database **/
    strcpy (SQLcmd, "SELECT issuer_name, issue_desc, ticker, "
      "issuer_company_cusip, issuer_cusip_suffix, "
      "qtr_date_mm, qtr_date_dd, qtr_date_yyyy FROM #SECT00TMP1 "
      "GROUP BY issuer_company_cusip, issuer_cusip_suffix, qtr_date_yyyy, "
      "qtr_date_mm "
      "ORDER BY issuer_company_cusip, issuer_cusip_suffix ");
    dbcmd (dbh, SQLcmd);
    dbsqlexec (dbh);
    if (dbresults (dbh) != SUCCEED)
	exit (-5);
    dbbind (dbh, 1, STRINGBIND, sizeof (filer_name), filer_name);
    dbbind (dbh, 2, STRINGBIND, sizeof (issue_desc), issue_desc);
    dbbind (dbh, 3, STRINGBIND, sizeof (ticker), ticker);
    dbbind (dbh, 4, STRINGBIND, sizeof (issuer_cusip), issuer_cusip);
    dbbind (dbh, 5, STRINGBIND, sizeof (issue_cusip), issue_cusip);
    dbbind (dbh, 6, STRINGBIND, sizeof (report_month), report_month);
    dbbind (dbh, 7, STRINGBIND, sizeof (day), day);
    dbbind (dbh, 8, STRINGBIND, sizeof (qtr_date_yyyy), qtr_date_yyyy);
    for (lastCusip [0] = lastIssue [0] = '\0';dbnextrow(dbh) != NO_MORE_ROWS;) {
	if (!strcmp(lastCusip, issuer_cusip) && !strcmp(lastIssue, issue_cusip))
	    continue;   /* So report doesn't get multiple records */
	strcpy (lastCusip, issuer_cusip);
	strcpy (lastIssue, issue_cusip);
	report_year [0] = qtr_date_yyyy [2];    /* Faster than strcpy */
	report_year [1] = qtr_date_yyyy [3];
	report_year [2] = '\0';

/**     Merge data and Output "Flat" File: **/
/**     o Reset line sequence to 1 **/
	line_seq = 1;

/**     o Output lines for: Company Name, Stock Class, Ticker, CUSIP, **/
/**       Number Outstanding Shares, Quarter End Date, Quarter Closing Price **/
/**       incrementing line sequence for each field **/
    /* Company Name line */
	printf ("00CO %s                                        "
	  "                                               %s%s%04d\n",
	  filer_name, issuer_cusip, issue_cusip, line_seq);
	line_seq += 1;
    /* Stock Class line */
	printf ("00CL %s                                        "
	  "                                                            "
	  "                           %s%s%04d\n", issue_desc, issuer_cusip,
	  issue_cusip, line_seq);
	line_seq += 1;
    /* Ticker line */
	printf ("00TS %s                                                  "
	  "                                                            "
	  "                               %s%s%04d\n", ticker, issuer_cusip,
	  issue_cusip, line_seq);
	line_seq += 1;
    /* CUSIP line */
	printf ("00CU %s%s                                                  "
	  "                                                            "
	  "                             %s%s%04d\n", issuer_cusip, issue_cusip,
	  issuer_cusip, issue_cusip, line_seq);
	line_seq += 1;
    /* Number Outstanding Shares line */
	sprintf (SQLcmd, "SELECT closing_price, outstanding_shares "
	  "FROM iverson..security_pricing a, iverson..security b "
	  "WHERE a.security_id = b.security_id "
	  "AND period_type_code = \"M\" "
	  "AND period_end_date = \"%s %s, %s\" "
	  "AND company_cusip = \"%s\" "
	  "AND cusip_suffix = \"%s\"",
	  months [atoi(report_month)-1], day, qtr_date_yyyy, issuer_cusip,
	dbcmd (dbh2, SQLcmd);
	dbsqlexec (dbh2);
	if (dbresults (dbh2) != SUCCEED) {
	dbbind (dbh2, 1, REALBIND, sizeof (closingPrice),
	  (DBCHAR *)&closingPrice);
	dbbind (dbh2, 2, INTBIND, sizeof (outstand_shares),
	  (DBCHAR *)&outstand_shares);
	if (dbnextrow (dbh2) == NO_MORE_ROWS) {
	    closingPrice = 0.00;
	    outstand_shares = 0;
	 } else {
	    dbcancel (dbh2);
	if (outstand_shares / 1000000)
	    osc = (outstand_shares / 1000000) + '0';
	    osc = ' ';
	printf ("00OS%c%s                                        "
	  "                                                          "
	  "                                          %s%s%04d\n",
	  osc, printfComma(7, outstand_shares), issuer_cusip, issue_cusip,
	line_seq += 1;
    /* Quarter End Date line */
	printf ("00OD %s/%s/%s                                                 "
	  "                                                             "
	  "                             %s%s%04d\n",
	  report_month, day, report_year, issuer_cusip, issue_cusip, line_seq);
	line_seq += 1;
    /* Quarter Closing Price line */
	printf ("00PR %7.2f                                        "
	  "                                                            "
	  "                                        %s%s%04d\n",
	  closingPrice, issuer_cusip, issue_cusip, line_seq);
	line_seq += 1;

/**     DO FOR each institutional holder in the company **/
	runTraded = 0;
	runHeld = 0;
	inDex = 0;
	sprintf (SQLcmd, "SELECT inst_inv_mgr_name, change_in_shares, "
	  "aggregate_shares_held FROM #SECT03TMP1 "
	  "WHERE issuer_company_cusip = \"%s\" "
	  "AND issuer_cusip_suffix = \"%s\"", issuer_cusip, issue_cusip);
	dbcmd (dbh2, SQLcmd);
	dbsqlexec (dbh2);
	if (dbresults (dbh2) != SUCCEED) {
	dbbind (dbh2, 1, STRINGBIND, sizeof (mgr_name), mgr_name);
	dbbind (dbh2, 2, INTBIND, sizeof (change_in_shares),
	  (BYTE *)&change_in_shares);
	dbbind (dbh2, 3, INTBIND, sizeof (shares_held),
	  (BYTE *)&shares_held);
	while (dbnextrow(dbh2) != NO_MORE_ROWS) {

/**         Merge data and output: make sure latest line is complete, and **/
/**           output a totals line **/

	/* Make initializations */
	    oddness = inDex % 2;

/**         o IF the index is 0 THEN **/
	    if (inDex == 0) {

/**         o     Output line for "As Of Date-3" **/
		printf ("03OF %s/%s/%s                                        "
		  "                                                  "
		  "                                                 "
		  "%s%s%04d\n", report_month, day, report_year, issuer_cusip,
		  issue_cusip, line_seq);

/**         o     Increment the sequence **/
		line_seq += 1;

/**         o ENDIF **/

/**         o IF the index is even THEN **/
	    if (oddness == 0) {

/**         o     Output "03" **/
		printf ("03");

/**         o ENDIF **/

/**         o Output incomplete line including: Insider Name, Relation Code, **/
/**         o   #Shares Traded, #Shares Held, Effective Date **/
	    mgr_name [28] = '\0';
	    printf ("%28s   %s    %s  %s/%s/%s", mgr_name,
	      printfComma (11, change_in_shares), printfComma (11, shares_held),
	      report_month, day, report_year);

/**         o Add #Shares Traded and #Shares Held to running totals **/
	    runTraded += change_in_shares;
	    runHeld += shares_held;

/**         o IF the index is odd THEN **/
	    if (oddness == 1) {

/**         o     Output complete line including Sequence **/
		printf ("              %s%s%04d\n", issuer_cusip, issue_cusip,

/**         o     Increment Line Sequence **/
		line_seq += 1;

/**         o ELSE **/
	    } else {

/**         o     Add spacing between the 2 entries per line **/
		printf ("  ");

/**         o ENDIF **/

/**         o Increment index **/
	    inDex += 1;

/**     ENDDO **/

/**     o IF we are in the middle of a line THEN **/
	oddness = inDex % 2;
	if (oddness == 1) {

/**     o     Output line including sequence **/
	    printf ("                                        "
	      "                                         %s%s%04d\n",
	      issuer_cusip, issue_cusip, line_seq);

/**     o     Increment Line Sequence **/
	    line_seq += 1;

/**     o ENDIF **/

/**     o Output totals line using running totals **/
	if (inDex > 999) {
	    inDex = 999;
	printf ("03                                                     "
	  "                TOTAL OF %3d OWNERS            %s    %s    "
	  "                    %s%s%04d\n", inDex, printfComma (11, runTraded),
	  printfComma (11, runHeld), issuer_cusip, issue_cusip, line_seq);

/**     o Increment line sequence **/
	line_seq += 1;

/** ENDDO **/

    fprintf (stderr, "Finished creating mainframe file\n");

/** **/

    Source: geocities.com/timsabin