Timothy Lutheran Church
Woodstock, GA

Other Useful Links

www.lcms.org This is the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod home page. Useful for all kinds of information on the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, beliefs and resources.

www.princeofpeace.org This is the website for the LCMS webring. If you are looking for a church to visit in your area, or to find out what other congregations are doing, this is a great place to start on the web.

www.lcms.org/lhtc/ this link takes you to the Reverend Jay Masons' page. His unique hot air balloon ministry is a great outreach tool and awareness generator. We had them here in the spring of 99 and it was GREAT! Hi from your friends at TLC to Jay, Vicki and the family!

The Hope Center of Woodstock, GA. This is an email link to this great community organization. Their help in supporting people in need is a foundation of Christian values. Please contact them to see what assistance you can provide!

www.lwml.org Connects you to the Lutheran Womens Missionary League. An unbelievable group of dedicated volunteers. See how you can help today!

www.ccel.org Interested in History? The Ante-nicane, Apostle-current writings of Polycarp, Clement, Justin Martyr (where the term martyr comes from), Ireneaus, Tertullian are here. You think it's hard to be a Christian today? Been fed to the Lions lately? Burned upside down on a cross? Excellent site if you want to get an understanding of the challenges of their day and be humbled by the conviction of their faith. Also a good site to understand the polemics of heresy and the Christ-centered, faith driven challenges of the early church fathers who lived and studied with the Apostles of Christ. Humbling...

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