About the Webmistress

My name is Liz and I was born, raised and spent most of my adult life in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. I have now transplanted down to central Lower Michigan. I've been a Registered Nurse since 1992. I don't have human children but I do have Cupid and two cats, and my wonderful husband. Currently I am the assistant to the list owner for The Grey Connection.

For fun, I obviously really love my bird, but I also enjoy gardening, working with (and playing with) computers, and drawing birds (click here to see my avian art). We enjoy travelling and always seem to have some kind of home improvement project going on around here.

To see more photos of Cupid and my other pets, please go to my album list at Photopoint.com.

I'm always happy to try to answer questions people have about their Greys, and if I don't know the answer, I know many people who probably do. I'd love to get email from anyone in regards to this site, or in regards to a bird question. Click here to email me.

At the request of my Yooper friends, here is the link for Pasty Central!
