John E. Runyard's

Runyard Genealogy Index

Welcome,  to John Runyard's Family Genealogy Index. This ever expanding
history data base is due to you, & research my dad , Robert D. Runyard,
 Leonard Runyard of Hordle , England and David Jones of Illinois have acquired.
( Len is a major source of this Runyard research. Thank you Len :)
I want to thank them all for the time and trips to England to be able to have
the most accurate data possible. I hope these pages help with your quest.

See the New Runyard Genealogy
Web Site HERE
Descendants of Jeanne Runnier /
( Runyard ) 1520-1996
195kb, Click to view
New: Runyard Genealogy
Database: P1, P2
Runyard Family Tree 1520-1977
size: 273kb
Letters from Pop, telling of the
1989 Runyard Reunion in England &
about early Runyard History:
P1, P2, P3, P4
Runyard Family Tree
Corrections to:
Runyard Reunion, Runyard History
The Runyard Family Tree
on a Tea Towel !
Excerpts from the Diary of
Henry Rolls (1803-1877)
( Great insight to "Runyard" life in the 1800's )
Lulworth Castle
Runyard's have worked here for
Hundreds of years !
And still there !


   Fellow Runyard's, did you know that using different search engines using the keyword "runyard" will give you other Runyard sites not listed on one single search engine. Try "Dogpile, a multi-engine search tool, or MetaSearch and see what or who you come up with.
The results can be interesting. If you are a Runyard, be sure to sign the Guestbook, even if you just leave your email address or city, state, country you live. It is very interesting to me and other Runyard web surfers where all these other Runyard's live. You can view the Guestbook here.
 If you have your Runyard family tree, no matter how far it dates back, my Dad and I would like to see it. Email me, John or my Dad, Robert D. Runyard to review this information. I would like to possibly scan it and add it to this Runyard Genealogy index with your permission.

Don't let family history fade into a box of papers that no one knows
about, or the next place it will be is the rubbish bin.

Hey, It's me !     Vacation, 2000 ! About me: Well for one thing, I spend way to much time on the computer
and 100+ pages of "HTML" proves it. But I do enjoy other hobbies such as gardening,
desert / mountain motorcycling, Jeep & Buggy riding.
Three kids. One moved out. Another moved back in !
 Both my wife and I are Orange County natives. We have watched this county multiply 20
 fold since we were born, and it's getting down right crowded. One day, it's our dream to
move to the mountains or even the high desert. Until then, we will continue to enjoy
vacation time in these places. That's it for now.

John Edwin Runyard

Note: Feel free to email John
 if you have comments, additions or questions.


Links to other Runyard's:

Photographs before 1900: by Howard Saxon.
Howard's Index


Brian Runyard: Dorset, UK

Check out the new website:

Back to Main Index

You are # Counter as of June 14, 1998

Updated Aug. 4th 2006


Formatted for 800 x 600 monitors