
Yu-Gi-Oh! Summary

Volume 27: Rising to the Semi-Finals!

v1.0, By Edo (edo_hrzic@hotmail.com)

This file is a summary of the twenty-seventh issue of the Yu-Gi-
Oh! graphic novel.  This is meant for your own, personal
enjoyment.  No, you may not use this on personal, nor public,

Yu-Gi-Oh! (c) Kazuki Takahashi and Studio Dice.  This summary (c)
2002 by Edward T. Hrzic III



Battle 233: The Dark Conflict!

In the Battle Ship infirmary, Mai is still in bad sorts. 
Jounouchi reminds Yugi of their vow, which Yugi also remembers. 
It is then that Isis gives Yugi her Millennium Tauk.  It has lost
its powers, since Kaiba changed the course of the future that she
had seen.

At night, both Yugis contemplate the time that will come when all
of the items will be gathered together, and be placed in the
coffin in Egypt...

As well, Malik makes his way to Rishid's room to kill him. 
However, Bakura is lying in wait, along with the real Malik as a
subconsciousness.  Malik thinks that he has Bakura immobilized,
but the Millennium Ring saves him.  Since Dark Malik has no
intentions of handing over the Rod, it will be up to them to
settle it in the way of Millennium Item holders  - a Game of
Darkness.  Bakura and Dark Malik make their way to the top of the
Battle Ship for a duel.

Battle 234: Darkness vs. Darkness!

The only condition is that the loser disappears permanently. 
Both agree.  Before the game, Malik and Dark Malik have a
conversation.  Even though Malik had intentions of rage and
destruction, it was only against the Pharaoh.  Dark Malik, on the
other hand, has a far more darker purposes.  Even if it means the
death of his own body, Malik wants the Dark Malik to be stopped.
Then the duel begins.

Bakura places a card, then summons a Goblin Zombie in attack mode
(4/1100/1050), and ends his turn.  Malik draws, places a card,
then summons a Drillago (4/1600/1100).  He attacks, but Bakura
activates his Trap card, "Earthbound Counterattack", which does
500 damage to Malik every time he attacks.  Before the effect
activates, Malik uses his placed Trap Remover to destroy the Trap
card.  (B's LP: 3500).

It's not that Bakura sees that a chunk of his arm is missing,
though it still functions.  He looks into the darkness to see a
set of fangs lying in wait.  Whenever a player loses Life Points
in the duel, the beast will "eat" the player's body.  And when
all of a player's LP are gone, he will disappear.

Battle 235: The Consuming Darkness!

Bakura begins his next turn, and fully realizes that the Dark
Necrophia tactic will not work on Dark Malik, as he's already
seen it.  He will need another tactic.  Malik then tells him not
be afraid of the God card, and gives Bakura the key on how to
defeat it (note Dark Malik commenting on their little "time
out").  He places two cards, and summons a Gelnia (4/1300/1200)
in defense mode.

Malik's turn comes around, and he plays the "Coins From Heaven" 

Each player draws until he or she has five cards in his or her

However, Dark Malik still didn't get Ra.  Bakura decides to help
him along by activating the "Dark Tutor" card.

Name a card.  Your opponent puts the named card from his or her
deck into his or her hand.

Bakura called "Ra", which Dark Malik puts into his hand. 
However, Bakura has another placed card laying in wait.

Activate this card only if each player has 3 or more cards in his
or her hand.  Each player discards his or her hand.  This card
does 100 damage to the player that activated it.  Afterward, each
player draws 5 cards.

This means that Ra is now discarded, and Bakura feels that he has
nothing left to worry about (B's LP: 2900).

Bakura begins his turn by placing a card, and summoning
"Controller of Dead Spirits - Puppetmaster."

When the Puppetmaster is summoned, pay 1000 Life Points and call
three dead Monsters from your Cemetery.

Bakura revives his Headless Knight, Dark Necrophia and Gelnia. 
However, he must wait until the next turn to attack since they're
Special Summons (B's LP: 1900).

Dark Malik draws his card, and can do nothing but laugh and say
"One turn kill."

Battle 236: The Dark Revival of God!

Kaiba runs simulations in the computer room.  Even with his Virus
Combo Deck, which includes Obelisk, the simulations only show him
a 13% chance of defeating Ra.  Kaiba then goes through an
analysis of each God card's abilities.  Ra is a Quick Summon,
which allows it to attack the turn that it is Special Summoned. 
And with Ra's final hidden ability, if it should be Special
Summoned from the Cemetery with Raise Dead, it would be capable
of destroying the opponent in one turn, in other words, a one
turn kill.

Meanwhile, Dark Malik looks down at the card he has drawn: Raise
Dead.  He plays Raise Dead to bring Ra into play.  Malik and
Bakura can't believe it, since it has attack and defense
strengths of zero, but Dark Malik begins to chant Hieratic, and
his body begins to disappear.

It's then revealed that's Ra's final hidden ability is that you
can pay all but 1 of your Life Points to increase Ra's attack and
defense strengths by that much until the end of the turn (M's LP:
1).  Ra attacks, and its God Breath Cannon destroys each of
Bakura's Monsters.

Dark Malik won, and as Bakura disappears, he says: "I've lost
this time.  But remember...I will definitely be back, and I will
kill you...because I AM the darkness."

Battle 237: The Night Before the Deadly Battle!

Anzu makes her way into Isis room.  Anzu had been possessed by
Malik.  He asks his sister to hide Rishid.

Kaiba is still running simulations, to the point where he has not
been able to sleep.  Mokuba tells him that he should get some
rest.  There are just about to arrive at the Duel Tower, on a
self-styled island called Alcatraz.

Dark Malik, on the other hand, is about to finish off Rishid,
when he sees that Rishid is no longer in his bed.  Yugi and Dark
Yugi have a conversation in the room of Dark Yugi's Mind.  Even
Dark Yugi doesn't know why his room is a labyrinth of doors and
traps.  And unknown to them, the Mind Spy tactic that Bakura used
earlier let Bakura around in Yugi's Mind Room.  But he has still
yet to find the correct door...

Battle 238: Rising to the Semi-Finals!

The Duel Tower is a marvel of virtual reality engineering.  It
was a project of Kaiba's late step father.

To decide the final players, a Battle Royale (free for all) would
be held.  The first two players to be eliminated would face off
in the semi-finals, and the remaining two would be the remaining
two contestants.

Battle 239: The Crossing Souls!

The Battle Royale starts off with each player choosing a Monster
card from his or her deck.  The one with the highest attack
strength goes first.  However, that card can no longer be used in
that duel.  The order turns out to be Kaiba, Malik, Yugi, then

Kaiba places a card, and summons a Blood Vors (4/1900/1200). 
Malik summons a Nyudoryuga in defense mode, and ends his turn.

When this Monster goes to the Cemetery, defeat 1 Monster on the

Yugi summons a Big Shield Guarder (4/1/2600), places a card and
ends his turn.  Jounouchi's turn comes, but he has no Monsters to
play.  He places one card and ends his turn.

Kaiba attacks Jounouchi, but Yugi throws his Big Shield Guarder
in the way.

Battle 239: Beckoning Attack!  Pursuing Attack!

After some bickering between Yugi, Kaiba and Jounouchi, Malik's
turn comes.  He places a card, and summons a Lord Poison
(4/1500/1000) in defense mode.  He attacks Kaiba's Blood Vors
with the Nyudoryuga.  It's destroyed, but its ability also
destroys the Blood Vors.  Malik then uses the Magic card, Curse
of Pain.

All damage done to you this turn is instead done to another

Malik chooses Jounouchi (J's LP: 3300).  Yugi draws, sacrifices
his Big Shield Guarder, and summons a Gilfar Demon (6/2200/2500). 
He attacks Kaiba directly.

However, Kaiba activates a Trap card, Attack-Drawing Armor.

Redirects an attack to a Monster that has this cursed armor

Kaiba sends the attack to Malik's Lord Poison, but Malik
activates Mirror Force.  Yugi then activates his Trap Remover,
destroy the Mirror Force.  The attack goes through and destroys
Malik's Lord Poison (M's LP: 3300).

Battle 241: Choose Your Adversary!

Jounouchi draws and summons Gear Freed (4/1800/1600), and he
attacks Kaiba directly (K's LP: 2200).  Kaiba sets two Reverse
cards, and summons a Blade Knight (4/1600/1000), and attacks
Malik directly (M's LP: 1700).  Malik draws and plays a Dark

When this Monster is Summoned, reduce the attack strength of a
Monster on the Field by 800.

Malik chooses Gear Freed for the effect, and attacks it. 
Jounouchi activates his Shield in the Right Hand, Sword in the
Left hand.  Then Kaiba activates his Shrink Magic card.  Gear
Freed is destroyed (J's LP: 2600).  Yugi then begins his turn.


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