
Yu-Gi-Oh! Summary

Volume 26: The One Chosen By God

v1.0, By Edo (hrzic@hawaii.edu)

This file is a summary of the twenty-third issue of the Yu-Gi-Oh!
tankoubon (i.e. "graphic novel").  This is meant for your own,
personal enjoyment.  No, you may not use this on personal, nor
public, sites.

Yu-Gi-Oh! (c) Kazuki Takahashi and Studio Dice.  This summary (c)
2001 by Edward T. Hrzic III



Battle 224: The Beginning of the "Future!"

Yugi has jumped in the way of the attack that Jounouchi was
supposed to take.  He collapses.  However, that attack didn't
stop the game, and for all intents and purposes, Mai took the
hit, and her Life Points were reduced to zero.

Since she lost, Malik inflicts a Game Penalty on Mai, where she
is stuck in an hourglass with insects crawling all over her. 
Malik tells Jounouchi that she has twenty-four hours before she

Kaiba's concentrating on other things, namely having Mokuba
download the data from Ra and trying to interpret the Hieratic. 
Yugi gets up, and the next round is to begin: Kaiba versus Isis

Battle 225: Kaiba's Confrontation!

Kaiba's shocked for a moment that he has to face Isis, the one
who gave him The God of Obelisk, but takes it in stride, as
confident as ever.

Kaiba starts off, summoning a Blood Vors (4/1900/1200), and
placing a card.  Isis already knows it.  Isis summons a Keldo
(4/1200/1600) in defense mode, and then plays "Path of the Grave"
(Each player looks at his or her opponent's turn, and chooses 2
cards there to be discarded.  Each player then shuffles his or
her hand into his or her deck, and draws a number of cards that
were held previously.)

Isis gets a vision of her true brother being imprisoned by the
other Malik.  Kaiba attacks, and destroys the Isis' Keldo.  Isis
already knows Kaiba's next turn.  He is getting ready to play the
Shrink card on his monster, and activate the Deck-Destruction
Virus of Death.

Battle 226: The One Chosen By God

Kaiba places two cards and ends his turn.  Isis summons a Mudora
(4/1500/1800), and receives a vision of Kaiba's Obelisk
exploding, and he being reduced to zero Life Points.  She's
waiting for him to summon Obelisk.  She plays Dagra Blade,
increasing the Mudora's attack strength by 500 (to 2000), and
attacks the Blood Vors.

Kaiba activates Shrink, reducing his Blood Vors to half its
attack strength, then, actives the Virus, destroying the Mudora
and the monsters in Isis' deck.  Kaiba is then ready to play
another Virus card.  Isis places a card and ends her turn.

Kaiba's turn comes and he draws Obelisk.  Isis already knows it. 
He summons a Death Gremlin (4/1600/1800) and attacks Isis
directly (I's LP: 2400).

Battle 227: The Twilight Cemetery

Isis has another vision of Obelisk being destroyed.  Jounouchi
and Yugi contemplate the duel, and Yugi comes to the conclusion
that Isis is "protecting" the Cemetery  - and that is her tactic. 
Kaiba places a card, then plays the Magic Removal Virus Cannon. 
This forces Isis to discard ten Magic card from her deck.

Isis then activates the "Reversed Worlds" (Pay 1000 Life Points. 
Activate when your Cemetery has fifteen or more cards.  Each
player exchanges his or her deck with his or her Cemetery). 
Since Kaiba only had six cards in his Cemetery, he now only has
six cards in his deck.  So, he has seven turns left.

Isis summons a Kelbek (4/1500/1800) and ends her turn.  Kaiba
draws his card, the Virus Cannon, but Isis activates the "Negate"
Trap card, forcing him to discard it.

Kaiba has the "Cross Soul" card in his hand, but must wait in
order to summon Obelisk.  Isis summons a Zolga (4/1700/1200).

Yugi tells Kaiba that he had better win to settle their own

Battle 228: The Destruction of Obelisk?!

Zolga attacks, destroying the Death Gremlin, and then directly
attacks with the Kelbek (K's LP: 1350).  She places a card, and
ends her turn.  Kaiba draws, the Isis activates another Negate.

Kaiba places a card (Cross Soul), and ends his turn.  Isis places
a card, the "Explosive Sacrificial Embrace" (Choose a monster on
the Field to carry the explosive.  If that monster is sacrificed
to summon a monster and that monster attacks, destroy it and do
damage to its player equal to the monster's attack strength). 
She then summons an Agido (4/1500/13600).

Kaiba takes that opportunity to activate Cross Soul, sacrificing
all three of her monsters, and summoning Obelisk.

Battle 229: Blue Memory!

Kaiba is getting ready to attack with Obelisk, but is having
slight second thoughts.  Something didn't seem right about the
situation; both Yugi and Kaiba feel it in some way.

Malik assumes that Kaiba is going to lose, and begins to walk
away.  Just as Kaiba attacks with Obelisk, the Millennium Rod in
Malik's grasp begins to glow, and Kaiba stops his attack.  He has
a vision of himself holding a woman in front of a stone card of
Blue Eyes White Dragon.  Trusting in this vision, he plays
"Silent Rebirth" (Place a monster from your Cemetery onto the
Field in defense mode.  It can't attack), reviving a Gadget
Soldier.  He then sacrifices both the Gadget Soldier and Obelisk.

Battle 230: Defeating The Future!

Kaiba sacrifices both the Gadget Soldier and Obelisk.  Isis can
only watch in terror and whisper "The future has changed..." as
Kaiba summons Blue Eyes.  Kaiba attacks and wins the duel.

Isis tells him that he has shown her something: the light of
hope, as the Millennium Tauk gave her nothing but a hopeless view
of the future that cannot be changed.

Kaiba walks into the room where Mokuba is trying to translate
Ra's effect, and is horrified that he can actually read it.

Battle 231: The Darkness of the Past

The group goes in to see Mai, who hasn't changed at all.  It's
here that Isis goes into how the power of the other Malik was

Malik, Isis and Rishid live underground to protect the Cemetery. 
However, Malik wants to see the world above the ground.  Isis
takes him, but has Rishid watch out for them as their father
sleeps.  Above in a marketplace, Malik and Isis walk around,
whereupon he finds a discarded magazine with a picture of a
motorcycle.  However, they don't have any more time, and they
have to go back.  Unknown to them, Shadi has been watching them. 
He tells them that blood will be spilled in their family for the
family to continue.

Battle 232: The Family's Darkness!

Shadi then disappears into the crowd.  As they make their way
back, Isis tells him to forget about what Shadi said, and make
their way back.  As Malik stays outside a little, Isis makes a
discovery of something that she missed: there was a rope that was
attached to the door that they left to go above ground.  It turns
out that it is a trap for those that would leave from below

Rishid is not found in his room, but is found in the ceremonial
room, where Ishtahl is torturing him with a heated knife. 
Ishtahl strikes him once more, where Rishid appears to die. 
Malik is to be next.  The other Malik then takes over Malik's
body.  He takes the Rod, and even though his father objects,
Malik uses its power to immobilize both his father and Isis. 
Isis can only watch, helpless, as Malik uses the blade from the
Rod to not only kill his father, but carve the "tattoo" of the
God cards off of his back.

Rishid is still alive, and brings Malik back to his sane self. 
However, the deed is done.  Shadi, who appears, states that it is
the will of the Pharaoh's spirit that has made this happen.


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