
Yu-Gi-Oh! Summary

Volume 18: Millennium Battle!!

v1.0, By Edo (hrzic@hawaii.edu)

This file is a summary of the eighteenth issue of the Yu-Gi-Oh!
tankoubon (i.e. "graphics novel").  This is meant for your own,
personal enjoyment.  No, you may not use this on personal, nor
public, sites.

Yu-Gi-Oh! (c) Kazuki Takahashi and Studio Dice.  This summary (c)
2000 by Edward T. Hrzic III



Battle 152: The Run To Battle City!!

The Rare Hunter has revealed the five parts of Exodia in his
hand.  He tells Jounouchi that he has three copies of each of the
parts of Exodia in his deck.  He knocks out Jounouchi, and takes
his Red Eyes Black Dragon.

Both Yugis have spent the entire night building a grand deck, and
they make their way to the center of Domino city for the
announcement top commence by Seto.

Yugi sees Mai (who asks for Jounouchi) and they chat before being
met by Ryuzaki, Haga and Ryouta.  The three get into an argument
about whose deck is better, but Yugi and Mai leave that group.

At that time, Seto shows his face a giant screen on top of a
building.  He explains the ground rules of the tournament: when a
battle is fought, a player must bet a rare card, plus a "Puzzle
Card" that each of the players has (their first is attached to
their Duel Disk).  Once enough Puzzle cards have been gained,
they will show the location of the final area.

The tournament is almost ready to start, and Mai beds farewell to
Yugi, telling him that she'll see him later in the city.

Yugi wonders why Jounouchi is late, and as if on cue, he hears
the voice.  Yugi finds out that Jounouchi's Red Eyes has been
taken by the Rare Hunter.  Yugi says that he will get Jounouchi's
card back by defeating the Rare Hunter.

Battle 153: Unforgivable Person!!

Yugi has challenged the Rare Hunter, and Jounouchi is about to
tell him what the Hunter's deck theme is.  Yugi stops him as a
matter of pride.

They wait, and when the clock hits nine o'clock, they begin their
battle.  Both of them draws their cards, and the Rare Hunter
already has two parts of Exodia in his hand.

Yugi starts with "Illusion Animal King Gazeru" (4/1500/1200) in
attack mode, then ends his turn.  The Hunter draws and plays
"Angel's Gift", and now has three parts of Exodia.  He then plays
"Aztec Statue" (4/3/2000) in Defense mode.

Yugi draws and plays "Bafometto" (4/1400/1800), then fuses both
it and Gazeru into "Illusion Animal Chimera" (2100/1800).  He
can't attack, because in the Super Expert Rules, a fused monster
cannot attack on the turn it is fused.  Hunter draws, and plays
another Angel's Gift, and now has four Exodia parts.  He has
special contact lenses that allows him to see the next card on
his deck.  It is the final part that he needs to win.

He plays "Air Patrol Golem" (4/800/2200).  Yugi wonders what his
tactics are, and then puts two and two together: high-defense
monsters and card drawing.  "I won't allow you to summon Exodia."

Battle 154: Destroyed Deck?!

Yugi draws "Chain Destruction" (Destroy a monster on the Field
with attack of 2000 or less, and all copies of that monster in
its player's deck).  He places a card, then destroys the Aztec
Statue with Chimera.  He places another card, then ends his turn.

Hunter anticipates the win, but just as he's about to draw, Yugi
activates a placed card, "Hand-Sealing Sword of Light".  It grabs
an Exodia part from his hand, sealing it in play.  Yugi then
activates "Chain Destruction", destroying it and all copies in
Hunter's deck.  "Exodia has been obliterated..."

Hunter cannot win, and is possessed by Malik, who reveals himself
to Yugi.

Battle 155: Millennium Battle!!

Malik tells Yugi that he can control people (such as the Rare
Hunter), and he is searching for the three Legendary God Cards. 
By getting all three God cards, the controller will gain ultimate
power.  Malik also says that the "Ghouls" (the team of Rare
Hunters) already have two of them.  Malik then cancels the
possession after telling Yugi that his Millennium Rod is the item
that can control people.

Yugi takes the Red Eyes, and tries to give it back to Jounouchi. 
He doesn't accept, as a matter of Duelist pride.  He wants to get
the card back by winning it from Yugi.  Yugi agrees that he will
battle Jounouchi any time.  Jounouchi then leaves with his final
rare ("Time Magician").  Yugi puts Red Eyes away for safe

Jounouchi meets Ryuzaki, who has just lost to Esper Roba.  He
tells Jounouchi that Roba has some sort of psychic power that
allows him to see the cards in his opponent's hand.  Ryuzaki
tells him it's useless, but Jounouchi challenges Roba anyway.

Battle 156: Psychic Attack!!

Roba bets his Psycho Shocker, and Jounouchi bets his Time
Magician (both also bet a puzzle card).

They start, and Jounouchi plays "Girutia" (6/1850/1500).  Roba
puts his hand forward, and Girutia is destroyed.  Jounouchi is
scared, thinking it's psychic power.  Ryuzaki and the gallery
laugh, because Jounouchi's forgotten the high-level sacrifice
rule for the Super Expert Rules.

Roba plays "Cyber Raider" (4/1400/1000) and attacks (J's LP:
2600).  Jounouchi draws, and Roba reads the cards in his hand,
saying that he has two "Angel's Dice Roll".

Jounouchi looks closely at his hand, and figures out Roba's
tactic.  He plays "Randostar Swordsman" (3/500/1200), then plays
two cards.

Roba sacrifices Cyber Raider to summon "Giga Cyber"
(6/2200/1200).  Jounouchi then activates his Magic card, "Angel's
Rolls" (Choose 1 of your monsters with attack of 500 or less and
roll a die.  That monster's attack is multiplied by that roll.) 
The die comes up 3, and multiplies Randostar' attack is 1500. 
Giga Cyber attacks, then Jounouchi activates his other places
card, "Demon's Roll" (Like "Angel's Roll", but your opponent's
monster is divided by the roll.)  The die comes up 5, and Cyber's
attack is reduced to 440.  Randostar destroys it.  (R's LP:
2940).  Jounouchi realized that Roba can only see cards in his
hand that are revealed (the Demon's Roll was hidden under the
Angel's Roll, but enough was show that it has a similar picture). 
This means that someone is watching his hand from somewhere.

And up on a roof, Roba's three little brothers are shocked.

Battle 157: Psychic Deck's Final Attack!!

Roba places a card.  Jounouchi summons "Wyvern Warrior"
(4/1500/1200), and attacks Roba directly (R's LP: 1440). 
Randostar then attacks, but Roba activates his "Puppet Strings"
Trap card, gaining control of Randostar for two turns.  Jounouchi
places a card.

Roba draws, then plays "Brain Control", gaining control of the
Wyvern.  He sacrifice's both to play "Psycho Shocker"
(7/2400/1500).  However, it's ability is that Trap cards cannot
be activated, so Jounouchi placed card is useless.  It attacks
Jounouchi directly (J's LP: 200).

Battle 158: The Run of Bravery!!

Jounouchi draws a "Baby Dragon" (4/1200/700), but plays "Scape
Goat", placing four sleeping goats between him and Roba.

Roba draws on his turn, placing a "Electric Skullcap" on Psycho
Shocker, increasing its attack to 2900.  He then plays "Reflect
Bounder" (1700/1000).  They both attack, destroying two goats.
Roba tells Jounouchi to give up, but he won't.  "Because I'm a

Jounouchi draws the "Roulette Spider", and plays it.  It grabs
the face of the monster with the highest attack (Psycho Shocker),
and spins around in a circle.  Whatever monster or player it
points at, that's the area it attacks.  It spins and lands on the
Reflect Bounder.  Psycho Shocker attacks it, but the Bounder's
effect is that reflects an equal attack strength back a the
attacker.  Both are destroyed.  Roba has no monsters in play. 
Jounouchi plays "Baby Dragon" and attacks Roba, defeating him.

Battle 159: Seeing God!

Jounouchi and Roba talk, at first as enemies, but as fellow
Duelists.  Jounouchi then leaves with the Psycho Shocker and
Puzzle card.

In another area of Battle City, one player is harassing another
player, when Mokuba and Seto enter the area.  Seto then rips up
the harasser's Diamond Dragon, telling him that he will battle,
and will ante his entire trunk case of cards.  Seto also tells
him that the man is free to use any cards in that case that he

They start the battle when Seto says "I'll show you God."  There
is a large explosion.  Seto leaves the man pale and terrified, as
the image of Obelisk attacks.  The man screams.

Battle 160: Malik's Move

Malik is informed the Seto has the last God card.  Malik then
gets ready to leave.  He takes the Ra card, and removes his
Ghouls garb, showing the impression of the three god cards from
the tablet in the museum.  It is revealed here that Isis is
Malik's sister.  Apparently, Yugi killed their father.

Both Yugi's are waiting in Battle City for Jounouchi, when they
wonder how the Rare Hunter knew that Jounouchi had a Red Eyes. 
They remember the store where they got the Duel Disk, and rush to
it.  It's closed, but they open the door to find a computer on,
with Yugi's data on it.  A Black Magician rises from the screen. 
The second Rare Hunter, Pandora, reveals himself.  He is also a
user of the Black Magician, and challenges Yugi to a Duel.


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