

Transcribed by Edward T. Hrzic III (hrzic@hawaii.edu)


(Aya enters the 79th floor of the Chrysler Building.  There is
slime all around, and something that looks like a cocoon in the
rear end of the room.  The cocoon opens, and a young girl stands
up.  Aya trains her gun on it.)

Aya: My... my eyes!

Little girl: No...
  I really AM here.  What you're
  seeing isn't an illusion...

(Aya lowers her gun.)

Aya: M, Maya?

Little girl: ......

Aya: You're Maya, aren't you?

Little girl: Hahaha...

  You're wrong again...

  I'm the original Eve.

(Aya trains her gun back on the girl.)

Aya: ORIGINAL? EVE? What do
  you mean?!

Eve: The mitochondria of Melissa was
  transplanted from this young body.

  Hans Klamp gave my cornea to you,
  and after giving the kidney to

  he continued to culture my liver
  cells in order to study the
  original... me...

  As Melissa's body was giving birth
  to the Ultimate Being, I made my
  nest here...

  Just in case Melissa or the Ultimate
  Being failed... at least the
  purebred would survive.

Aya: Then you body's...

Eve: This body belongs to your
  sister... it's been cultured from
  the real thing.

Aya: NO! That's not TRUE!

Eve: Haha...
  Wanna chat with your sister?

Aya: Wha...?

(A pause.)

Maya: Who...

  Who are you?

Aya: ......
  Maya, it's me... do you...

Maya: How do you know my

  Where's mom and dad?

  Where's Aya...?

(Aya lowers her gun once again.)

Aya:  Are... are you really Maya?

Maya:  I... I was in the car
  with mom and... and then
  my body got really hot...

  Wh, where am I?!

  I HAVE to go HOME!!

  I HAVE TO! Aya's waiting
  for me...

Aya: I'm HERE, Maya!

Maya: It's...! It's getting HOT

Aya: Maya!
Little girl: ......

Aya: Maya!!
  Answer me!!

Eve: Hmph...
  Sorry to break up the reunion.

Aya: Eve?!

Eve: Did you have a nice time reminiscing?

(Aya trains her gun once again on the girl.)

Aya: Eve...!

Eve: Hmph...
  You challenging me? A purebred?

  Just remember...

  The body belongs to your sister...

(The room goes slightly bright, and the girl disppears.  In it's
place is an angelic creature [Basically, it's the Liberate form
of Aya, but appears larger since the room is basically smaller].)

[Snip of climactic, near-impossible battle.]

(The last hit makes Eve turn into a mistlike shape.  It swirls
around Aya, then disappears.)

Aya: Maya...

(The room goes slightly dark, and with the sound of a heartbeat,
Aya drops to one knee.)

Aya: It's getting hot again!
  No, not again!

(The heartbeat sounds again, and the room goes slightly darker.)

Aya: Urgh!

"I have awakened."

Aya: What?
  What's this voice...?
  It's coming from within my body!

(Another heartbeat, and the room goes darker.)

"The time has finally arrived."

Aya: No... you CAN'T BE!!

(Another heartbeat, and the room goes almost totally black.)


Aya: ...E... EVE?!

(Aya stands up.)

Eve: Until a while ago, Maya's
  body had the most evolutionary
  form of mitochondria.

  But now... Your mitochondria
  has surpassed Maya's...

  I am now the highest form of
  mitochondria ever present!

Aya: They're competing...?!

Eve: That's what evolution is all
  about. Survival of the fittest,

  Humans are the same.

  All knowledge and technology...
  You see, it's all about competition.

  In war, you use that knowledge and
  technology to determine who will

  It's the same in the animal kingdom
  where they tear their prey apart...

Aya: S, stop it!

Eve: Impossible... we have survived war.
  The time has come for us to be

(The room gets a little brighter.)

"S, stop..."

(The room then goes darker again.)

Aya: ?!

(The room then goes brighter once again.)

"Don't interfere..."

(The room goes dark again, and Aya goes down to one knee.)

Eve: What?!
  Are there others, too?!

  Other than you and I?!


Aya: Maya?!

(The room goes fully bright.)

Maya: This place belongs to me and Aya!

(The room goes a bit darker.)

Eve: Urgh!

(The room goes brighter.)

Maya: You're not going to
  I won't let YOU!!

Eve: N, NO!!!

Maya: I...

Eve: The evolution of your
  nucleus is...

Maya: ...go home...
  I have to go...

Eve: is above... I had no...
Maya: I need to go home...

Eve: so it seems...
Maya: She's waiting...

Eve: I'm... losing consciousness.
Maya: Aya is waiting! She's
  waiting for me!

Aya: My body... It's back to
  normal... before Eve ever came

  Before I came to have all that
(Aya stands back up.)

Aya: ......


  I've been waiting... I've always
  been waiting for you to come home
  with mom...

  And I've always been looking for
  the other "me"...

Aya: ...But you're always been with me,
  haven't you...?

  ALWAYS... All this time...

(There is a pause, then Aya turns and puts her hand to her

Aya: Let's go home, Maya.
  Let's go back for good...

(And as Aya leaves the room, and the lights fade, there is the
short laugh of a little girl.)

[Cut to the alternate credits, with no singing, and CG art spread
liberally throughout.]


    Source: geocities.com/timessquare/alley/Alley/2247

               ( geocities.com/timessquare/alley/Alley)                   ( geocities.com/timessquare/alley)                   ( geocities.com/timessquare)