Infinity Gems for "Street Fighter: The Storyteller" game, based
upon the coin-op game, 'Marvel Super Heroes' from Capcom.

By Ed Hrzic
All trademarked works belong to their respective owners, namely
Marvel Comics and Capcom.

If playing within the Marvel Universe using the SF game, then the
Infinity Gems would allow the fighters a certain elements of
surprise, and strategy involved within the game.  The statistics
and effects of the gems follow, with their uses and implications
given later.
  There are a total of six Infinity Gems:  Mind, Power, Reality,
Space, Soul and Time.  Each of these Gems has a different effect
on the fighter, for a short period of time.  Each of the gems'
powes last for 3 rounds, and then the effect ends.  The gem is
then rendered inoperable for the rest of the bout.

  MIND -- The Mind gem allows the fighter to unlock the potential
of her mind, and fight with unending power.  The effect is that
she has an unlimited supply of Chi and Willpower to accomplish
her attacks.  When the effect of the gem wears off, the Chi and
Willpower are completely restored to their levels when she enter
the bout.  (If you are using my Super Meter rules, then the gem
also allows you unlimted Super Level uses.  However, when the
effect wears off, you are left with an empty meter, and NO stored
  POWER -- The Power gem increases the fighter's strength to the
point of being deadly.  Her Strength attribute increases by one-
half (i.e. a Strength of 6 now becomes 9), and is applied to the
damage of special attacks.  The Strength value returns to normal
when the gem wears off.
  REALITY -- The Reality gem bends reality through force.  This
allows the fighter to fire balls of "reality" at her opponent. 
These projectiles have a range of the fighter's Wits + Focus, and
have a damage value of 5.  Launching these projectiles requires
thought only, and shooting them does not expend the fighter's
action for the turn (although any other move used during the turn
is at -1 Speed for each ball fired).  A fighter may fire two
balls per turn.
  SPACE -- The Space gem allows the fighter to become surrounded
with a set of "space armor."  Her Stamina increases by one-half,
and cannot be knocked down for the duration of the gem's affect.
  SOUL -- The Soul gem unlocks an additional healing power within
the fighter.  She restores 1 Health level per turn of the gem's
  TIME -- The Tim gem speeds up time for the fighter.  This
allows her to attack with quickness and ferocity.  All of her
attacks gain a +2 Speed modifier while the gem is affecting her.

A gem is "activated" simply by spending an action.  The effects
take place starting the following round.
  The gems can allow for different strategies in the game.  If
you are playing a 'Marvel Super Heroes' SF game, then each
opposing fighter comes to the match with a single gem.  The type
of gem should be decided by the game master, with a random roll:
1 = Mind, 2 = Power, 3 = Reality, 4 = Space, 5 = Soul, 6 = Time,
7-9 = Re-roll, 10 = Player chooses.
  If a fighter has a gem and has not used it, any unblocked
special attack that does damage to the holder will cause the gem
to fall to the ground in front of her.  This gem can be picked up
by either fighter, expending an action to do so.
  If the time limits for the gems are too short for your
fighters, then icrease them.  I would suggest 5 rounds being the
maximum (Zangief with a Power gem makes a very ugly...and very

  Fighting Thanos in SF?  Perhaps.  But maybe later.

    Source: geocities.com/timessquare/alley/Alley/2247

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