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Our Goals
Our goals as a guild are to make friends, gain support from each other, wreak havoc on player killers, and have fun.
Our View on Player Killing
Player killing makes the game interesting, but I don't think it makes the game any more fun than role-playing the game. If you are bored with the game, stop playing or do something to make it more enjoyable. Don't ruin it for all the new players and people that still enjoy the game.
Participating in the Guild
To participate in the guild you must wear our guild colors (black and royal blue) and maintain order at all times. We hang out on IRC to fool around, in game order is to be kept. 

I recommend you have IRC (Get a client at because all of our meetings will be held there. If you want to have close contact to the guild at all times or come to see if you want to join the guild here is where we hang out: 

Port: 6667-6669 
Channel: #uo-sl 

I also recommend that you have ICQ in case IRC in not working (it happens ;). You can get it at

How the Guild Works (Ranking, etc.)
The guild basically works like this: 

1. There is myself, the leader. 
2. Under me come three Generals. These members take orders directly from me. 
3. All other members are equal, and can take up any matters that need to be looked at with myself or the three Generals.

Guild Meetings
Guild meetings are to be held every week. The day as to which they will be held will be posted at least 3 days ahead of time on the members section of this site. (It can also be found in the IRC news.)