Gandalf the White

Gandalf the White Owner
Graham Stanton

Character Name
Gandalf the White


Level 27 Warrior-Mage

Str: 100, Int: 100, Wil: 100, Agi: 100, End: 100, Per: 13, Spd: 100, Luc: 42, 679hp

Mage's Guild-Archmage, Fighter's Guild-Warder, Knights of the Dragon-Paladin, Dark Brotherhood- Slayer, Akatosh Chantry-Initiate

Yes! Hircine's Ring makes it the best thing that ever happened to him.

No! Vampirism makes an adventurer lose all guild affiliations.

Special note from webmaster Andel Crodo

As we all know, the legendary Gandalf leads a life filled with adventure. He did not linger in the Gallery for long. Perhaps one day he shall have enough time to relax and share a tale or two with us. I shall keep you posted.

Be sure to keep your character's portrait current. Send me updates often!

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