Chrono Trigger has literally hundreds of people, places and things to keep track of, and your actions have an enormous impact on the way the history of the world unfolds, and vice versa. You should always talk to people after you visit a new time period or complete a task. You never know what new clue may surface or what significant change may occur. Remember that you're traveling through time, and the smallest act may sprout great consequences over the couse of centuries. Though your ultimate goal to defeat the monstrous Lavos never changes, the situations, people and places that you've come to know may change, depending on what you do. Will you succeed in your mission, but change something or someone close to you in the process? Can you be sure what you're doing is right? Only time will tell!


No one knows who or what the mysterious Spekkio really is, but he waits patiently for you at The End of Time. When you first encounter him. he'll teach you magic and enable you to learn more than two Techniques, expanding your attack options. Be sure to bring new party members to him, so that they, too, can learn the ways of magic. Spekkio also tests you by challenging you to duels throughout the game. If you're victorious, he'll reward you with various Tabs, Ethers and Elixirs. As you grow stronger Spekkio changes form to keep pace with you, and offer you greater challenges and rewards. You'll receive only one set of rewards for each form you defeat.

(When Spekkio asks you to walk around his chamber, be sure to touch all the corners)


Gaspar is the old man at the End of Time, and he'll occasionally give you clues about your current task. After you bring Crono beck to your party, he'll say that you should "help someone close to you." Even if you complete a number of different optional missions he'll still say the same thing.


While you're struggling to save the world, Lucca's mother accidentally gets her legs caught in a machine, but you can prevent this tragedy. After you defeat The Black Omen, the Sunken Desert will appear next to Fiona's House in 600 A.D. Defeat the skeleton there, then go to Fiona's house. Robo will stay behind to work on reviving the forest. When you return to Fiona's house in 1000 A.D., you'll find that it has become Fiona's Shrine, and that Robo is still there. Be sure to save your game at this point. Now take Robo back into your party, and you'll be transported to a campfire scene. Lucca announces that she's going back in time to save her mother. Once inside the house, you'll find a note on the kitchen table that reads, "Lucca's mother's name is the password." Enter the living room to see Lucca's younger self and her mother. When Lucca's mother's legs get caught in the machine, the game will ask for a password. Press L, A, R and A to stop the machine. This may be difficult to do, and you have only one chance to enter the password correctly. If it doesn't work, you can start over from your last save point. If you succeed, you can return to 1000 A.D. to see Lucca's mother walking around her house, a picture of perfect health!


Though it's not necessary to complete the game, the Moon Stone is a precious item, nonetheless. This seemingly harmless hunk of rock can be transformed into the incredible Sun Stone. It will take a lot of maneuvering to change the Moon Stone into the Sun Stone, but it will be well worth the effort! After you destroy the Blackbird, go to the Sun Palace in 2300 A.D. and defeat the Son of Sun to get the Moon Stone. Take the stone to the Sun Keep in 65,000,000 B.C. and place it on the spot where the sunlight shines down. Upon your return to 1000 A.D. you'll find that the stone is gone. The Mayor now has the Moon Stone, but he's a greedy sort and won't give it up for anything! Is there any way to change his mind? Perhaps if he was taught better manners as a child, he might give the stone to you. Buy some Jerky at the Snail Stop in 1000 A.D. then travel back to 600 A.D. Once there, go to the Elder's House and give the Jerky (don't Sell it!) to the woman inside. She's the Mayor's ancestor, and because of your act of kindness, she'll teach her family the importance of generosity. This lesson will be passed down through the ages, and when you return to 1000 A.D., the Mayor will give you the Moon Stone. While you're in 1000 A.D., place the stone back in the Sun Keep, then leap ahead to 2300 A.D. In the ensuing years, the Moon Stone will transform into the Sun Stone. Lucca can combine the Sun Stone with other objects to create awesome weapons or items, including the Rainbow Sword, the most powerful blade in the game. The Sun Stone can be used only once, so be careful what you do with it!


The Tent of Horrors, otherwise known as Norstein Bekkler's Lab, may seem like mere window dressing for the game, but one of the attractions actually has a very important purpose: to help save Crono from certain death! The prize for winning the 40 Silver Point Game is a Clone of Crono. You may not realize at first that the Clone is an important item, since it is automatically transported to Crono's room and not carried in your inventory. At some point during the game, Lavos will destroy Crono with a blast of magic. The rest of your party will soldier on without him, but after several adventures, you'll find an opportunity to change history. If you proceed correctly (check Basic Ending #1) you'll appear at Crono's side mere seconds before Lavos's magical bolt hits him. You can then substitute the Clone for the real Crono, tricking Lavos and saving our young hero from destruction. Crono will rejoin the party, ready to seek out Lavos for the final confrontation!


You don't always have to go gallivantiong across time and space to collect useful items. Some of them will appear right under your nose as you complete other tasks.


No matter what the verdict is at your trial, chances are you'll end up cooling your heels in the Castle Tower. You can make a break for it, but don't bolt until you collect some of the goodies left behind by other hapless prisoners. Exit the first section of the Tower by the upper or lower path. Either way, you'll end up in the second cellblock. Find the cell with a hole blasted in the wall that leads onto a ledge.It seems like a dead end, but you can climb up and down at certain spots along the wall. You'll find more holes and gaps that lead into other cells, some of which contain valuable treasure.


The Silver Rock is located in Aruba Village in 65,000,000 B.C. During your ex-ploration of the ruins, talk to Nu in the upper right corner. The Silver Rock allows some party members to invoke the Triple Technique Spin Strike.


The Gold Rock is in the Dorano Mountains in 600 A.D., the same place you obtain the Masamune Sword. Move Frog to the front of your party and go to the spot where Free Lancer (the bird) throws rocks at you. Frog will get pelted by a few of them before he catches the Gold Rock. This rock allows you to invoke the Triple Technique Grand Dream.


The Black Rock is secreted within the Zeal Palace in the Sky in 12000 B.C. Enter the first town and open the tomes in the following order: Water, Wind and Fire. This reveals the door to a hidded chamber. If you destroy the Ocean Palace and the Zeal Palace falls to earth, the Black Rock will be destroyed in the crash. This rock allows you to use the Triple Technique Dark Eternal.


One of the most exciting aspects of Chrono Trigger is its multiple cinematic endings. While multiple endings are nothing new, they have shown up most often in action or fighting games, and have been dependent on obvious factors like the number of lives lost or continues used. In the case of Chrono Trigger, any number of factors will determine which ending you see. Most of the endings are quite different from one another, and rather than just taking the same basic ending and changing a few details, the developers took the opportunity to show different characters and aspects of the world and how they have been shaped by your adventures. Even the number of endings (eleven at last count!) sets Chrono Trigger apart from other titles!


The various endings have major, distinct differences that set them apart, but there may be small details within each that change according to specific actions taken during the game. For example, the first time you meet Magus, you have no choice but to fight him.The second time you encounter him, you have a choice whether or not to do battle. If you fight and defeat Magus, the spell on Frog will be broken. Then after the final battle with Lavos, depending on which ending you get to, you'll watch as Frog reverts to human form. If you don't fight Magus the second time, he'll join your party. He'll prove to be loyal and brave, but Frog will never regain his humanity.

(take the kinder, gentler path and save, poor Frog!)


If you're playing a regular Chrono Trigger game there are only three possible endings you can reach the first time through. The rest of the endintgs come into play once you've completed and entire game and start a New Game "+" game. (more on this in just a bit). The three basic endings are the ones most players will encounter on their own.


This is the ending that most players will get the first time they play. First of all, you must get Crono back into your party before you confront Lavos. When you meet Magus for the second time, he'll tell you to see Gaspar at The End of Time. Hop aboard the Epoch time machine for the trip. Just as you get under way, the Black Omen, Lavos's fortress, will rise out of the ocean. Gaspar will give you the Chrono Trigger and instruct you to go to the Keeper's Dome in 2300 A.D. Once there, you'll meet up with the creature known as Belthasar. He'll tell you that you need a Clone of Crono before he can do anything. Now return to 1000 A.D. and go to the Millenial Fair. Find the Tent of Horrors in Leene Square and play the 40 Silver Point Game. If you duplicate the performer's moves exactly, you'll win a Clone of Crono. The Clone will be sent to Crono's room automatically. Go to Crono's House to pick it up, then return to Belthasar in2300 A.D. He'll now activate a program that will allow you to climb Death Peak,a snowy mountain to the north of the Keeper's Dome. Make your way up the mountain and defeat the three Lavos Spawn that bar your way. Once on the summit, you'll be able to switch the Clone for Crono just moments before Crono would be destroyed by a magical attack. Crono will then rejoin your party. Now you can complete a number of optional tasks or challenge Lavos to win the game. To see the first basic ending, use the Epoch time machine or the Bucket at The End of Time to reach Lavos. If you're victorious, you'll see various scenes involving Crono and Marle.


The second basic ending shifts the focus of some of the final scenes to Crono's mother. To see this ending, get Crono back into your party, then go to Lavos by battling through the Black Omen fortress.


This is the easiest ending to get. All you have to do is challenge Lavos and lose. You'll watch helplessly as Lavos single-handedly destroys the entire world. Not a very cheerful way to end the game!


Players usually have the option to start a new game or choose one of their saved game files, but if you complete a game by going through the Black Omen to reach Lavos, a New Game "+" option will appear. This "+" game will be the same as a normal game in most respects, but your characters will start at the same power levels they were at the end of your previous game. You'll also be able to reach a number of different endings you aren't able to see in a normal game!


The key to seeing the various endings is the Lavos Gate. In the "+" game, the right telepod of Lucca's invention will transport you straight to Lavos at any point during your adventure. Watch the right telepod, for a sparkle. Stand on the sparkle and press the A Button to activate the gate. Depending on when you go to Lavos, you'll see different endings. The trick is, of course, knowing when to go.


This ending takes you on a tour to visit the Chrono Trigger programmers. All you need to do is go through the Lavos Gate right at the beginning of a "+" game.


Known in some circles as the "Weak Ending," this sequence shows Nu (a purple fellow you encounter during your adventure) chasing a frog. You get this ending by Defeating Lavos at the Ocean Palace in12000 B.C., or by going through the Lavos Gate after you come out of the Heckran Cave.


In this ending, everyone you meet looks like a frog! To reach this ending, go through the Lavos Gate right after you return from your first trip to 600 A.D. Are the people disguised as frogs or have they really become amphibians? You'll just have to play through the game and see for yourself!


You knew it had to happen sometime! Being changed into a slimy pond skipper couldn't have been a good thing for Frog's ego, and he finally has a chance to take out his frustrations on his nemesis, Magus. Go through the Lavos Gate after you obtain the Masamune and accept Frog into your party. You'll start off in Lucca's house, then you'll see Frog take on Magus in a knock-down-drag-out bout! Who can blame him?


This ending is really another beginning, so to speak.If you go through the Lavos Gate after getting Ayla back into your party, you'll jump back the the beginning of the game. The game will start as usual, except everyone will be a reptite! What happened here?


It's hard to understand Magus's motivations. First he's a bad guy, then he has a change of heart and joins you on your quest to destroy Lavos. You can give Magus an early chance to prove himself by going through the Lavos Gate after your first battle with him (the save file text will read, "The Magic Kingdom"). You'll see Magus take on Lavos all by himself!


We won't tell you exactly how to get to the last two endings, but we will give you a few big clues. You must play through most of the "+" game to see these endings, and they have much to do with whether or not two major characters are in your party when you confront Lavos for the last time. For one of the endings, you may also want to try using the Epoch time machine instead of the Lavos Gate. Most of the endings concentrate on just one or two characters, but the last two have a lot more scenes, and more of the cast have a chance in the spotlight. There's some joy, some excitement and some sadness, and you really find yourself feeling for the characters. This just goes to show the time and care the developers put into creating this fantastic game!



Checkout everything in the Square. What you do here affects what happens later. After enjoying the festivities, go see Lukka's new invention. When things go disastrously wrong, chase you new friend into the time gate.


From the mountain, head to Guardia Castle, meet the princess, and set off for the Cathedral. Meet Frog, fight Yakra, and rescue the princess. Return her to the castle, then find Nadia in Leene's room. Now return home through the gate that you used to travel to this time period.


Go from Leene Square to Guardia Castle. Remember everything you did back at Leene Square? This is where your actions are scrutinized.


First, take out the head of this boss to prevent him from casting Cure spells on himself. Next, go after the wheel to avoid retaliation. After getting out of the prison, jump to the future through a time gate in Guardia Forest.


Go through Lab No.16 and head to Arris Dome. After passing the boss, check the corpse for an imporant item. Then, obtain an access code for the computer system (look for a rat). In exchange for the item (seeds), Doan will give you a key.

The Guard Machine's bits unleash nasty counterattacks when the main machine is attacked. Go after the two independent bits first, then the main unit. (This strategy tends to work for many bosses.)

If you can't win the race, cross Ruins No. 32 on foot. Just conserve your Turbo booster until the race's last leg.

After getting Robo, head to the factory site. The key to the gate inside Promo Dome is in the factory.

After opening the door to the generator with the secret code, fire up the generator and return to Promo Dome.


Speak to the old man at the End of Time, then enter the door behind you and talk with Specchio to learn magic spells.


Make your way to Melchior's house, listen to him, then head to Hekeran's cave.


Magic spells are the only effective means of fighting this boss. Make sure you have items for regaining MP. Jump into a spring and you'll reappear close to Lukka's house.


Check into Lukka's house occasionally; her father will prepare new protective gear for his daughter.

Return to the old man at the End of Time, then head to 600 A.D.


Head to Zenan Bridge and talk to the leader of the knights. Then return to Guardia Castle. Talk to the head cook in the basement and collect beef jerky as you exit the castle.

Go back to Zenan Bridge, give the meat to the leader of the knights, and cross the bridge.


Zombor is a tough boss with 800-900 HP for its upper and lower halves separately. The upper half is weak against water spells, and the lower half is weak against fire spells.VILLAGE OF PORRO 600 A.D.

Chat with the people and load up with supplies, then follow Tata, the child hero, to Denadoro Mountain.

At the cave near the peak, two brothers await with a part of a legendary weapon.

Concentrate your attacks on either Masa or Mune. When one goes down, they will fuse for round two with a fresh dose of 3600 HP and a mean spell. Fight them with spells.

After descending the mountain, visit Tata's house. Then, head to the forest inhabited by the alleged monster frog and look for a secret hideout. Find the blade of a sword and discover that it was make by Melchior. Return to Melchior's house in Medina, 1000 A.D. Melchior needs the Dreamstone from the distant past. To leave Medina, you must backtrack through Hekran cave and dive into the water.


Travel to 65,000 B.C. and link up with Eila. Head to Ioka Village and enjoy yourself at a feast that includes a "soup race." When you wake up with an intense hangover you will realize that you've been robbed of an extremely important item. Head to the Maze Forest with Eila for a showdown against Nizbere. Before you head back to the present, check for items in the hunting grounds north of the village. Have the village craftsmen fashion new weapons and armor using your hunt's booty.


Nizbere is weak against electrical spells. Zap him to lower his defenses, then slug away. Repeat this zap-slug pattern until he's defeated. Watch out-he regularly discharges the stored electricity.

MEDINA 1000 A.D.

Have Melchior do some repair work, then travel back to the middle ages to see Frog. Hand over the weapon and head off with him to the Magic Cave.

Before taking on Magus, put Frog at the head of the party and ascend Mt. Denadoro. Position him so that he's hit by a stone thrown by an enemy. This tactic will enable you to obtain the Gold Stone, which does a secret three character move!


Here you face three mid bosses in a row, then a showdown with Magus, You're then thrown into a new time travel vortex in this epic journey.

The first boss, Flea, cannot be hurt by magic spells. Solution: slug away! The next foe, Slash, is the other way around, so use spells.

Ozzie is a tricky foe and might have you fooled for a while. The secret: Attack the four chains holding up the floor.

Magus is nasty- vile black magic and 7000 HP. Hit him with Frog's magic sword first then pummel him while his defenses are down. He changes his magic barriers to render various spells ineffective. But that also means he's vulnerable to other kinds of spells. To find his weakness, notice the spell he uses, then hit him with the same kind.


After defeating Magus, the party is sucked through a time vortex to prehistoric times. Go to Laruba Ruins, then head to the Dactyl nest to get your wings.

Fly into Tyran Castle to rescue Kino in the lower dungeon. Now climb up the castle for your second showdown with Nizbere II

The lizard muscleman is back with the same amount of hit points but greater attack power. Just like the first time, zap this mid-boss with thunder spells to lower his defenses, then slug away. Watch out, though, with every third thunder spell he discharges built-up electricity to zap your party.

After Nizbere II, you face the king of the dino people, Azala and his pet, Black Tyran. When you beat this tough combo, Lavos falls from the heavens. Concentrate your attacks on Azala first. When fighting Black Tyran, hit it hard while it's counting down.When it attacks, quickly use HP recovery items and spells, and keep attacking. Since BT has about 10,000 HP, you'll fight for a while.


Warp to the Floating Continent through the time gate at the ruins of Tyran Castle. Make your way from Enhasa and Kajal to Jeel Palace using the skyways. Trail Schaela at Jeel Palace, recharge Marlee's pendant, and head to the Queen's chamber. The party is captured and expelled from this age, and the time gate at Tyran Castle is sealed.

Watch for the magical books at Enhasa and Kajal. Open them in this sequence to reveal hidden doors: water, wind, and fire. In one of the secret room you find the Black Stone that enables three characters to launch the powerful Dark Eternal spell later on.


At the end of time, talk to the old man. Go to the future and fight you way through the sewer to Watcher's Dome where you find Epoch, the time-machine craft. You should head to 10,000 B.C., but before you do, open the mysterious black treasure chests and other items using Marle's powered-up pendant.

Go to the Black treasure boxes at the inn at Truce, Guardia Castle, and the mayor's house in Porre Village in the medieval times. Open them but don''t take out the contents. Next, head to the present age and collect the items inside. Now return to the medieval times and collect different items from the same treasure chests. (The passage of time makes the items inside better!)


Although Epoch transports you back to 10,000 B.C., the path to the Floating Continent is closed. Head to the cave of the Earth People and listen to their plight. The party ends up fighting a pair of Dorokui monsters and their master. When they are defeated, talk to Melchior.

Take out the beast master first, then fight the two Dorokuis. The red beast is weak against water spells, while the blue beast is vulnerable to fire spells.

Climb Despair Mountain where you face Giga Gaia. Head to the Floating Continent, meet and defeat Dalton at the Queen's chamber in Jeel Palace, them go to the Undersea Shrine.

When fighting this boss, attack his arms first to disable him from attacking and using HP recovery spells.

After a tough fight against a pair of Dalton Golems, the party faces Lavos. To save his friends, Chrono sacrifices his own life. After this battle, the dispirited party is captured by Dalton's troops in the remaining village and locked up in the Black Bird.

Don't physically attack these guys, or they will retaliate hard. The best thing to do is attack them only with spells.

To escape from captivity, you need to regain your weapons, armor, items, and money. Make sure you're not seen by a guard before you suit up. After that, the party faces Master Golem, then Dalton, from whom you regain the enhanced Epoch.

Master Golem is a bit of a dingbat. Once you engage in combat with him, just waste time, and he'll eventually self-destruct.

Avoid physically attacking Dalton, or he will retaliate with his steel ball attack and cut you HP in half. Pound him with magic only.

NORTH CAPE 10,000 B.C.

At the North Cape you find Magus. You can choose to have him join your party or fight him. In the latter case, the fight will be a one-on-one duel between him and Frog.

Talk to the old man at the end of time and receive the Chrono Trigger. Head to Liene Square in the present and go to Beckelar's game tent. By winning the 40-point game, you'll score a Chrono doll, which will be delivered to the second floor of Chrono's house.


Death Mountain is located in the shadow of the Black Dream. Wait for the wind to die down then dash and take shelter from the wind behind strategically placed trees. You must fight three Lavos Spawns on the way to the peak. After this occurs, there remainseveral other mini-quests that don't have to be attempted, but you should check them out before you head to your final showdown with Lavos.

Attack only the head. Attacking the shell will cause a savage retaliation that could easily wipe out your party.

After Magus joins your party, go back to the Middle Ages, where you will find Ozzi lordingit up. In his mansion, go to the room with the guillotine and check for a hidden passageway. In the secret chamber, you find the ultimate weapons and armor for Magus. Keep going in order to meet his disciples.

To obtain this important item (Moon Stone) you need to go to the Sun Shrine in the future and defeat Son of Sun. When you obtain the Darkness Stone, take it to the Sun Chamber in prehistoric times and leave it there.Next, go back to the Sun Chamber in the future to collect it. Surprise! It's been stolen by the mayor of Porre Village (in the present), To recover it, you need to byt hyperdried meat in Porre Village (in the present), then give it to the mayor's wife in Porre Village in the Middle Ages. Then collect the Darkness Stone from the mayor in the present, return it to the Sun Chamber, and have Lukka collect it in the future. Using the Sun Stone, you can make a weapon for Lukka. When you find the Rainbow Shell, you can make a weapon for Chrono and armor items for use by anyone.

Attack only the revolving outer fireballs. You'll find one that's vulnerable. Don't use a spell that hits all the fireballs because that will trigger a retaliatory attack.

In the medieval Choraso Village, talk to Toma in the pub and obtain a bottle of soda pop.

Take the bottle to the West Cape in the present and pour it onto Toma's grave. His ghost will tell you where the Giant's Claw is located in the medieval age. Go there and collect the Rainbow Shell after a vicious battle with Rust Tyrano. Take the shell to Guardia Castle for storage in the medieval age, then return to the present day to collect it from the castle's basement. Take it up to the court room and fight Yakra 13. Now take the shell back to the storage room and have Melchior fashion armor items. If you already have the Sun Stone you can have Melchior make a better weapon for Chrono and powerful items for other characters.

Go to Genocide Dome in the future with Robo leading. After Robo's tragic solo battle with Atropos 145, you must face Mother Brain. If you win, Robo obtains two ultimate weapons.

Talk to the carpenter in the pub at Choraso Village in the medieval times. Do the same thing in the present day, then talk to the carpenters's wife at his home. She'll lend you carpentry tools that you take back to the carpenter in the medieval times. Commission him to do repairs on the ruins at the north or town while you exterminate monsters there. Repeat this three times, then with Frog in the lead, go to the grave at the deepest part of the repaired mansion to power up his magical sword. Incidentally, some of the treasure chests in the mansion change in the same way as the mysterious sealed black boxes mentioned earlier.

Go to the remaining village in 10,000 B.C,. and collect a shrub,then head to Fiona's house in the desert in the medieval times. Enter the pit in the desert and beat the monsters there (they're weak against water spells). Go back to Fiona's house and leave Robo with her. Go to the present day where you find a forest that has replaced the desert. In the forest is a nunnery where Robo is left awaiting Lukka. After that, there is a tragic event concerningLukka's past.


If you don't want to witness this tragic event, heed this clue: Lukka's mother's name is Lara.


Chrono the Dark Mage

Beat Lavos after returning to 650 A.D. for the second time and before obtaining the Brave Badge. You'll see an ending in which Chrono rules as the Wizard King and faces Tarta (the heroic little boy). This ending also shows Robo finding a new girlfriend and living happily in the future.

Resurrecting Chrono

After Crono's death, finish the game without bringing him back to life. The heroes will disperse to their homes, but will gather again to try bringing Chrono back to life.

Dramatic Staff Credits

Defeat Lavos after the theft of the gate holder and before the resurrection of the Mesamune. You'll get movie-style ending credits.

Happily Ever After

Defeat Lavos after obtaining the Brave Badge in 650 A.D. and before the welcoming bash in the prehistoric age. You'll see the heroes and their lives after their quest.

The Frog Prince

After the surfacing of the Black Dream, defeat Magus at the North Cape in 10.000 B.C. After that, finish the game. During the ending credits, you'll see Frog in his real human form.