My Study of the Cows....What is their secret?

"I am not a milkmaid."

"Yes, that is a cow."

"I am not thirsty."

WHAT IS THE SECRET OF THE COWS!! This has been my latest Diablo obsession. There has to be something you can do with them. Blizzard always includes farm animals in their games (sheep, cows, seals, etc.). In Warcraft 2, you can blow them up if you keep clicking on what do you do with the cows in Diablo?

There have been MANY rumors going around about a secret Cow level which you get to by casting a Town Portal between the cows. Well, this cannot be since you can't cast Town Portal in town anyways. I think there might be a secret level to be accessed through them, just the methods used so far are not the way. Here are some of my observations.

Here is our ordinary cow looking upwards. Let's remove some of this picture with some snazzy photo editing.

Look at this. These are the cows spots. To me this looks like some kind of scarecrow or man in a hat with a long nose. Or it looks like a dragon. What is the relevance of this? I have no clue. If you take a look at the other cows, you can see that they are the same 3D model just rotated around, with the same texture placed on them. The cow's hoofs are also ensconced in some kind of red light. Why?

That sound you hear in the background (called cow.wav and should be found in your temporary internet files or cache directory.) is the sound the cows make, edited. The sound is sped up and reversed. As you can hear, the cows are definitely saying "Hey!... hey!.... HEY!!!" (or perhaps they are saying "Hate, hate, HATE" which would be really disturbing). The recording is sort of bad since all I had to work with is the Windows Sound Recorder and my Soundblaster Pro doesn't really produce the quality it used to. Reload the page or find the file on your computer for another listen. (I'll try to get a button to play the sound when you press it).

Here is the Map of the Stars, fabled gate to the secret Cow Level.


From Mad_Mardigan & Sauron: I have the Map of the Stars. When I told somebody about it he said to join a game with him. He said that it would lead to The Secret Cow Level...

(Zee) Okay, stop right there. Blizzard has already confirmed that the Map of the Stars was an item they put in the game that they never really got a chance to making it do anything. All it does is show a pretty least, that's what Blizzard says.

From Dave Fyfe of the Apocalypse Knights: This is all I Know...The map of the stars, if used with the rune of the stars can get u to the secret level. All u have to do is one person has to kill Diablo w/ the rune of the stars and the other has to stand on the pentagram with the map of the stars when Diablo dies.

(Zee) Again, the Map of the Stars does nothing but show some kind of picture. Also, the rune of the stars (to my knowledge) is a hacked item or a rumor only. Where on the pentagram would you stand? Which pentagram? There's the one that leads to Diablo's lair and the one in his lair. It also seems somewhat odd that Blizzard would restrict the secret level to multiplayer mode only.

From Ace:

i figured out some weird stuff with that map of the stars, after looking at
it i saw weird stuff ;

1. the 7 spheres... 7 spheres indicates Hell

2. the "stars"... notice there raising from that crater in the ground ?

3. the crater... since it is surounded by 7 spheres i might be Hell

4. the "stars" once again... do you think the "stars" might be the other
brothers of Darkness, Baal & Mephisto ?

5. the angels... notice how the angels are trying to cover up that
crater with thouse blankets with weird writting ?

i don't think the map of stars has to do with any hidden cow lvl, i
think this have been for a quest in wich you must cover up hell so the
other Bros. of Darkness can't escape...

(Zee) Interesting observations. Yet some points you make I think might be misinterpretations. The "spheres" are really phases of the moon and the "crater" is a fully eclipsed moon. Maybe you were onto something though...even if it had nothing to do with the cows.

If you have a cow rumor or information, or I've noticed something that might have tipped you off to a clue, please write me at Even if it's just a rumor you've heard, send it in. WE MUST FIND THE SECRET!

If you have found the secret level using the cows, press your Print Screen key to take a screen shot. Send it in here along with how you got their, and I will personally put your name on a scrolling box on this page.