The development in genetics have made possible one of the old dreams of man : seeing alive the old giants that ruled the earth before our time, the dinosaurs. The park, situated on an island in Micronesia, let the dinosaurs live freely, as long as they don't try to get outside. To prevent these tries, the designers of the park have made sure that it was impossible for them to survive outside the island : they have put cranial bombs in the head of all dinosaurs. These bombs explode if the dinosaur wearing them goes outside the island.
> They kill escaping dinos, yeah right. They must have a trick to stun them or something... These babies cost quite a lot! No corp wants to lose such money for no reason.
    > The_Red_Perpernickle@who.cares.?
> This more a way to keep the public happy. The presence of the bomb doesn't mean they'll use it.
> Doesn't installing cyberware in the head of a dinosaur make it even more aggressive? I don't like this...
    For this method to work, the dinosaurs must have the cranial bomb inserted when they reach maturity, so the bomb doesn't block the growth in any way. Before the age of maturity, a transmitter  enables to keep track of all child movements.  If one of them is missing, a magician sends a powerful elemental to take care of it. Considering the park is an island, this has not happened yet. No flying dinosaur have been made to prevent them from flying away. Once they reach maturity, the dinosaurs are captured by a team of specially trained professionals and the bomb is installed.
> Flying dinosaurs?
    > Ignorant@totalnet.qc
> Pterodactyls...
> What happens if one of the dino isn't caught?
    > The_Red_Perpernickle@who.cares.?
> He is free to do what he likes. Anyway the place's an island, dinos can't escape: they can't swim for kilometers.
    The first purpose of the park is to have a place were it is possible to observe living dinosaurs, for the advancement of science. Of course,  a project of this size wouldn't be profitable for Yamatetsu, the owner of the park, if it was only there for the advancement of science. To make the place more profitable hunting trips are organized for high-level hunters who want some special challenges. Needless to say that the number of victims in these trips is very high, therefore hunters must pay the sum of 300,000 nuyens for each day of hunting on the island for each person present before they enter the park. The park is much too dangerous to even think of  a use for tourism.
> Cool hunting trip! I'll start saving right now!
> You want to hunt what? A T-rex? This baby can eat you and your car without noticing it! Not a good place to spend shadowruns money for me...
    > The_Red_Perpernickle@who.cares.?
    Another source of income is the zoo of Tokyo which features a live T-rex and a Diplodocus. Since these attractions were set, the number of visitors have more than doubled.
> There's a T-rex in Tokyo?! That's even better than Godzilla!
    > Ignorant@Totalnet.Qc

    Last but not least, Yamatetsu, as all good paranoid megacorp would have done, is said to have a project of using these dinosaurs as one of their security assets.

> I don't like this... Guards and security devices are hard enough already, we don't need velociraptors too!
    > The_Red_Perpernickle@who.cares.?
> So that's what it was! Three strange creatures hit my team and me outside a Yamatetsu research facility last month. I'm the only survivor because I fled. These raptors are mean, trust me.
> I've heard they even had some awakened their park. This is not pretty... I don't like the idea of a couple of regenerating raptors guarding a corp, I really don't like it.