In the sixth world, not only animals have awakened: plant have awakened too. Drug dealers are everyday finding new ways to enhance the body and the mind. And of course to make a couple of guy addicted so they can make heaps of money off their back. Hey, business is business...
    Since these drugs are awakened, a new kind of addiction is added: magical addiction (noted with a "Ma" instead of a P or M). These (rare) drugs exist on the astral plane and the physical plane and addict their victim through their very own soul. Use the same rules as physical and mental addiction, but use the Essence rating of the "user" (round up) instead. Consider it like a Physical adiction if need be.


This drug is mostly used among mages. It strenghtens the mage's connection to the astral plane, making him able to cast stronger spells with less pain. The effect of this drug is that it boosts the user's magic rating by 1. If a mage who doesn't know it's potential (that is, he doesn't know he can cast spells) takes some of this drug he may cast random spells without control (casting a mana ball while waving his hand to a friend, that kind of things...).

Since the astral link is stronger (actually the substance is astrally active), the target suffers from being possible to attack from astral space at all time during the effect of the substance. A mage (or any being who can astrally project) cannot astrally project in this time since he would occupy the same space as the drug on the astral plane. This does mean bad things if a user encounters an angry mage... It stuns the user a little bit too at first, because of the time the aura gets "used" to the aura of the drug.

Rating: 6M stun
Speed: 2 rounds
Vector: Injection
Tolerance: 1
Strenght: 3
Addiction: 6Ma
Effect: 2d6 hours

Price: 350 Y/dose
Avaibality: 8/4 days
Street Index: 5


This drug might become useful for runners who plan to encounter strong magical resistance. It makes the contact of the aura with the astral plane weaker, making it harder to cast spells to the target (+2 target modifier to cast a spell on the drugged target). It does that effect by camouflaging the user's aura under the drugs own aura.

Like for the Awakeners, there's a mental shock suffered from taking the drug. When the drug takes effect, the users may suffer from a symptom much like the "lost in details" syndrome of cyber zombies. Whenever a perception test comes out with all successes, the user must make a willpower test against a difficulty equal to the current addiction rating of the substance. If this test doesn't result in any successes, the target becomes lost in the details. Use the same rules as the Confusion power of spirits used with a force of 5. Users cannot make anything using the astral space (casting spells, astral perception and projection).

Rating: 6M stun
Speed: 2 rounds
Vector: Injection
Tolerance: 2
Strenght: 4
Addiction: 5Ma
Effect: 2d6 hours

Price: 300Y/dose
Avaibality: 8/4 days
Street Index: 4

Third Eye

This drug causes a weird perception effect, making the user able to see all around him, even behind his back (I already hear the sammy shouting "I'll can watch my own back for once!"). It makes it almost impossible to sneak behind the user's back.

The way the drug works is by enabling the user to see through all side of his aura (the creators of this drug have made it so the drug can only affect the head, but some rumour persist regarding early versions which could enable to see from all side of the body, from head to toe. Needless to say, this causes a strong headache!). The user can still only see through its two eyes though, so everything he sees suffers from a "fisheye" effect. This results in a +2 modifier to all test involving sight (and this is a lot of tests).

Rating: 4l stun
Speed: immediate
Vector: injection
Strenght: 4
Addiction: 4P
Effects: 1d6 hours

Price: 200 Y/dose
Avaibality: 6/36 hours
Street Index: 2