Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What is "Fight to be Free."?
  2. Who maintains "Fight to be Free."?
  3. Why was it created?
  4. What are your goals?
  5. Which political party do you support?
  6. How can I become involved?
  7. How can I contribute directly to "Fight to be Free."?

More questions? Click here.

What is "Fight to be Free."?

Fight to be Free consists of anyone who wants to live a full free life. Fight to be Free is not only the website but the people behind it who believe that personal freedoms and liberty are a mainstay of the American way life and to be valued above all else. We are also strong supporters of the Libertarian Political Party.

Who maintains "Fight to be Free."?

Fight to be Free is currently maintained by mainly Sheldon Ross, a freshman at Montana State University -Bozeman. Assisting with the website is Jade Robbins, also a freshman at Montana State.

Why was it created?

Fight to be Free was created in order to fight today's cultural and political trends. We believe that American government today has been terribly skewed from its premise of liberty, and wish to bring that premise back into forefront of the American lifestyle.

What are your goals?

Our goals consist of: 1) Ending the socialistic atmosphere present in America today; 2) Staying the course of America in regards to the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence; 3) Aggressively promoting personal freedoms and liberty; 4) Present these views and expose the moral fallacies present in other views; and 5) Elect Libertarians candidates who will work to restore our Freedom.

Which Political Party do you support?

Fight to be Free supports neither the Republican or Democratic parties. Both of these parties have polices advocating strong government control, and neither can claim to be the defenders of the smallest minority, the free individual. Both are supported by government funds; Do you really want your hard-earned tax dollars being spent on someone else's campaign? Fight to be Free fully supports the views of the Libertarian party. Unlike other parties, the Libertarian party promotes very little government involvement and are the main supporters of individual rights.

How can I become involved?

VOTE! Electing Libartarian candidates is the most important thing we can do to protect our freedom. Encourage others to vote, let them know that there is someone who will work to restore America as free nation. Show your support publicly, don't be afraid to express your views. Support your local candidates any way you can. Campaign for them, sponsor them, let your local TV and radio stations know you want to hear from them.

How can I contribute directly to "Fight to be Free."?

All donations will go towards maintaining the Fight to be Free website and advertising for the Fight to be Free cause.
Donations can be made by mail to:
Fight to be Free
101 1st St E
Whitehall, MT 59759
Or online by clicking