Entance [NKO]StarCraft bow to [NKO]

[NKO] are a active StarCraft clan with alsorts of news being created from within. Future plans, updates, organised competetions and new maps, it will all be posted in the news section..

StarCraft and brood wars has new maps being devoloped every day, including our own maps. There are also Bnet bots, Chat clients, and server tools to access bnets fastest servers. they can all be retrieved from here..

[NKO]StarCraft members also play Brood wars. Each member does not play for stats, they play for fun and enjoy ment. enter here to find out a little about our current members..

[NKO]StarCraft is just one of many sections within [NKO]. Entering here will take you to the main [NKO] site where it all began. Games include Quake2, Quake3, Half Life and more..

Read up on some of the best tactics used in StarCraft games. Multiplayer, single player, against multiple computers, there are tactics for all styles of players here.

created by [NKO]Sonic