¡¡Hello! Thanks to visit this section, if these are here because I interest to you to know something of my personal data, so it will happen to present/display to me:)
   My name is Daniel Sanchez Castillo, I have 23 years of age at the time of writing these lines. I was born a day 7 of April of year 1974 in the city of Salamanca Guanajuato. Of my childhood I have pleasing memories and they left good friendships there. I have been with some companions and we greeted ourselves. As to remember those times. they give desire to return to them:)

   Everything in my life has almost been school, at the present time I am student of the race of Ingenieria de Alimentos, my school is the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, which belongs to the University of Guanajuato.

And for that they do not know aqui me this my photo. I hope they are not frightened and they flee from this site:))