The first transcript of a spell duel is in... Morganza vs. Ryoko. The winner was Ryoko.
Ryoko says : "Ready!"
Morganza nods to Blackfyre.
Blackfyre says : Call it!
Morganza waits.
Ryoko opens her mouth for a gaping yawn...
Fireelementalx coughs.
Blackfyre says : Umm... Call the coin toss.
Ryoko points at Blackfyre, and his head lights up like a light bulb
Morganza says [to ryoko] : You'd better wake up my dear.
Morganza says : Heads.
Ryoko says [to you] : "I called heads...See?"
Ryoko points to Blackfyre's lit head
Blackfyre says : It was Heads!
Blackfyre pulls his ear and the light turns off.
Blackfyre says : You both called it...
Blackfyre says : Perhaps we should try again. One of you call it and I will
Ryoko says [to Morganza] : "You can go first."
Morganza smiles to Ryoko and jumps up on one of the Silent Stones. She
raises her hands to the air and harnesses the power of the sky. [Image] She
is charged now and ready.
Ryoko holds out her hand, and a crystal ball appears in herhand...[Image]
Ryoko holds out her arm, and the crystal ball slowly rolls up and down her
arm, as if moving on its own...
Morganza throws her head back as the wind catches her hair. She laughs
maniacally. She points to Ryoko and whispers Creeping Death!
Slowly, a black murk rises from the ground and begins inching its way up
Ryoko's legs......
Morganza watches Ryoko and the Creeping Death spell work it's magic.
Ryoko places her hands down near the murk, and it begins to glow a golden
The murk, being rotted plant life, slowly comes back to life...revealing a
lovely tuft of flowery moss
Ryoko says : "Much better!"
Ryoko smells the sweet scents of the flowers.
Morganza laughs and steels herself for ryoko's blow, thinking that she's
going to ask for her money back on that creeping death murk.
Ryoko levitates off the ground and looks to Morganza "My turn!"
Ryoko notices that Morganza is still perched on the rock...
Ryoko tosses a stone at the big slab o' rock that is under Morganza's feet.
Quickly, the rock turns into a giant hand, grapsing Morganza and holding her

tight in its grip...
Morganza looks down at the rock upon which she is perched.
Ryoko giggles, as all she can see is Morganza's head poking out of the mass
of rock
Morganza gasps and quickly summons Ryoko's crystal ball [Image] and smashes
it against the hand at her feet. It releases it's grasp.
Morganza smiles at Ryoko and whips around to point at the ground near the
rock upon which she is still perched. She blasts a hole in the ground.
Morganza sticks her fingers in her mouth and gives a shrill whistle which
summons three hideous beasts from the Netherworld. Me whispers to the first
one which advances on Ryoko swiftly and yanks her eyeballs out of their
Morganza watches as the little beast deposits Ryoko's eyes into Morganza's
hands. She laughs and laughs.
Ryoko summons another crystal ball.
Quickly, the crystal ball literally unfolds to reveal an orange crystal
The phoenix engages the beasts
Morganza watches as the little beast deposits Ryoko's eyes into Morganza's
hands. Shee laughs and laughs.
Ryoko places her hands to her eyes to make sure they are still
Ryoko says [to Morganza] : "If you could actually pry my eyes out without giving
me a defense, then I can teleport your insides 30 seconds into the future...
Morganza says [to ryoko] : Oh dear! I am holding your eyeballs.
Ryoko giggles, as many guts and goo spurt out from Morganza's belly
Morganza says [to ryoko] : Oh phew. Discount that one then.
Ryoko says [to Morganza] : "Try another attack."
Ryoko readies herself
Blackfyre clutches his stomach.
Morganza sends the minions back. She looks toward the west and begins waving
her finger in a wide circle in front of her. In the distance, something
black can be seen approaching.
Ryoko raises an eyebrow.
Morganza cocks her head and smiles as she hears the familiar clicking and
clacking.........soon a breeze kicks everyone's hair up. Suddenly a tornado
of knives appears. Morganza laughs, claps and points to Ryoko shouting Get h
Morganza says : That was Get her!
Ryoko giggles.
Morganza watches as her pet tornado descends upon Ryoko.
Ryoko makes a quick, upward thrust with her hands.
The earth begins to tremble in a deep, loud manner....
Morganza watches Ryoko.
Ryoko looks at many petrified trees shoout up out of the ground between her
and the tornado.
The knives shatter to little bits as they try to hit the petrified
trees...The trees also dissapate the tornado as it passes thru...
Ryoko dodges all the shrapnel that is shooting everywhere
Morganza crosses her arms and fumes. She taps her foot upon the rock on
which she stands.
Ryoko says [to Morganza] : "Standing on another rock, eh?"
Morganza holds her arms out and quickly casts a small shield spell to
protect her from her own spell. The shrapnel flies around her.
Ryoko places her hands together and slowly brings them down as they glow a
soft purple color...
Morganza says [to ryoko] : Always my dear :)
Serendipity ducks as a large piece of tree goes flying passed her head...
Ryoko separates her hands, and the glowing color appears arround Morganza,
dramatically increasing the gravity surrounding her.
Ryoko watches as Morganza now finds it increasingly difficult to move...
Ryoko watches as Morganza now finds it increasingly difficult to move...
Ryoko watches the rock crumlbe into many tiny pieces under Morganza's weight
"I thnk you're gaining a little weight!"
Morganza writhes and kicks as she feels herself blowing up. She reaches into
her pocket and swallows a Quick Redux pill. Her body begins to return to
normal. She points to the light surrounding her and changes it to a soothing
Serendipity narrows her eyes in Ryoko's direction, but merely
Ryoko says [to Morganza] : "Golden color?"
Morganza changes the light to a soothing blue color. She passes her hands
over her body to make sure everything is where it's supposed to be and it's
the correct size.
Ryoko says [to Morganza] : "So, that's how you do it..."
Morganza says [to ryoko] : You think that was cute, eh? Making me fat?
Ryoko giggles to you.
Ryoko says [to you] : "If you stand of the surface of Jupiter, yu'd weigh
over 300 pounds, but your body shape would not change."
Morganza bites her lip and thinks. Then she whistles to a cloud and Oh Boy!
what a cloud it is.
A Big angry black cloud appears out of the east.
Ryoko gulps
Ryoko watches the black cloud closely
Morganza makes the cloud heel by her side and whispers instructions to it,
motioning with her hands what she wants the cloud to do. The cloud backs up
and assembles itself into the shape of a Giant Fist. It approaches Ryoko.
Ryoko waits
Blackfyre says [to ryoko] : Not for long. That much gravity would wear you
down and you'd get wrinkles faster.
Morganza says [to ryoko] : Hey! I think that cloud plans to do some dental work on
Ryoko holds up her hands to the cloud as she begins to glow a golden color
Morganza hits her palm with her fist, urging the cloud to complete it's
Ryoko separates her hands, causing a wind sheer to develop in front of her,
with the winds blowing away from her...
The fist gets caught in the wind sheer and dissipates. The black cloud is
now only half the size
Ryoko ducks as the wind sheer blows gale-force winds thru the area for about
30 second...
Ryoko says : "Hold on tight!"
Morganza snaps her fingers mumbling darn!
Ryoko stands up, dusts herself off, and giggles at the small, defenseless
little black cloud...
Blackfyre taps a piton into a rock and holds on tight.
Morganza jumps down from her rocks and huddles behind it as the wind blows
around her.
Ryoko says : "Looked like a fire dragon belched!"
The cloud, crying to itself, leaves...
Ryoko says [to you] : "Some of your clouds just have NO self-esteem!"
Ryoko giggles
Morganza puts an X mark on that cloud. She will deal with it later.
Ryoko says : "My turn!"
Morganza says [to ryoko] : Well come one, smarty pants, let's see what you've got!
Morganza leaps back up on her rock.
Ryoko says [to Morganza] : "I hope your eyes have fully healed, my dear..."
Ryoko blows on her hand, sending a small shower of golden faerie dust
straight into Morganza's eyes, and they light if with burning hot fire...
Ryoko says : "They light UP with burning hot fire..."
Ryoko says : "owie...that had to hurt..."
Ryoko looks at Morganza, as intense beams of light shoot out of her eyes
Morganza blinks and cries as she rubs her eyes. Angrily she hurls dirt into
Ryoko's eyes as she thinks of her next spell.
Morganza shouts [to ryoko] : That didn't hurt!
Floyd quickly casts a Circle of Protection around himself and the
Ryoko says [to you] : "Sorry, you asked me what I had..."
Ryoko's eyes become watery, flushing the dirt away...
Ryoko throws her hands out, sending a breeze outward..It doesn't harm
anyone...just for effect!
Blackfyre shouts : Last Spells!
Blackfyre says : Make em' good.
Morganza calls upon the heavens to do her bidding. The sky begins churning
and becomes a mix of purple and black.
Ryoko listens to the ominous claps of thunder echoing thru the lands
Morganza calls upon the Satan's Fingers of Wrath
Morganza laughs as bolts of lightning begin striking all around Ryoko very
close so that if she veers in either direction for escape, she will get
blasted!mg src="
Ryoko concentrates and a red crystal rose appears in front of her...
Slowly, the entire forest begins to glow with a brilliant golden color...
Morganza laughs as she watches her creation - a lightening jail! [Image]
Ryoko closes folds her arms inward, and the golden color quickly forms a
huge phoenix behind her (about the size of a large tree..)...
All the electrical attacks are diverted into the phoenix, causing it to grow
in size even more..
Ryoko stands unharmed, as the golden glow of the forest continues to feed
into the Phoenix...
The Phoenix turns to face Morganza...
Ryoko watches as the Phoenix opens its gaping mouth...
Morganza begins to glow a golden color, which begins to seep out from her
and go into the Phoenix...Morganza's life essence is being drained!
Ryoko looks on as the Phoenix opens its golden eyes. Cosmic forces can be
seen from within its eyes
Morganza says [to blackfyre] : Was that the last spell?
Ryoko says [to Morganza] : "Join once again with the forces of nature!"
Floyd says [to Morganza] : Yep, it was... Blackfyre called Last Spells...
Morganza says [to blackfyre] : Hmmmmm, if I cast the first one, should she cast
the last spell?
Ryoko says [to Morganza] : "In order to destroy this phoenix, you will need to
destroy all of nature!"
Floyd says [to Morganza] : Yep, that's the way it works...
Morganza alights a passing cloud and flies up to the phoenix and pokes him
in the eyes.
Ryoko grrs, as Morganza's golden life force continues to ebb into the
Phoenix. The golden light of the forest continually feeds into the Phoenix.
Some of the surrounding trees and plants wither and die
You say [to ryoko] : We are done.
Blackfyre says : Sorry, TIME!
Morganza says [to ryoko] : Stop! We are done :)
Ryoko says : "What am I doing?!"
Ryoko looks around at all the withered plant life and destroys the red
rose...The phoenix dissipates.
Ryoko says [to Morganza] : "All you needed to do was shatter the crystal rose."
Ryoko stops
Morganza says [to ryoko] : After I poked your phoenix in the eyes, he couldn't see
where he was going and wandered off towards another country. I didn't have
to destroy him. just confuse him :)
Ryoko hugs Morganza
Blackfyre says : Please use the 'tell' command to me to vote for the winner.
Morganza says [to ryoko] : You never said anything about a crystal rose.
Morganza hugs Ryoko, glad to rest for a bit.
Ryoko says [to you] : "That's what I summoned to evoke the spell. I saw the
text on the screen."