Kholdstone smirks and lets his cloak drop to the ground.
firex is ready ... he is obviously well tuned with his surroundings as 
energie from the scenery flow into him
Kholdstone crosses his arms and waits for his spell to take effect. 
Suddenlyhis cloak rises up and envelopes him hole. the cape contracts to 
a small ball and dissapears in a flash of light. 
You can no longer see Kholdstone.
Kholdstone says : your move.
firex says [to kholdstone] : not really an attack ... more like a 
defense ... hmm ... is that okay warlocke
Kholdstone frowns under his curtain of invincibility
You say : no, i haven't seen any spells cast yet, just defenses taken..
Kholdstone says [to you] : may I continue with the attack?
firex waves his hands high in the air ... his movements are fluid and 
his motions those of shadows ... you can hear shallow incantations as 
the powerful mage muster powers of deep elementalism and thought in mind 
... He unleashes his power into the sky ... from it is born the immortal 
Harpie Selen , who seeks out the life force of Kholdstone, not by sight 
, but by an ancient sense bestowed to the harpie ... she swoops towards 
him with blinding speed .. her sharp, leathal talons preceeding her date 
with the mage , Kholdtsone....
Kholdstone says [to you] : scratch that last comment.
Slowly the sun sinks below the horizon, twilight enters and within no 
time, all will be dark...
firex says : that is my attack ... It will not change ... I will defend 
after you attack kholdstone ... then you will start okay ... that will 
be round 2
Kholdstone raises his hands high above his head and speaks strange words 
the likes of you have never heard. suddenly with a great shout the 
Harpie turns to Ice and shatters against a nearby stone.
Kholdstone stands unseen and smiles. the shards of Ice melt and sink 
into the earth. For a moment all is still and you begin to wonder If 
that was all. Suddenly great tendrils of Ice burst out of the moist 
earth underfeat. The quickly lace themselves around Firex preventing 
mobility as they wrap around Firex's neck and begin to contract 
Kholdstone reapears.
Kholdstone reaches behind his back and pulls something out. He throws it 
to the ground it comes back up....It's a Yo-Yo.
firex uses all his remaining consious power and delves into his inner 
power ... there he changes his body structure ... all his cells become 
exergonic ... instead of creating storable energy in the form of 
glycogen and other fats, the fats are being rapidly broken down ... His 
entire begins to rise in temperature ... as he regains conciousness 
Firex casts a healing spell to keep from boiling into a mush and sets 
his mitochondria back to endergonic ... using and storing energy ...
Kholdstone says : I just don't have a way with words.
Llama howls.
firex says : now the attack :)
Kholdstone says : Oh, crap. I suck at science.
firex realizes that the rocks are emminating some sort of energy he has 
not felt in a while ... he searches these energies out ... sure enough 
they are the rocks golems ... Firex takes a fist full of stone and 
throws them at the ground .. he summons the golems ( who cannot be 
controlled, burned, frozen, or blown away , heck they are ROCK ) and 
sends them to advance on his counterpart ... Kholdstone ... When 
kholdstone then feels a rocks hand grab him from behind ( what will he 
do ) :)
Kholdstone searches the stones and finds a white, wedding dress.
Kholdstone changes his structure (No Mumbo Jumbo for me!) into water. he 
slips through the grasp of the Golem and comes up behind it. You hear a 
rumble and turn around. It sounds like a train but you know that just 
wouldn't make sense. When you turn back to the fight you see it. A tidle 
wave heading straight for the golems. The golems drift away and soon 
turn into mud and dissapear. Me is simly levitating above the wave.
Kholdstone says : That sucked more then the last one.
Kholdstone searches the stones and finds a black, stylish smoking.
firex says [to kholdstone] : ... your last spell make it good
Kholdstone 's patented "River of Death" does a u-turn and comes 
straiaght at him It rises up forming roughly into a shape of a man. (A 
30 foot Man that is.) Kholdstone walks over to the "water golem" and 
gets a ride. He now has full control. Speeding towards. Firex he does a 
flying leap and lands right on Firex! Firex is now trapped inside the 
Golem and will soon drown.
Llama pokes firex.
Kholdstone says : You know Amadias was a polymorph?
Kholdstone says : that was my last spell.
firex realizes that he must think quickly ... he reaches into his past 
and seaks out a spell ... one of great power, one that could be used 
today in great mass destruction ... Firex finds enough lead in the water 
to coat hi outter body ... he then procedes in chanting this most 
excellent spell ... The on lookers fear that Firex is doomed until they 
see a glowing light in the center of the Water Elemental ... Firex split 
one hydrogen and one oxygen atom to create a massive chain reaction .. 
splitting all the water molecules in the elemental ... and creating a 
giant nuclear bomb ... the remnants of the elemental are only magic .. 
which firex bottles to sell on the beach ... :)