Enigmatic cartouche?

Dear EEF members,

I hold the copyrights to the above pictures, and would appreciate your help.
1) Could anyone decipher the cartouche?
The cartouche seems to have the following symbols: N5 L1 V30 (sundisk, beetle, basket)|.
Does anyone know who this is?
Of course Tutankhamun, i.e. Nebkheperure
(sundisk above basket, beetle, three strokes)| or (sundisk, beetle, plural strokes above basket)|
was my first suspicion but there are no three strokes.
The middle symbol is hardest but maybe someone with experience looking at these things might have the answer in a flash. It may not even be a beetle but some other symbol. But I have not seen a king's cartouche that even resembles this one.
2) Any help with the text on the statue would also be appreciated.
I have been concerned about the double symbols, nfr and the s, which brings us to the last question:
3) Is the statue on the picture a real artifact or a fake?
The though has occurred to me that this might be a fake. What do you think?


Charley Rhodes

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