
Player Position Types

Before play can begin in any Legends game module, players will be required to select one, of a possible four, starting position types. They have the choice of operating an Overlord town, a Mercenary camp, a band of Adventurers, or a Hero party.
Each set-up position is made up out of a Main Character (the 'leader' of his position) and one to five Secondary Characters (supportive characters of lesser power), the exact amount depending upon the position chosen. In fact there is a sort of trade-off: either one has a few very powerfull characters, or one has many weaker characters. The Hero position is at the one end of the scale, the Overlord at the other end, the rest is in between these. But apart from character qualities, also the starting ownership of soldiers and population comes into consideration: the positions with the stronger characters don't get any of these at the beginning of the game (but can of course aquire them during play).

For a brief description of the position types you can look at the following quotes from the Legends rulebooks. Hero Adventurer Mercenary Overlord

To get a further idea about how these options 'feel' like, you could visit another home page called the Sipkorner ( which has an introduction and stories surrounding the setup options! Also the Harlequin Games page gives a brief overview of the setup types.


The Hero presents the players the unique opportunity to roleplay in the Legends world. The Hero will be the most powerful individual character in the game. Not limited to running the economies of towns or cities, the Hero has the ability to freely travel the countryside. Like the adventurer, the Hero can sell their abilities to the highest bidder. Predatory rulers will often seek the services of master thieves, assasins, spies, and rumermongers to destabilize the rule of others.
The Hero is provided with two characters, which include one outstanding Main character and one Secondary character (side-kick). Characters in this option begin with warmounts and a random chance of better arms and armor compared to characters of the Overlord and Mercenary options.

Adventurer Party

A party of adventurers provides the player with the opportunity to wander the lands of Legends in search of fame and fortune. To achieve this goal, adventure characters will require a good range of combat and magical skills. Information gathering skills can also be most helpful in tracking down that lost treasure. Adventurers can achieve grand recognition through participation in tournaments, defeating parties of monsters in ruins, looting the wealth of lairs, commanding large military forces or providing inspired leadership to guilds engaged in the intricate politics of city life.
The Adventurer is provided with a band of well equipped companions, which include one strong Main character and five Secondary characters. Characters in this option begin with warmounts and a random chance of better arms and armor compared to characters of the Overlord and Mercenary options.


Mercenaries begin the game in charge of a military camp with modest economy and a better than average military force. The mercenary has a choice between developing an economy, engaging in military expansion or trying to walk the fine line between the two. Alternatively, thier camp can be used as a base of operations from which they can venture forth on quests and adventures, and can send forth their military forces to serve other players. Mercenaries may wish to give their characters a wide range of skills. Excellent mercenary leaders often form the cornerstone of multi-player alliances.
The Mercenary is provided with a small castle, excellent fortifications and above average soldiers. Flexibility is its strong point. Mercenary position begin with four characters, which include one strong Main character and three Secondary characters.


As an Overlord, a player is responsible for managing an economy and striking a balance between economic growth and military expansion. While players might sacrifice some mobility with an Overlord position, they are rewarded with the opportunity of greater player interaction. Particularly, with Heroic players who may wish to build guilds and lead armies. The Overlord can choose to endow their characters with a wide range of skills or, as the game progresses, Overlords can hire Heros, Adventures and Mercenaries to preform various tasks and make up for any skill shortages.
The Overlord position is provided with a location that has good defenses and an an adequate amount of soldiers. Players may opt for a Nomadic camp instead of a fixed location. The Nomadic camp has no defenses, but it can be moved. A Nomadic culture must also be selected. The Overlord position is provided with six characters, which include one capable Main character and five Secondary characters.

Character Skills

Characters can have up to 3 skills. All skills can be combined, except for the Priestly and the Arcanist skills (you can only have 1 skill out of the 1 to 10 range; although in some of the newer modules Priest can be combined with an Arcanist skill under certain restrictions).
  1.      Wizard              [Arcane Art]
  Wizards control the abstract forces of magic.  The Wizard's
  discipline contains 28 spells arranged in five major arcana,
  granting the ability to create and dispel shells of protection,
  create magic staves, cast spells of fire, and teleport.
  2.      Sorcerer            [Arcane Art]
  Sorcerers are masters of mind control. The Sorcerer's
  discipline contains 22 spells arranged in three major arcana,
  representing the ability to create veils and whispers of fear and
  courage, cast spells of suggestion and influence, cause
  insanity, and use the 'Evil Eye'.
  3.      Illusionist         [Arcane Art]
  Illusionists create and reveal images of things that are and
  things that never were.  The Illusionist's discipline contains 17
  spells arranged in three major arcana, including spells of
  illusion and detection, the ability to cast spells of darkness and
  create cloaks of invisibility, and the invocation of
  shadowstorms and the dreaded deathshadows.
  4.      Necromancer         [Arcane Art]
  Necromancers manipulate the forces of death and can raise the
  dead.  The Necromancer's discipline contains 20 spells
  arranged in four major arcana, including the ability to create
  and abolish armies of undead, and cast spells of higher
  5.      Summoner             [Arcane Art]
  Summoners are masters of magical monsters and unearthly
  forces. The Summoner's discipline contains 44 spells arranged
  in five major arcana, including the summoning of invisible
  servants, elemental spirits, familiars, daemons, and unearthly
  forces.  Some spells of summoning, such as the calling of
  Winternight, are counted amongst the most powerful of magics
  in the Legends arcana.
  6.      Seer                  [Arcane Art]
  Seers are masters of farsight and divination. The Seer's
  discipline contains 23 spells arranged in five major arcana,
  including spells of detection, farscrying, and visions. Through
  the magic of the Seer's crystal, the secrets of the ancient
  legends can be revealed.
  7.      Warlock                [Arcane Art]
  Warlocks command the potent secrets of battle magic and
  character 'enhancement'.  The Warlock's discipline contains 23
  spells arranged in three major arcana, including spells of
  character manipulation, duelling, and the creation of magical
  armor. Warlock's spells are combatant magic, usually utilized
  in duels.
  8.      Enchanter              [Arcane Art]
  Enchanters are experts on ancient magic, and can use the
  secrets of the runes to bestow the ancient power upon
  characters, armies and weapons.  The Enchanter's discipline
  contains 28 spells arranged in five major arcana, including the
  ability to enchant soldiers and characters, create magic staves
  and enhance the strength of weapons and armor. 
  9.      Druid                  [Arcane Art]
  Druids command the creative powers of nature.  The Druid's
  discipline contains 43 spells arranged in six major arcana,
  including the ability to enhance characters, cast animal magic,
  influence movement, and change supernatural creatures back
  into their natural forms.
  10.     Priestly Vows  
  Priests act as the mortal servants of a patron god. The chosen
  religion of a character determines the god a Priest will
  worship.  Each game module will contain many religions. In
  turn, each religion will have its own set of magic spells taken
  from the Arcane Arts and the Priest's discipline.  This
  discipline contains 43 spells arranged in seven major arcana,
  including the ability to train and bless fanatical devotees,
  summon minor divinities, create sanctuaries, influence divine
  wrath, and call upon the spells of greater healing. All Priests
  have the ability to communicate with the legendary gods and
  request their intervention in worldly affairs. [See Modules
  11.     Bard
  Because of their gift for storytelling and ballad singing, Bards
  are well-respected and always made welcome at the hearths of
  halls and inns. Bards also use their gift for storytelling to find
  and reveal the secrets of various myths and legends told by
  peoples all around the Legends world. Many such myths
  contain valuable clues that can be used to win the game.  Bards
  are also famous for their uncanny ability to find and gather
  flora and deliver potent curses and blessings upon other
  12.     Assassin 
  Assassins of high skill are swift and silent, able to wound or
  kill their victim and escape without having to engage the victim
  in  a duel.  Assassins also have the ability to train soldiers in
  the silent profession of murder. 
  13.     Spy 
  Lots of valuable information about locations and characters
  can be uncovered by a good spy.  Spies can also train soldiers
  to become guards. (Guards act like police and are effective in
  thwarting the nefarious activities of spies, thieves, and
  14.     Stealth
  Sneaking about has its advantages in Legends, as it enables
  characters to move without being detected by characters of
  other player positions. Stealth is a necessary skill for thieves,
  spies, assassins, or characters leading a small band of soldiers
  in hostile territory.  Characters with stealth skills are able to
  train soldiers to sneak about, reducing their chances of being
  spotted by enemy units and scouts.  [See Soldier Training and
  Sighting Forces].
  15.     Thief
  Thievery is a valuable skill, as it enables characters to steal
  from characters and locations, kidnap other characters, reduce
  the morale of population segments, sabotage defenses and train
  soldiers to become Bandits.  Thieves usually require the stealth
  skills to enable them to hide from the victim they steal from.
  16.     Merchant
  The Legends world provides Merchants with ample
  opportunity to make quick and easy profits.  Merchants are
  able to check the market price of tradegoods for sale at distant
  locations and receive profit bonuses when selling tradegoods
  and other items to a  marketplace.
  17.     Rumormonger
  Rumormongers are renowned as the most effective mischief-makers in the Legends worlds.  Rumormongers have excellent
  public speaking skills which they often use to slander guilds
  and cause civilian strife.  Rumormongers also have the unique
  ability to listen for rumors and gossip and pick up news of
  events that have happened to other player positions in recent
  18.     Administrator - Engineer
  The dual skills of Administrator/Engineer provide characters
  with several valuable abilities required to manage the day-to-day running of cities and oversee the construction or expansion
  of city fortifications. Admin/Engineers are able to increase
  food production, make tax gathering more profitable and put
  population and materials to more efficient use.  As cities
  become larger, good Administration//Engineering skills
  become essential.
  19.     Berserker          [Special Ability]
  Berserk is a form of insanity that enables a character or soldier
  to leap into battle in an uncontrollable and unstoppable battle
  rage, which adds +100% to the attack factor capacity of the
  character at the expense of a -2 reduction in defensive factor. 
  Berserker characters can train soldiers to become berserkers.
  20.     Knight             [Special Ability]
  Knighted characters have enhanced combat abilities that enable
  them to enter into battle with a confidence and vigor that gives
  the Knight a +50% attack factor and a +3 improvement to his
  defense factor.  Knighted characters can train soldiers to
  become Knights.
  21.     Swordmaster         [Special Ability]
  Swordsmasters are experts in the use of swords.  When they
  use a sword in combat, they receive  +100% to their attack
  factor plus any attack factor bonuses the weapon may provide.
  22.     Axemaster           [Special Ability]
  Axemasters are experts in the use of axes.  When they use an
  axe in combat, they receive +100% to their attack factor plus
  any additional attack factor bonuses the weapon may provide.
  23.     Bowmaster           [Special Ability]
  Bowmasters are experts in the use of bows.  When they use a
  bow in combat, they receive +100% to their attack factor plus
  any additional attack factor bonuses the weapon may provide.
  24.     Ranger              [Special Ability]
  Rangers are characters who are skilled in the art of living,
  hunting and fighting in the wilderness.  The Ranger skill
  provides characters with the ability to perform several useful
  orders, including gathering rare flora and making maps.  When
  Rangers are involved in combat, their attack factors are
  increased by +50%.  Ranger characters can train soldiers to
  become Rangers.
Note that under the Legends II system, starting with the Swords of Pelarn module, the Special Abilities (Militant skills 19,20,24, and Weaponmaster skills 21,22,23) have been given major extra benefits; also they can be enhanced in level (which was previously not the case). Please check the Update November '95 on this point.

Game Orders

The Legends game system has over 180 separate Order Codes; with this orders you can give instructions to your characters, armies and locations. The game orders are divided into eight major functional groups.

Regular Game orders

1 Basic Orders
Basic orders are used to create soldiers, train tradesmen and construct forces (guilds, legions, etc.) and perform numerous other miscellaneous tasks associated with running a position (like construction, observation, and other mundane activities). Basic Orders are divided into three major groups:
* Force Manipulation Orders
* Transfer/Training Orders
* General Basic Orders

2 Character Orders
Character Orders enable characters to perform a wide variety of personal actions in the game. The number of character orders a character may perform in one game turn is limited to 1 to 5, and many character orders are skill restricted.

3 Encounter Orders
Encounter Orders determine how a player's force will react when it meets other player or NPC forces during the movement phase and between your regular turns. Depending on your Encounter Orders, a force might engage in battle between your turns.

4 Military Orders
Military Orders are used to provide player forces with a precise strategic military function during combat.

5 Movement Orders
Movement Orders are used to plot the exact movement routes players wish their forces to follow across the Legends map.

6 Fleet Orders
Fleet Orders are utilized to specify whether fleets are to be put to sea or landed.

Non-regular orders

7 Production Orders and Standing Orders
Production Orders are utilized by players who own location type forces to determine what their population segments will produce during production.
Players have the ability to economize on the number of Transfer-Training Orders they must write after by creating up to 40 standing orders which will automatically take effect during each production turn. These orders stay in effect until changed.

8 Special Actions
In addition to order codes, there are provisions for the use of Special Actions. Special Actions are send on a seperate piece of paper, in order to communicate with characters in the game that are not owned by players, to try to accomplish things that (yet) be done by regular order codes, or doing very special task (like designing higher order magical or soldier training types).
Special Actions are not designed to be a focus of play, and most companies have a very STRICT policy in regard to them.

Let's have a closer look at the most important categories. It's nothing but a bone-dry enumeration - just to give you an idea. Note that some orders, indicated with an $ are not available under all systems (available at least in the most recent Legends II games).

ad.1 Basic Orders

a)Force Manipulation Orders
Activate Legion, Deactivate Legion, Legion Conversions, Fleet Ship Assignments, Extract Forces, Set Reserve Slot Options, Set % Losses, Fleet Cargo Allocations, Build Guild, Build Marketplace, Drop Inactive force

b)Transfer-Training Orders
Train soldiers, Transfer soldiers, Accept soldier transfer, Disband soldiers, Switch soldiers' slot, Transfer items, Accept external transfer, Create population segment, Transfer population, Train tradesmen, Transfer character, Special Resource conversions, Set food consumption, Set Force Entry Conditions, Train Soldier Skill, Re-Equip Soldiers

c)General Basic Orders
* Guild orders:
Guild to influence SEI (economy of town), Guild war (against other guilds), Set guild toggles (guild money production), Create potions/elixirs, Set guild entry conditions, Set guild tax rate and soldier amount, Assign guild to defend slot (defend host town), Guild defense option
* Marketplace Orders:
Set marketplace prices, Open market to sell, Open market to buy, Close market, Sell tradegoods to marketplace, Sell item to marketplace, Buy item from marketplace, Marketplace internal transfer, Marketplace Bazaar, Marketplace investment percentage, Sell item to population segment.
* Gamble, Adventure and View Orders:
Gamble at inn; Request Adventure [$], Claim Adventure [$]; Observe characters, View province, View force, View guild, View Basic Self [$], View spell [$], View Supernatural status [$], View title [$], View troop type [$], View Faction [$]
* Miscellaneous Orders:
Mask option; Change message, Place message pointer, Remove message pointer, Place message in guild, Clear guild message board; Character stealth on/off; Character battle assignment, Assign location administrator; Rest character; Gift location, Gift soldiers, Drop character; Declare blood enemy, Declare faction, Declare ally,Drop ally; Claim title; Bury character; Train mount to warmount; Forget Spell; Drop empty population segment [$], Drop popseg and disperse population [$], Sponsor Faction Member [$]
* Prisoner Orders:
Free captured character, Set ransom for character, Execute captured character, Pay ransom for character, Transfer prisoner, Strip character
* Equip and Construct Orders:
Equip Character, Drop/Destroy item, Poison weapon, Activate Item / Use potion, Construct ship, Build defenses

ad.2 Character Orders
a) Covert Orders
Sabotage defences, Sabotage morale, Sabotage Item; Spy, Assassinate, Kidnap; Assign Bodyguard, Dismiss Bodyguard; Rescue prisonner, Attempt escape; Cause civilian strife; Steal Item; Slander guild; Rob grave.
b) Diplomatic orders
Induce, Influence, Bribe, Intimidate; Listen for rumors, Listen for distant rumors; Honor vassal, Gift to vassal; Bard to listen for legends, Bard to sing a song; Discuss politics [$]; Vote [$].
c) Standard Orders
* Skill and Attribute orders:
Practice/Study skill, Practice attribute, Teach skill to character, Learn skill from character, Learn skill/ability from a guild, Teach spell to a guild, Teach skill/ability to a guild.
* Magic orders:
Cast spell, Invoke miracle, Bard's bless/curse, Reserach spell, Teach spell to character, Learn spell from character, Learn spell from magic guilds, Teach production secret to population.
* Item orders:
Make healing draughts, Make poison, Make antidote, Gather flora, Examine item, Read book.
* Miscellaneous orders:
Challenge for guild control; Non-heroic job; Sell tradegoods to population, Check market prices; Participate in tournament; Afflict character with status; Do Reforms and Public works projects; Pray at church; Bestow a divine Mark; Teach troop training type to character [$]; Drop a skill [$].

ad.4 Military Orders
* Actions against towns:
Conquer location or lair, Conquer and enslave population; Pillage and enslave, Pillage and kill; Plunder and enslave, Plunder and kill; Raid, Raid and kill, Raid and enslave.
* Actions against legions and parties of characters:
Attack legion, Attack party of characters inside a location, Raid legion or party.
* Actions against guilds:
Attack guild, Attack marketplace
* Patrol and Siege:
Patrol, Patrol and defend, Patrol and sally; Siege, Break sieg.
* Non-military actions:
Capture herd, Exterminate herd; Training camp; Forage; Build road, Destroy road; Salt land; Tear down defenses.
* Actions by guilds:
Guild tries coup against location, Guild attacks market.
* Miscellaneous actions:
Explore; Arrest character.

Most info on this page was taken from the Legends Rule Books and thus Copyright of Midnight Games, USA.
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