Okay, some random things I've written over time. Most of these I just kind of wrote my thoughts down for my aol IM profile and didn't want to just delete them when I put something knew in... I don't know when I wrote the older ones, but they are in sort of in the order I wrote them... not much here, just my disturbed ramblings...

Suicide is not the only form of self-destruction. Through suicide you still keep your identity; you simply lose your life. Annihilation of human identity can be realized easily through imitation. This is the truest form of self-destruction. What value is your life if it isn't yours? I endure not to live. I am already dead.

What do you do when one day you wake up and realize nothing is the same as it used to be?
Do you try to hold on to what's left or move to the new?
Can you really hold on to it, or has it already slipped through your fingers?
Does anything ever really change or, in the big picture, does it all just stay the same and nothing matters?
And even if nothing really matters, does that matter?

Everything will work out in the end.
You have to belive it.
If you don't then why try to live?
And if you believe it, why try?
Fate will make all right.

By the way... have AOL or AIM? Add me or Send me an instant message. No? You can still send me an e-mail.