The Wishing Well

(For all those things Palladium Fantasy doesn't have)

Any suggestions or criticisms as how to make the Well better are welcome!

The Wishing Well is supported by the reader's of this page.  Without your insight and foresight the wishing well is nothing so I encourage you to please Toss in your 2 cents.

I wish they'd create or supply more info on:
Name: Wish:
------- More development on the other magic classes (especially Warlocks). I think they are down played when compared to wizards. Psionics need a boost bigtime!
Mephisto14 OK, now that me and the 'ol R-man have got the map thing figured [It will be up soon], now we need one last thing from the 'ol S-man a Tristine Cronicles compilation. What does anybody else think? Let me know!
Mephisto14 A better world map! They need to make a topographical map of the world that has major towns, borders, and rivers. The current world map only shows mountians and some rivers, the rest of the landforms we have toguess from names. (OK, I can guess the Northern Wilderness has trees, and the Ophids Grasslands has grass, but what about the Western Empire?)
KyrVothra More social background on elves, dwarves and other races thus more history.
------- I would like to see an anime based on one of our adventures.
dalfitch I would love to see a line of fiction based on the Palladium Fantasy World. Heck, I know that there will be many such as myself who would be more than willing to pen some short stories or novels for some dough!
Rehlman Create a Computer RPG based on Palladium FRPG.  Or maybe even something like Ultima Online for PFRPG.
Rehlman Along with Wallace's book based solely on magic, I'd like to see different types of magic like Life Force Magic, for instance.  (I commend palladium on the thier creation of Necromany magic)
Rehlman The holidays celebrated in the Palladium World, religious or not.  You'd think that with all those gods, Holidays are happening pretty often somewhere around the world.
Neptune To have a book explaining the culture and society of the world. What's "in" and what's not. And how the "average" person views life.
Neptune I'd like to see a book based entirely on psionics. With full descriptions of powers and classes.
Ash The knighting of soldiers.
Wallace I would like to have a book solely on magic, and several new magic classes, and lots of new magic spells. Also with specific locations of ley lines, maybe a map of the world with them all on there.
Rehlman   The Northern Mountains and who defends them from the Land of the Damned.  Also what major passes go through the mountains and if any troglodyte or kobold tunnels go from one side to the other.

\ = partially answered, X = fully answered, if you know an answer please send it in with reference as to where it came from. Thanks!
I wish they would clarify / explain:
Name: Answer Wish:
Lictalon How hard it is to hit specific targets like the eyes with knives, arrows, spells, etc.
Mephisto14 The geographical layout of the world. We know where mountians and some major rivers are... We can guess Ophids Grasslands are grass, Northern Wilderness has trees, etc. But What about the rest of the world? If anyone had a map, please post so I can see it. Thanx!
Rehlman How much P.P.E. does a Necromancer get?


Combat in general. There are a few abilities and rules that are a little unclear. <As in, when a natural 20 <without bonuses> doesn't beat an unnatural 21 or above.>


Exactly what is all involved in the magic casting process, time it takes to cast, are hand gestures involved, etc.?
Wallace The multiple classes options, and give more rules, or guidelines for making a multiple class character


How long does it take a priest to pray? Would miracles and normal prayers take different amounts of time?

Changes I'd make to Palladium Fantasy should a 3rd Ed. come out.  I would..
Name: Wish:
Rehlman Make the Druids advance in power more rapidly and add more distinct Druidic powers to the O.C.C.  
Neptune Make the warlocks more powerful on level one instead of making them start with only 2 spells.
Wallace Change the HTH so that the changes between them are much more noticeable, and I would also restrict Magic users to having no paired weapons
Wallace Make the wizard O.C.C. so that you would gain at least one more magic attack per melee, perhaps at level 6 or 7, after all a wizard would get faster at casting spells over the years
Rehlman Put the psionics in levels like they did in the first Ed.
Rehlman Get rid of most of the physical skills from 2nd Ed. (They have Boxing!?!?!)

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