I.Q. 14                    


M.E. 12
M.A. 11 Race: Human     O.C.C. Diabolist / Wzrd / Ncrmncr* Alignment:  Unprincipled
P.S. 14 H.P.: 47 S.D.C.: 40 Exp. Level: 3 / 1 / 6
P.P. 13 P.P.E: 201 I.S.P.: 57  Psionics: Major
P.E. 25 Age: 22 Sex: Male Wt. 165  Ht. 5'11"
P.B. 21 HtH: Basic From: Western Empire
Spd. 23 Disposition: Bitter, Suspicious, Vindictive       Art below drawn by Ron Nutter

* = Rashidi no longer practices Necromancy and the picture is somewhat incorrect now (No Dragon helm and he wear's different color wardrobe), but the picture's so damn awesome I'm going to leave it up.

Born in the Western Empire, the first of twins Rashidi was very different from his brother from day 1. His brother being friendly and charismatic person, while he was quiet and recluse. Growing up was hard for Rashidi as he possessed an unusual amount of psychic potential as well as magic potential, not understanding his powers he restrained from using it in fear of hurting someone.

Growing up in the Western Empire taught him to tolerate the Wolfen and maybe even respect them, this however ended one fateful day as a small Wolfen raiding party invaded his home town, killing everyone with the exception of him and his brother. Being the older brother, he was expected to look out for his little brother, and knowing this he tried his best, but they couldn't survive they had no food, no income, and no family. Until one day a man in all black showed up, and offered a way out for Rashidi and his brother, knowing that Rashidi had great potential as a psychic and a magic user, not to mention the boy's new found rage, decided to offer him tutorage in the dark arts of Necromancy. Rashidi did not need much convincing, as the stranger had presented a way to get back at those responsible for the murder of his family.

During his training his brother realizing his Rashidi's obsession, and the way the stranger was perverting him, he decided to run away and seek help for his brother and him, and Rashidi has not seen him since.

The teaching of the stranger quickly developed Rashidi's magical abilities and at the same time taught him in the ways of an assassin. Finally after 9 years of training he was ready to set out on his own to find the Wolfen responsible for the murder of his family, for the next 3 years he searched for them to no avail. His quest to find the killers of his family has been put on hold as he met a group of adventurers to travel with, and with them he has acquired more power then he could ever imagine.

Rashidi wields two Runeweapons Mindprancer (sword), and Magefriend (sword) with deadly precision, other artifacts are a belt purse that turns into a knife, and a scroll or two, these things will help him (he hopes) when the time comes for his final revenge.

"4th level - Rashidi has recently reached a new level in his life as a necromancer.  He has attained it through journies through the tombs of evil and good.  His search for knowledge continues, and also does his hatred for the lone Wolfen continue, he will not forget, and revenge will be his someday...."  -Rehlman

"Rashidi keeps on getting levels, seemingly dodging every thing thrown at him, maybe his time for revenge will come soon (see story above).... Until he gets his final revenge on the lone wolfen, his dark ways will continue, and the dark lords will not let go willingly of such a hate-filled soul"  -Rehlman

"With the addition of Coren to this group of adventurers, Rashidi has become a little uneasy as she is a Priestess of Light and Sir Garland is a Paladin of the Church of Light, and he fears that they will try to undo him, and he doesn't want that to happen for these companions are the closest things he has to friends, and he has had difficulties finding good friends..." -Wallace

10/29/97: "Rashidi has recently gone up in alignment to anarchist.  This was rewarded to him after he dove in front of an arrow intended for Drog, and took the blow himself.  Maybe his dark ways are ending."  -Rehlman

1/1/98:  Rashidi has recently gone up to Unprincipled and has forsaken the use of his Necromancy powers.  Only time will tell what he picks up next.  -Rehlman

1/18/98:  Rashidi has started to study Wizardry yet finds it very difficult to do without a mentor.  His helmet has come off for that of normal armour and he's given up the black cloak for more lively colors.  He's also given up a few other things from his dark past.  -Rehlman

3/3/98: Rashidi has been greatly disturbed as of late by two things, one that the Wolfen that killed his father is their guide through the land of the damned, and he doesn't know if he should kill him and have Garland on his case or if he should let him live. Second the appearance of yet another band of Utu's minions has him wondering just how badly Utu wants him dead, and if a god decides to have him killed does he really stand a chance?


4/13/98: Rashidi has had the unthinkable happen to him, he has been knocked below 0 hp, which in his special case just renders his body temporarily immobile until he regains at least 1 hp. Now this has frightened him somewhat, since he has always been more than capable of defending himself, and it also gave him a taste of what his life will be if his body is completely destroyed and his consciousness is stranded forever..... This does not appeal to him at all. And all of this happened to save the life of a Wolfen named Greilheim, who he previously thought to have killed his father, although, he isn't sure anymore.


Most of this work was submited by: Wallace, Look to him for future entries into the journal of Rashidi's life.

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