Lawsuits Archive

Under Judicial ruling the I.S.C. lawyers have a gag order on them about what happens in the court room.  They may not speak of the case or cases that take place in the courtroom, however I can!  We here at I.S.C. fight to uphold true, law, and justice for all the Palladium RPG's and it is our goal that someday all will be equal in the eyes of Palladium Books Inc.  Until that day comes, we have to fight the only way we possibly can with the corporate giant Palladium Books Inc, and that's through the courts.  Here is a listing of some of the previous court cases fought, and their outcomes.  I do this not for profit or out of any joy to my own for I find it difficult to bring up the subject up around here because of the fact that I am a loyal supporter of Palladium Books Inc, but the truth must be told and through your letters and testimonies, justice must be upheld...

By law, you MUST read this Disclaimer before reading anything more!

1st Case - Filed under Section 132b of PARLPA:

April 8th, 1998: The crack team of lawyers over at I.S.C. have just filed suit with Palladium Books over a direct violation of Section 132b, of the Protection Against Rifts in Large Print Act passed down by Congress in 1995.   The bill was better known as PARLPA and was supported largely by the right wing conservatives. The suit refers to the lettering size of the following statement on this page on the Palladium Books site right under the Palladium Fantasy 2nd Ed. main book.  (Lettering size has been decreased dramatically for legal purposes)

     [The Palladium Fantasy RPG] 2nd Edition: The “Rifts®” of fantasy gaming

The suit was only filed after much debate over at the I.S.C. main headquarters.  But as chairman Al Shaft said,

     "We've got to protect the rights of the Palladium Fantasy 2nd Edition, because one never knows how far this could go.  Soon the Palladium Fantasy Books may just be called Rifts World books in Another Dimension!"

The tiny room on 37th floor on South Bank St. was in uproar for the next hour or two discussing strategy and eating free pizza.  The meeting finally concluded with this inspirational speech from our V.P., Mr. Reagan Stokes.

     "We will not be insulted!  How dare they compare this to Rifts even if there were good intentions.  What's worse is that it's right under the main book title!  We've got to fight it folks, not just for us, but for all the future Palladium Fantasy roleplayers!"

With that, the room erupted in cheers and cry's for war!  After the the brief moment of commotion, the lawyers hurried out of the room to begin the formation of the case.

April 10th, 1998:  The I.S.C. team of lawyers were preparing day and night, seeing the fear in Palladium's eye for Palladium now realized their blatant disregard for PARLPA.  About noon yesterday, we received a call from an anonymous source (ok, it was Maryann) telling us to meet her at the local pool hall.  After she kicked our butts in a few games of pool (who would have known) we went over to the bar to talk.  The I.S.C. staff was represented by 5 of our finest lawyers and of course me.  Maryann had her accountant / book writer / lawyer with her as well.  We all sat down and got a drink and Maryann began to grovel (yes, grovel!) with us to settle out of court.  I couldn't resist her pleading eyes, not to mention that life-time subscription to the Rifter.  We accepted.  The deal was that Palladium would leave their statement in large print for as long as they wished, but they'd open up to accepting computer Character Generators that would then be dispersed by Palladium.  

Palladium wasted no time in pleasing I.S.C. and got the general statement out to the public as early as yesterday evening as it was first discovered and reported by Midnght.  Here's the full statement:

"Okay, I know I'll regret this at some point, but here goes. For all of you programmers out there. We (Kevin and I) are opening up submissions for computer character generators for Rifts, Palladium FRPG, Nightbane and Heroes 2nd edition. The people working on computer stuff aren't really that interested in doing programs for the games and interest for such a program has once again reared its ugly head. The program would have to be for WIN95/98 and must be easy to use and expandable. The Unsolicited Manuscript Form MUST accompany any submission that is sent in. I don't know how this program would be marketed, but I have a bunch of ideas. PLEASE don't use our old RGMC (Rifts Game Master Companion) as a guideline (if any of you have it) we don't want to do that again. Good luck and if you have any questions let me know."



Palladium has been foiled this time at their evil attempts to turn our PFRPG into Rifts, but those crafty people over at Palladium are already cooking up another nasty scheme, I can just feel it.  No matter, wherever justice needs to be served, wherever people are flocking to Rifts because it's got neato guns, and wherever the word Rifts makes it on the cover a good book (a.k.a. Not a Rifts book ;), I.S.C. will be there!


Future lawsuits will be filed here as they happen.

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