King Edrick

Edrick started out life good. He was part of a very noble elven family in the Western Empire. He grew up in a nice area of the kingdom. His family was rich, and he loved everything that life had to offer. After many years of growing up, Edrick decided to follow in his parents footsteps. He began training to become just like them, a noble. But it soon began to bore Edrick. He started to day dream during lessons and he never learned most of the stuff a noble did. That is when he met someone very special to him. Her name was Darla, a simple peasant who caught Edrick's eye one day. He soon found out Darla's love of nature and frequently followed her into the woods everyday. There she taught Edrick the ups and downs of the life as a Ranger. Edrick always loved nature, but with this new spark in his life, he cherished it with everything he was.

Edrick's parents where upset at the time he told them of his new found goal in life. They knew that he was the best diplomat in their entire family. <M.A. of 17> But they supported his decision to become a Ranger, for they loved Edrick and he always made them proud. After about a year with Darla, Edrick finally got the courage to ask her to marry him. She quickly accepted and they got married the next day. There was a large celebration held for Edrick and Darla. It seemed as thought nothing could go wrong on that day, the day that Edrick was at his happiest. That is until something very tragic happened. After the ceremony, Edrick and Darla went into the forest to take a walk. After about half an hour, they heard something from up above. Something large flew over their heads, blocking out the sun for a moment. The two stood there, in their tracks, dead scared. Neither of them knew what was going on. Soon they heard a loud "thud." The ground trembled. Again, a loud "thud." The ground shook a second time. The two then fled away from the sound. Soon the thuds started happening more frequently. Then they were gone.

Edrick turned around to see if anyone was there. Nothing. Seconds later a large dragon landed behind them. The two stood there in fear. The dragon told them that he was sent by a rival kingdom to assassinate Edrick and his bride. Edrick stood in front of Darla to protect her. He told the dragon that if he was going to get to Darla, that he would have to get through him first. With this, the dragon swiped it's tail at Edrick, knocking him into a tree. He lost consciousness. When he awoke, the dragon was gone, and so was Darla. All he found was a flower that he had given her just moments before the whole incident ever happened. Edrick went back to his family and told them of the bad news. From that day forward, Edrick despised all dragons, and he would look in hatred at any that come before him.

Many years past for Edrick. Then he decided to go out adventuring. The  kingdom brought about too many bad memories. He left his family and found a group of wanderers. He joined up with them and they had many glorious adventures. When Edrick heard that he was destined to lead a great army to save the world, he knew that his entire life was all destined to happen.  It was fate that took away his love, fate that lead him away from his family, fate that made him who he was. On that day when his army was on the island at the edge of the world, he faced an equally as great army.  Axle, a changeling ruled this army. He was the one that was a danger to the world. Unfortunately, he had multiple personalities. When one of them took over, his shape changed and he became either the cruel maniac to rule the world, or the compassionate ruler who cared for his people. After a bloody battle, Edrick's army came out the victors. The island was liberated and the castle destroyed. This proved to be a great place for the castle that he and his companions were waiting to build for a very long time. Edrick was selected as king of the island. Then they started to build the castle.

So, with all their gold, they built the castle in a little over a year.  Hiring great earth warlocks to help. After the castle was built, they went on another adventure. On this adventure, Edrick perished. Luckily, one of his companions had a scroll of resurrection, Edrick was alive once again.  After his recovery, Edrick found that it was difficult to ask things of people. He also found that he wanted to be commanded by others. <this of course is due to an insanity> He gave up his position as king to a very promising peasant man named Jeremy. Edrick taught Jeremy how to be a King and what to do at certain times. So, Edrick stayed back at the island as an advisor to the new king.

Submitted by: Sir Edrick a.k.a. [SMC] Neptune (Co-Level creator for SMQ)

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