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Art done by Ron Nutter

     Lightning flashes through the air and deep rumbling thunder can be heard at ear piercing levels.  Your ship is off course, and the waves pound the boat relentlessly.  The ship is taking on to much water from rains and waves, you've lost two of your best sailors, and the dark forebiding clouds show no sign of surrender.  You're knuckles turn white as you clutch the wheel of the ship with all your might trying to steer safely against the waves, but you can't seem to get control of the ship.  Suddenly a huge wave pounds the ship, and you're thrown down the stairs into the main cabin, and land unconscious.

You wake up the next morning laying on a bed.  You start to get up, when you feel the bump on the back of your head, and it all comes back to you now.  You rush up to the main deck to see a thick fog and your remaining five men cleaning up the shreds of what's left of the sail, and trying to fully repair the leak that sprung in the starboard side last night.   You join them in the effort.  All is silent as you work, each despairing in their heart at the loss of their two comrades, and that the remainder of you are hopelessly lost out at sea.

You look up to see the sun finally penetrating the fog... A shaft of light suddenly shines through parting the fog and you stare in awe as you see a castle standing proud, basking the light of the new day off in the distance.   You near the isle on which the castle stands, trying to recall your memory of all your maps.  You can now see the bustling town of citizens, fisherman out on the sea, and small flag billowing in the air.  

The flag shows the sun rising over the water with a large cross in the forefront... Can it be?, is this the isle that stories long ago were made only to be fairy tales.... You pass the fishing boats, and  pull into the small harbor, a man approaches your ship and shouts, "Welcome to the Isle of the Southern Cross".

He asks you to first to Sign the Royal Guestbook and view the almighty Disclaimer, and if you wish you may View the Entries of Others in the guestbook.

Within these pages you'll find all new, unique information about:

-Palladium's great Palladium Fantasy 2nd Ed., and Heroes roleplaying games.

-The latest information on the Palladium's latest releases and projects.

-A log of all our Adventures in the Palladium world, adventure ideas, tips, etc... and of course

-Other interests of mine plus some good ole' fun stuff!


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