Heroes Unlimited Graveyard

Ovade ovada life goes on, but apparently without you


Here lies Electro.

Known by few.

Loved by some.

Hero to all.

Frank Kollins (aka Electro)

One hell of a villain

who got caught with his pants down.

You should have seen his eyeballs fly.


A young merc who fought alongside the good and the bad,

he'd bump of his mama for the right price.

The Reaper

Never was one for words, but I'll always remember his trademark Cigar. Always chewing on one even in the midst of a fire fight. He had a cold exterior but he would never let a comrade down, even though he would never admit such loyalty.

Every villain that ever crossed the path of Snake and survived was left with the scent of gun-smoke and cigar-smoke imprinted in his mind forever.


Here lies Stonecold.

His skin was stone, his power was cold...

But his heart was that of a hero.

Thaddeus McAnders aka Stonecold

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