Reapper's House

Who I am and what I'm about!!

Who am I?? I'm just your average guy. But then agian what is average? Most people call me Bill, Billy, G, Reapper, Billy Bob, Bildo, Sexy, Sexy Eyes, Honey, Hey you, Asshole, Dip shit, and just about anything else you can think of. People at work call me Grimmer or Grim. I am currently in Fort Hood Texas. As most people know I'm not really a religious person. I'm not saying I don't believe in God. I just think that some people take the Bible way to seroiusly. It's a good guide line to live your life by but I think you should also do what you need to to get thru this life. I like to keep my options open at to where I stand on this issue. That brings me to another issue. How can you claim to have a HOLY WAR??? I know I learned something in english class about an oxymoron. Are they just saying "Well my GOD is going to kick your GOD's ass!!"?? Sorry if that pisses someone off. I think as long as your a good person and you do good to others then good things will come your way. Seems to have worked so far in life.

So now you want to know more about me?? Ok then lets go to the physical side. Since we all ready went thru the spiritual side of me. Like I said average. I'm 5'8". Range between 130lb and 150lb. Depends on time of year and how active I've been. Male and I'm 25 as of April 12th. Brown hair and brown eyes. I have my tounge piercied and 4 tattoos. I have my ear pierced but haven't had a ring in it for a long time, but it's still open. I have gotten my eyes fixed so I can see now!! Girls think I have sexy eyes and they seem to love it when I smile. I don't get it but whatever. I don't think of myself as cute or even sexy but some girls in this world think I am. So once agian..whatever. I have a big scar on my left shoulder from a beer bottle. Not really an exciting story but hey it's mine. If you want to know then just e-mail me and ask.

Now for my thoughts on Girls. Girls are evil. Some are evil in a good way and some are evil in a bad way. Want to know which way I think you are? Just ask. I like girls for the most part thou it's something in my genes or jeans take your pick. The more active the better. Have to be smart. A smart ass with a good sence of humor. Able to go from having fun and playing around to serious fairly quickly. Basicly that just tells me you are able to change with whatever gets thrown your way. Must have a positive attitude. Alway looking at the bright side. Same interests as me is a huge plus. But still have your own so you can show me new things. Physical I'm not just talking sexually. I mean more like cuddling, playful poking, tickling, kissing, huging, but there is a limit. Don't take it over-board thou. It's one of those things you just have to feel your way thru. If your a girl I know you probaly understand what I'm talking about. Self-supportive, independent, have to be. I am very picky. Also be able to deal with the fact that I have female friends. Most of which are ex-girlfriends. These are the girls that have helped shape me to be who I am and they are of more support then any guy friends I have. Sorry to my guy friends you'll get over it. So if you think you can meet some of these then e-mail me. I don't ask for you to meet all my wants in a girl. There is no such thing as perfect.

Politics. I don't like them. To many rich people talking about the middle class and lower class people. Why we got to class people. It's all a game. To much BS going on. Every once in a while we get a couple people that actually do something. But I know politics also make the world go round. Or is that money? Well it's all inter-connected. Also a headache I don't want right now. Thats about all I have to say about that.

Well if you can think of anything else you want to know my views on just e-mail me and I'll add it and tell you.

What I like in this World.

Well the main things I like are easy to list. Snowboarding (as if you couldn't tell by the pic), cars, computers, paintball, girls, building things from nothing, and just about anything that sounds fun. I am a very active person when I can be. So thats why my interests change all the time.


What really pisses me OFF!!

This is pretty simple. STUPID PEOPLE. Now there are many different types of stupid people. I'm mainly talking about the ones that go thru life not knowing whats going on. Or when the mess up there like "oh really?". Just have not clue, no common sence. I wish that you could teach that in school. Not really sure how else to describe it. Also the back stabbing people. They act all friendly to you and then go and trash your car. Ya I know thats extreme but it's to make a point. Also don't like the people that think they are ALWAYS right. Nobody is always right. If I don't know something I'm going to tell you I don't know. The people that will never let you get a word in in a conversation. Don't like them either. Now if you are one of these people I will not tell you straight out. I'm not like that. I won't thou make a point to come around and see you or talk to you. Hmm what else don't I like??

Well there are a few things that don't really piss me off but I just don't like. Writing is one of them. I'd rather type. I have really bad hand writing and I think I type faster then I write anyhow. Math, I suck at math which sucks because I need a lot of math for engineering. Kinda an inter-conflict with me. Talking about myself. I don't like describing myself. I know it's hard to believe considering what I wrote above but I have my moments when I change and all of a sudden I can talk and write about myself.

As I think of things I will add them in. I'm going to try and keep my page as current as I can.

Left Foot

Soon to be some new pics here.

E-mail me!!

Some Pictures to look at.

The List Of Links

Car Links

W-Body page
Hey look it's my car.

Funny Links

End of the Internet

Computer links

Adamant Computers
Crazy PC
Xtreme Tek Werkz
Xtreme Systems
Price Watch Go shopping here.

Dating Links

Hot or Not
Me on Hot or Not
Me at

Other Stuff

Time Converter
Map of Korea