What is Mschv32?

This trojan is just like the router32b. 
It loads itself to memory on startup. When you run this trojan, 
it will copy itself to c:\windows\system\MSchv32.exe.
Then it will modify your windows's registry. 
This makes the program run each time you run windows. 

Diagnosing Mschv32 in your System

To see if you are infected with MSchv32.exe trojan,
press Ctrl-alt-del to open up the "Close Program" window. 
It will show a list of programs that you are running.
Search for a program called MSchv32.exe. If it exists, you are infected.

Manual Fix

1. Press ctrl-alt-del. Open up the "Close Program" window. Select the program called MSchv32.exe and click "End Task". Wait about 10 seconds, and windows will ask you that u confirm with closing program.  
Press "End Task".  

2. type /remove C:\windows\system\MSchv32.exe 

3. type /run regedit Follow the path: 
You will see a key that contain the Data "C:\windows\system\MSchv32.exe" Select it, and press delete -> click "Yes" to confirm. 

4. type /run script.ini 
If you find the word, "opshit", look at the filename under the text box.  
Remember the path and filename. For example: C:\script.ini or C:\mirc\script.ini 
Then go to File Menu and press Unload. 

5. type /remove c:\script.ini or any path you found script.ini under.

    Source: geocities.com/timessquare/alley/2794

               ( geocities.com/timessquare/alley)                   ( geocities.com/timessquare)