
Well, I know I'm not the first one to think of this (since I just started playing in November). Although, I did notice the lack field goals. I was perplexed on how to go about this. So I did what any other person would do... I forgot about it. Then, I surfed the net and found something about field goals.

When I read it I noticed a few places that could be improved. So here it is.

Setup: The field goal takes up seven squares behind the endzones (between those parallel lines that go to the end of the field).

Well you run to the other side of the field but you can't get to the endzone without Morg n' Thorg mauling your lowly lineman. However you think yourself a pretty agile guy that could kick the pick better than you could carry it. Go for it!

This is an action like throwing so you can move before you kick. It can also be intercepted normally. Select one of the seven squares to aim for (how about the center one)! Add you strength +D8 to calcute range. Note: Kick skill adds +2 to score. If you're in range with one square left over, continue. Otherwise put the ball the distance from you to the square in the goal you aimed for. Put the scatter template down and scatter D3 times.

Now if you were within range, roll a D6. 1-2=goes to the left. 3-4=dead on! 5-6=goes to right. If that player has the kick skill follow this instead: roll D8, 1-2=left. 3-6=dead on. 7-8=right. Obviously "dead on" means it went where you wanted it to go and you scored. If it went to the right or left roll D8+D6 and subtract agility (kick skill adds +1 to AG for field goal purposes). If its still in the uprights, you made it despite being a bad kicker. If not, put the throw in template on the square it went of at.

Note: The point value for TDs should probably be changed to 2 so some one doesn't just do this all the time.

Related Pages:

Some Kicker I haven't Figured a Name For
The oringal rules