Allowing Inexperianced, Pyschotic Dwarfs To Operate Heavy Equipment

What do you get you let a rookie drive a steamroller type squishing device? Tons of metal that can improve!
QuantityNameCostUpgradeMSAGAVSkillsPlays For
0-2Rookie DeathrollerSee Below4619Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Multiple Block, Runaway (See Below)Dwarf, Chaos Dwarf

Deathroller needs 2x as many SPPs for upgrade (Big Guy).


Well every big guy has a negative skill. The driver is so inexperianced that the dern thing can get away from him. In the beginning of each move roll a D6. On a 3+ he can control it as usual.
But, on a 1 or 2, the driver messes up big time. Place the throw-in template on any side of the deathroller (including diagonal) and roll the D6. On the next move he may try to regain control, but with a -1 modifier. This modifier accumulates on all subsequent squares until his movement is used up.
If he regains control then he can move as usual.


General skills can be taken as normal.

Driver Skills:

Wait, I gotta think of some...

Roller Upgrades:

Same here...
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