Coaches from CJ #10

Coaches can be hired by the team to train players and aloow them to gain skills without SPPs. Of course the peak of seven skills stays the same and if they have reached that, they can't be taught anymore.

Coaches still count for Briliant Coaching.

There are three levels of coaching and four expertise. Experts cost 50K gps, Old Timers cost 100K gps, and Ex-Players 150K gps. The four areas of expertise are: Fouling (General), Blocking (Strength), Passing (hmm...), and Catching (Agility). You can only have one Coach per expertise and only if that skill can be normally taken by anyy player on the team.

Coaches can only be used once after every match. Pick a player and a skill from the coaches area of expertise. Roll 2D6 and apply the modifiers below. On an 11 or 12 the player gets the skill.

+2Coach is an Ex-Player
+1Coach is an Old Timer
+1Coach is teaching his favorite skill
-2Player normally cannot learn the skill

Fouling (General)All but Halflingd and Goblins
Blocking (Strength)Dwarf, Human, Skaven, Orc, Undead, Choas, Choas Dwarf
PassingAll but Undead, Halfling, Goblin, Chaos, Chaos Dwarf
Catching (Agility)All but Dwarf, Orc, Chaos, Chaos Dwarf

Favorite Skills
FoulingBlockDirty PlayerTackle
BlockingMighty BlowGuardBreak Tackle
PassingPassSafe ThrowAccurate
CatchingCatchSure FeetDiving Catch