juli tiff Stuff that sucks stuff that is cool

Stuff That Sucks, Stuff That IS Cool

Stuff That sucks

The spice girls- They suck!!! Slap 'em around a little!!!!

Marlyn Manson- He is a loser and must be killed!!!!

Microsoft- What if they made cars?

My car- '84 Toyota Soarer, rusted to peices, head lights don't work, and my gas tank is falling off, I named it "Knot" because there is a huge yellow knot in the back from the wire i used to tie up the gas tank! Click here for the pic!!!

Stuff That is cool!!

Open24- Open24 rules!!!! come and see me here!!!

Beavis and Butt-Head!!!- Check out The Amazing Cilckable Beavis!!!

Frozen pizza- Ahhh... a meal in itself!! All my favorites!!!!

Sony- They make all the best home stereo equipment. But there is a draw back, they take FOREVER to ship parts!!! I had to wait like 4 months to get my VCR back from the repair shop!!!Visit the empire!!

Pioneer- Cool car stereos, too bad mine got ripped off!!! Plus, they got a cool website!!!

Pepsi- I am a pepsi addict, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and between meal snacks!!! I envy you if you got the time to go through this entire site...

Megadeth- The new album rocks!!! You can hear some of it from Megadeth, Arizona!

Typhoons- They rule!!! usually gets me a quick day or two off work!!! In fact, we are right in the middle of one as i am making this!!! This was a cool one, last year, that little island in the middle is where i am.