RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:27 AM Hello....

Cleopatra  1/2/00   12:27 AM hey

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:27 AM Hmmm....1 syllable words....

Cleopatra  1/2/00   12:28 AM well then how about u tell me what u would
                                  like 4 me 2 say and then i'll say it....that
                                  way it will make u feel better

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:29 AM no......I like small words.   I understand
                                  them mush easier

Cleopatra  1/2/00   12:29 AM oh, well that good i guess

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:30 AM welll...have you had a good day?

Cleopatra  1/2/00   12:30 AM hum....yeah i guess so, i didn't do anything

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:31 AM that's good.....I got my first citation
                                  today..........stupid Holidays...

Cleopatra  1/2/00   12:32 AM oh, ok! so what is it?

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:33 AM I have to go to court......for
                                  speeding....mostly because like 5 mins. before
                                  I left the house we had cleaned my DL out of
                                  my car, but I didn't know it....so I got a
                                  ticket for failing to presten my DL....

Cleopatra  1/2/00   12:35 AM lol...well that the only way 2 learn from your

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:36 AM no, it was just my luck.....this was the first
                                  time I was driving without my DL.   but I
                                  didn't know it.    but just because we were in
                                  a hurry, and I didn't have it ---and it was a
                                  holiday---- that I got stopped........just my

Cleopatra  1/2/00   12:38 AM lol...so u have 2 go 2 court now? 

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:39 AM yup...it was just a citation.....I haven't
                                  been sentenced--or cleared-- yet

Cleopatra  1/2/00   12:41 AM so how much was your ticket

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:41 AM I DON'T KNOW......dat's why I have to go to

Cleopatra  1/2/00   12:43 AM ok, dam! 

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:43 AM it's damn....

Cleopatra  1/2/00   12:45 AM ok, whatever is up your butt must die....

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:45 AM there's nothing up my butt.....that I know

Cleopatra  1/2/00   12:47 AM well then u have an attitude then

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:48 AM nope.....just in a REALLY good mood....   
                                  but...I'm sorry sweet....what would you like
                                  to talk about???

Cleopatra  1/2/00   12:50 AM i would like 2 talk about alot of things...
                                  but seening that u r not your listening 2 what
                                  i'm saying about u....then my subject i pick 2
                                  talk about is nothing

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:51 AM what????....no what would you like to talk
                                  about???    I'll listen...go ahead....

Cleopatra  1/2/00   12:51 AM nevermind u pissed me off 

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:52 AM I apologize......man...now I feel bad....
                                  well I know I'm the one that's being pissed
                                  at, but tell me...I can't fix the
                                  prob...unless I know what it is....

Cleopatra  1/2/00   12:53 AM no u can't, to late

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:55 AM fine don't talk to me....it kinda makes me
                                  feel bad that I made you mad, but I think I'll
                                  live....I was just trying to correct
                                  myself.....but if you don't want my help then
                                  I'll stop trying....

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:55 AM sorry

Cleopatra  1/2/00   12:56 AM bye, bye

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:56 AM good night sweet...

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:57 AM good night sweet...

RainmanŽ   1/2/00   12:57 AM are we ignoring me???

    Source: geocities.com/timessquare/alley/1766

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