Coron's Homepage

Coron's Sources of Fonts

This collection of fonts was originally created for roleplaying game masters, who always need ancient, interesting looking fonts, alchimistic and astrological symbols, and so on. You'll find fantasy fonts from various games, Tolkien's tengwar and angerthas, alien fonts, fonts from many ancient cultures (cuneiform, hieroglyphs, runes, ogham), and occult fonts and symbols. Then there are mediæval scripts: celtic, uncial, fraktur (blackletter) in many different styles and some funny or creepy looking scripts. All of these are true type fonts for MS windows; other versions for ATM or Mac are available in a few cases, but you'll find links to other sites with lots of similar fonts in nearly all other formats.

Coron's Sources of Roleplaying Stuff

This page contains a collection of links that offer files, tools, texts, netbooks, fonts and much other stuff for roleplayers (mostly "pen & paper", but some links will be interesting for live action roleplayers or for developers of computer rpgs).

You won't find any nice pictures, animated gifs, or java gimmicks (except the GeoGuide) on these pages, the examples on my font page being the sole exception. I thought it was time to set up a page with as much stuff as possible forced into small lists which are to be visible at a glance and clearly laid out (well, I'm still working on it). So I use plain lists without any tables or frames. I thus (1) keep the loading times short, (2) get more free memory for important information and files, and (3) these pages should be fully readable if you are using a viewer like lynx.

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Created: 05.02.1997 Updated: 07.05.00