Welcome to this great site of mine. Clicking on the link in the bottom right-hand corner will take you on a fabulous journey where you will learn about Mr Bungle, see gay people, and read horror stories about my friends getting abused in public, by people making fun of them (great fun to read) Quote of the year (from JAC's guestbook):

Melinda: Entertainment night, £5 or £4 with flyer. Have a good Valentines day all you couples and all you singles can look forward to my cakes which are baking right now

Anonmyous: By Cakes i hope you mean your heaving breasts

Updated Quotes
Some things on this page need to be soooo updated.  i think i'll do a massive overhaul soon nd do something radical like change the colour scheme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cock size (type in space)_________________________________________
Haha - you can't can you?  Wanker
Website of Doooooooooooom
See my favourite football team!
I've decided end the idea of having links to every page on this page; from now on you must go on the ultimate journey, a great quest through the twisting realms of my inner mind (this website thingy).  After seeing this page, click on the link below to access the next page.  From there, you click on the link to the next page and so on until you reach the ultimate page that makes everything worthwhile.  Good luck on your momentous journey! Now, here is the next page
Underneath are links that are accessible elswhere around the site.  By clicking on them, you are making it so that the web-page you are currently on will change to the page clicked on by you
This is a baby Hippo.  hippos are our next governors
This is an unfilled text box.  Well it would be if I didn't write in it.
This is an angry rhino.  All will peril at his displeasure!
Did you stumble upon this page accidentally?  Or are you here because I told you to?  If you are on here because you are looking for porn, then I'm very sorry to disappoint you.  If you are here because I asked you to, then wonder around the site and see how many crazy animals you can see.  is it more than 3?  You tell me.  Anyway, wonder around the site. See my amazing world domination plans.  Sign the guestbook!
Last Updated: 22/11/03
This month, I have been writing slightly higher-quality songs and investigatin serialism.  I should be reading the Bible more :o.  Soldat isn't cool anymore, but you can still read about my clan.
Empty Box
Felix's page (i found it again!)
It's here -
Growling at the Badger's website has arrived!  Made by Will, featuring pictures and mp3's.