It is a beautiful day in New Orleans, Louisiana. The sun shines bright along the French Quarter onto the crowd that is moving up and down the sidewalk doing their everyday thing. The balconies are full of people enjoying the weather. Street performers are on every block entertaining the passers by. The shops are booming with activity. A usual day in New Orleans.

As we move down the street we come to an alley way. A much different site from what we see on the streets. Dumpsters with garbage falling out of it. Homeless men and women strewn throughout the alley using rolled up newspapers as pillows. The putred smell of urine and decaying food can be smelled from yards away. Yet another usual day in New Orleans.

At the end of the alley we can see two men standing and talking. We draw closer and notice that one of the men is Jayson Merrick. The other man is unidentified. They are mysterious in their ways. The man talking to Merrick is keeping his face hidden from those around him. Merrick has no worries of being recognized. Clad in black leather pants and a cutoff “Bolt 45” t-shirt…he has seems to have no reason of concealing his identity. As we come closer we can hear their conversation….

Merrick:Corsean…its nice to see you old friend. But don’t you think that you could have picked a location a little less depressing?

Corsean:I’m not in the mood for people right now Jayson. As of late I haven’t been a very popular man around here.

Merrick lights up a cigarette and then leans back against a brick wall. Corsean takes a seat on a garbage can behind him.

Merrick:You don’t have to worry about these morons around you. You did what you had to do. If you didn’t do it he would have killed you. It was either you or him Corsean.

Corsean:Yes..I know. I have heard it from everyone around me. But for some around this community it wasn’t looked upon that way. To them I am a cold blooded killer.

Merrick:He drew his gun on you. You had no choice but to fire. I don’t care if he was sixteen or sixty…he deserved what he got. It may sound cruel but that’s the life you chose. So get over it and get on with your life. If these pissants around you want to live their lives around chastising you then ignore them. They will get over it some time. You have to worry about yourself Corsean…fuck the rest of them.

Corsean gets up and kicks the can he was sitting on over. He puts his face in his hands and rubs his face. His anger is easily noticeable. He turns towards Merrick with anger in his eyes.

Corsean:How do you know what it feels like? Have you ever gone through something like this?!? Have you ever….

Merrick:I’ve never been through anything like this?!? How in the hell can you stand there and tell me that I never been through anything like this you selfish bastard? I live for 4 years with the site of a man dying in front of me. A man dying by my own hands. Kiss my fucking ass Corsean! Quit feeling sorry for yourself and go on with your life.

Corsean slumps down to the ground. He is sitting on the ground and up against the wall. He brings his knees to his face and slumps his head towards the ground. In a low voice he can be heard.

Corsean:Why couldn’t everything just get back to the way it used to be. Two kids running the streets of Nawlins without a care in the world. Remember those days Jayson? Remember when you moved here from Scotland? There was nothing that could keep us down. It was us against the world and we could face anything.

Merrick:Those days are long gone my friend. We are in a new world now. A world full of hatred and lies and we cannot help but adjust to it to survive. You can hold thoughts of our childhood in your mind but it will never be that way again. So all you can do now is remember and hope that it may make you feel better.

Corsean:I can see your point Jayson but that doesn’t mean that I have to agree. I became a cop to bring those happy days back to the streets. So I cant conform to your beliefs Jayson….I can just do what I have to do to get back my town…our town.

Merrick:Believe what you have to Corsean but this city will never be the same.

Corsean:Damn…I need a drink. Lets head down that little pub on the corner. I hear there is a good jazz band playing there today. Besides…this smell is making me nauseous.

The two men walk out of the alley and up the street. People are avoiding the men as they walk up the sidewalk. They stop at this outside pub on the corner and take a seat at a table. Merrick lights up another cigarette and leans back on the metal chair. They can see people around them staring and talking behind their backs. Merrick just stares back at a couple of them with a cocky look on his face. They turn away and go back to their business as a arrogant smirk comes across his face.

Merrick:Just look at these imbeciles. They continue to judge you and I as if they were some kind of gods or something. They live their holier than thou lives and expect us all to abide by their limitations. It amuses me how they can judge you for something that they probably would have done themselves. I can only hope that that opportunity confronts them one day. I can only hope that they are put in a situation where it is killed or be killed. They then can be judged by their peers.

Corsean:Forget about them Jayson…I want to know why you came to town. What brings you back home?

Merrick:I had to come back both for business and pleasure. I agreed to do an interview with Pro Wrestling Illustrated for their next issue. And also I wanted to come back home to relax for a few days. In fact….the interviewer should be here in a little bit. I knew we would end up here so I told him to meet me.

A waitress comes to the table and brings a couple of drinks. The two men continue talking about old times until it is finally time for Corsean to go back to work. Merrick shakes his hand and Corsean goes on his way. Merrick sits back down and continues to nurse his drink until he is approached by someone he didn’t expect. DRWF personality Tigger walks up to his table and takes a seat.

Tigger:Merrick….whats up?

Merrick:What’s this? I thought I was getting interviewed by PWI not you. Lemme guess…they cancelled.

TiggerBrandi got sick so they had to postpone the interview. So Will sent me down to do an exclusive for the DRWF. Find out what’s on your mind Merrick. We haven’t really got a chance to hear much from you since you took out Hendrix.

Merrick just shakes his head in disgust. He takes down his drink and orders another one up.

Merrick:I agreed to do this because I had a clause in my contract that I had to do these interviews. But it didn’t say that I would have to deal with the likes of you.

Tigger:I ain’t to thrilled about being here either. I have better things to do than interview some freak satanistic cult worshipping motherfucker…but I am here. So whats the deal. Am I getting an interview or not? Damn…at least listen to what I have to say. There were some pretty harsh comments made by Curt Evans today and I didn’t think that you would mind replying to him.

Merrick:Yeah I heard what he said. How am I supposed to respond to him? He apparently knows what I am going to say anyway. It sounds like he knows whats on my mind before I speak…so why respond to it?

Tigger:Is that all? After all the smack he talked about you that is all you have to say? Damn…why did I waste my time?

Merrick:What should I say? Am I supposed to be annoyed or provoked by the words he was spewing out? All they were was words. He can talk all he wants. He can declare how great he is. He can criticize me and downgrade my way of life. Hell…I even saw that he may want to reform me from my miserable life. But when it comes down to it his words mean nothing. They mean nothing out of the ring and they definitely have no meaning in the ring. When he is pleading to me to end the pain I am bring upon him in the ring….they are just words and like any other time I will be ignoring him. Let him talk….we will see what he is really made of when he takes that long walk down that aisle and has to step into my world. Then the only words he will be spewing is his prayers to his god.

Tigger:There it is again. What do you mean by “his god”? It seems that you and the rest of the Sons of Sin are some kind of occult or something. Living on the darkside or some shit like that.

Merrick lets out a laugh. The people around him cast a glare in his direction.

Merrick:Occult? Dark side? Take a step into reality. I don’t worship Satan or any other god. I don’t live my life in some kind of gothic world. I just live my life a little different than others. You and Evans have some kind of thing with this so called “dark side”. Just because I refuse to conform to the world around me and live my life the way I chose fit I am criticized by you and everyone else. I wear black and all of the sudden I am a devil worshipper. Whats next…drinking blood? Biting the heads off of bats? Ritual sacrifice? Get out of your fantasy world. And as far as me joining my brothers in the Sons of Sin….why not? I felt like surrounding myself with people that have the same disregard for human life that I do. To be around people that enjoy inflicting pain on people and making their lives a living hell. Its not a cult…it’s a group of men bent on chaos and the annihalation of anyone that steps into our path. It seems that gang warfare is the standard being set by groups such as Reckless Youth and the Cold Blooded Killers. So why not band together and destroy these groups and begin our asscention to the top of the DRWF.

Tigger:For someone that didn’t have anything to say you said a helluva lot.

Merrick:I wanted to get this shit off of my chest. Not to please you or the dregs of society….just to set the record straight. And to let Curt Evans know that the time for talk is drawing to an end and the time for pain will begin.

Tigger:Well I am sure that he will have something to say about that.

Merrick:Now…if you will excuse me or even if you don’t…I have to go and get settled in my new townhouse.

Merrick throws down some money and gets up and walks down the street. Tigger grabs the money off of the table and takes off like a bat out of hell as we fade to black.