Wow! I now have fanart! Thank you so much to those who have been willing to donate fanart, and a special congratulations on behalf of these people's wonderful talents! If you have fanart, feel free to send it through e-mail, ICQ, or AIM (all on the main page). Thank you!

My Fanart

Yay! Finally, I got one o' my own pics scanned for you guys to see!
Mako-chan's attacked the stove again! Gad, did this take long to color! =^^= Wooooo, purdy purdy colours...I created this picture to enter in's Sailormoon Art Contest. You might see it in the very last issue!

Cancer's Art

Yay! My fellow zodiac warriors are giving me fanart! Here's some stuff from Cancer! Arigatou gozaimasu!
A pic of Hotaru in a pretty dress, holding her glaive. Sugoi!

B-Chan's Art

An awesome artist, and the first to donate pics! Thanks B-chan!
An adorable pic of Eternal Sailormoon and Chibi Chibi! Chibi moon and Pegasus. Kawaii desune! An awesome pic of Uranus and Neptune!

Daemon's Art

Another great artist, and one o' me buds! Thanks Daemon!
A great pic of Sailor Venus!

Contact Daemon

More to (hopefully) come soon! =^^=