6-11-03 Sad News hey guys sad news. kevin is no longer part of tightrope Kevin and us decided to part ways on good terms he is stil our good friend and we apprechiate him and all the dedication and severice he put towards tightrope.Things just werent working out anymore I gues we grew apart and kevins side band no tomorrow got in the wat for some band practices.We would like to wish kevin the best of luck with his new band No Tomorrow and hope they do well.So Therefor TIGHT ROPE IS LOOKING FOR A NEW RYTHM GUITARIST!. If anyone is interested please contact jeremy at mremington@snet.net thank you kevin from all of tight rope
5-26-03 Battle Of The BandsHey kids I would like to say that the show on saturday was our best show yet i meen it this time damn we played really well together.We got a hole new fan base and a bunch of people like us we came in good too.We didnt win though but oh well.We would mostly like to thank Down-Time promotions for putting on the battle and letting us play we really appreciate it pictures should be up soon.
5-17-03 Awesome Show Last NightHey Kids the show last night at eliot was an awesome show we gained a whole lot of fans and introduced every one our new bass player Leo, he is filling in for nick because nick is still unsure if he is ready to be in the band.So there for leo will be playing bass with the band until nick reaches his decision.But I meen god dammit that has to be our best show yet it sounded a lot fuller witht he two guitars.So be sure to go to our battle of the bands show this friday on the 24th and help us win thanks.

5-7-03 Breaking NewsWe have decided to add a new bass player.So we got one his name is Nick, he is really good and he is in the band for good.As for kevin...He is still in the band but now he plays rythm guitar so we will sound evan sicker with a new bassist and a nother guitar player it will be awesome so be sure to see the new line up on may 16th at eliot middle school or our big battle of the bands show on may 24th in vernon if you would like to get tickets for the show contct jeremy thats all.

4-30-03 New Website As You all can see there is a complete change to the website.We all hope you like it.Some additional thing will be added on such but that all for now,look out for a new adress coming soon it willbe tight-rope.net but until then just use the.tk bye.
4-28-03 New Cd Title Hey Kids,We have decided to change the cd title to Legacy Of Filth.We thinks its a better title and plus we were forced to change it because their is a band called Iced Earthe with the original cd title.So there for we changed the title to legecy of filth.

4-20-03 Last Nights Show The showlast night went ok we could of done a lot better but with lack of practice it wasnt our greatest show we sold a good emount of tickets and made some extra money for recording.In other news we have wrote some new songs and are in the works of playing a big show at the webster theater more information will be up soon.

4-6-03 Club Static Hey Kids,The Show at Club StaticAka Club Fagget went really well we did a really good set but the people there went to see all emo bands so we were the only metal band there and our set got cut short which pissed us off.But that is all for that show we would like to thank Jeff Ables For playing Rthym Guitart at the show(He Is Not In The Band He Just played The Show).

3-30-03 Battle of the band Hey Kids,sorry for not making an update in a while.But in other news the show on march 15th went extremely well we cam in 3rd out of 6 bands and our going tot he finals on may 24th so try to go to that.Our cd should be done soon and shirts and stickers should be in really soon so if you would like them pick them up at our shows or contact Jeremy

3-6-03 Big News Hey Kids, big big big news as of last night we were signed to an independent label called Revyne Records partners with fox Paw Recordings. In Other news the cd will be definitly done by next week we all hope you guys pick it up at our shows..