Copyrighted by Tiger.

KISS is property of KISS. For fan entertainment only. No infringement intended.
The Four Watchtowers
By Tiger


Huntress stood and watied patiently for Alard to
explain her next test. "Child, this will test you to
your limits about your hidden fears. Choose carefully
and remember your sworn oath." She nodded and started
down the Hallway of Mirrors. The first one nearly
caught her off guard.. She saw her mother slain and
the Towers in ruins. Using her gift to the utmost, she
healed where she could and protected and guarded where
she could, never once giving in to the thought of
revenge. There were seven great mirrors that she had
to pass and see the sights in each one. The first
mirror blurred and returned to a normal mirror. The
second lit up with even more horror. She could see
herself tortured for her beliefs, by those who didn't
understand, nor really wanted to. The mental pain was
unbearable, but still she would not renounce the
Hunter. She saw herself tortured to death and dying.
Her insides shook, but then a peace filled her. The
second mirror cleared. The third lit up with a picture
of Eric mocking her. That nearly broke her heart. He
was being extremely cruel and delighting in the fact
that he had fooled her and called her such. His
mocking laughter stopped when she blessed him, instead
of cursing him. The third wavered and cleared. Time
was at a crawl. The fourth lit up with her undergoing
the worst horror a woman could imagine. Tears
streaming down her face, she slowly recovered from the
trauma and became stronger. The mirror wavered and
cleared... Three more to go to the end of the hallway.
The fifth lit up, with everyone turning their backs on
her and her becoming Outcast and stripped of her
powers. It hurt even worse then the other violations,
but she endured and saw herself eventually accepted
back into the Watchtowers after she proved beyond
doubt that the  lie was in fact that... a lie. The
sixth lit up as the fifth one cleared. She saw a
battle and innocents dying, she used her powers to
defend these helpless ones, ones that could not fight
back., Even if it meant her own life. They called to
her for help and by the Hunter help they would get!
The last mirror lit up as the sixth one cleared. and
this time it was her Shadow self mocking her. She was
nearly at the breaking point. But point by point and
with love and goodwill, despite the fact that she was
torn to threds inside she refuted the Shadow self and
then asked..."Why is it that you hate me so much
darker part of myself?" "I WANT YOU DEAD!" The Shadow
self lept at her and a battle ensued until Huntress
remembered something. "You don't really hate me, why
are you really acting in such a fashion. Without Light
and Dark I would cease to exist as would you." Her
Shadow sighed. "You are correct, I do not hate you....
You are what I can never be. And in sadness started to
turn away. But Huntress stopped her. "Why can we not
work together instead of apart. The changes will
benefit both of us instead of one of us. Change is
what you fear the most, yes?" Shadow nodded in
understanding as Huntress patiently explained how the
changes would benefit them... then the Shadow told her
something. "I love you Sister Of Light." As I love you
Sister of Dark." With that , the seventh mirror
cleared. Wiping her tearing eyes, she noticed both
Alard and the Hunter waiting for her. "Well done
Huntress. Very well done. Now for the second oath. Do
you swear to me that you will defend and protect those
without a voice, counsel those whom need counseling,
protect and guard those that ask it of you. And love
those in need of love. giving faith, courage and
encourage ment to those whom need it, even unasked?"
Aye Elder This I will do with a glad heart." She
replied still trying to get the pain to stop. His warm
voice soudned even warmer. "It is well."It was now
near early evening. "Follow me for your third trial."
She followed in Hunter's wake, still shaken and
hurting, but determined to live by the Law, no matter what.


She followed Hunter and Alard into the room of Vision.
"Your next test will be deceptively simple on the
surface. but beware double meanings abound." She took
her place at the Pool of Vision and waited,gently
dipping her hand into the warm deep blue water. The
visions started. some were very horrifying and it was
as if her senses were being played with. She reported
dispassionately what she saw and her feelings on the
matter.. Her true feelings and what solutions that she
could gather by her own powers. Time stopped as she
viewed image after image and reported what she felt
and her reactions to each vision that she was given.
The sun began to set on the Towers as she went through
countless images, and some she did get very wrong. As
darkness fell, she finished the task given to her.
Alard let her know which ones that she had gotten
wrong and asked her how she would change the wrongly
read ones. "By using common sense and making things
right and also admitting when I am in the wrong.
Undoing the damage would be a top priority, as well as
putting things right. I will not always have the
chance to ask for advice, so I will only be able to
act on what I am getting at the time. If it is wrong,
I will do what ever I can in my power to make things
right." Alard nodded in satisfaction. "Now the third
part of your Oath to me." The Hunter spoke quietly...
impressed with this woman child. " do you swear to use
your powers wisely and live your life by the Law that
governs you, and to use your abilities to the upmost,
no matter what the provocation... Blessing instead of
cursing healing instead of hurting. "I do elder" she
replied quietly"With all my heart and soul" So you
also swear not to take revenge on those who have hurt
you, instead releasing them from your life and
releasing the bonds that hold you to them?" "Willingly
and gladly." He nodded in satisfaction. Now for the
last testing and the final OathTaking.He led the way
into the Heart of The Hunter... The inner sanctum of
his part of the Tower and where the most binding oath
would take place.


Huntress followed Hunter down the hallway leading to
the Heart of the Hunter...a very sacred place. Another
set of Robes was laying draped over a bench. She
followed him to the center. The candles were lit and
the incense was lit. Flowers were everywhere. She
started to kneel before him, but he stopped her and
pulled her up to a standing position. Her aura was
cleansed and tears fell to cleanse her soul. He looked
upon her with kindness and caring. it was now getting
near midnight. The cleansing smoke was blown around
her body, calming her heart, mind and soul. She
finally looked into the eyes of the Power again,
really not knowing what to expect. She prayed a simple
but heartfelt prayer. The Power adressed her again.
"This is your final Oath to me and it is the most
important. Do you swear to use what you have and what
you know for unselfish purposes, and not for gain at
another's expense, nor to harm or hurt anyone, no
matter what the provocation. To teach to those that
want to learn, but not to teach any that would use the
teaching for ill. Will you allow yourself to be an
instrument in My hands. Will you swear unto me that
you will harm none, including yourself in using your
gifts wisely. Do you also swear to keep negativity at
bay, to keep fear from your heart and pettiness from
ruling your life.?" This I swear Hunter, on my very
soul and lifeblood, to not pervert the training or
teachings I have received at both yours and Alard's
hands, to use my abilities positively and resolutely
avoid the darker path. To help in any way, without
being asked to protect heal and guard as well as
encourage, love, Listen, council and admonish .. if it
calls for it." He nodded in satifaction. The robes
that she wore this morning were gently replaced by new
robes. The orange torc firmly in place, the orange and
white robe of the Hunter, with a white and orange sash
proclaiming her as a servant of the Hunter. Bells
began to ring to announce her acceptance into the
service of the Hunter.  "Your Oath is accepted,
Huntress. Be welcome... someone wants to see you,
someone you love with all your heart. He moved away
and Eric came forth pride shining in his warm eyes. He
offered her congratulations and she accepted them. He
held her close and they talked heart to heart openly.
She suddenly grew dizzy and faint. Eric caught her as
she fainted and carried her to her bedchamber.
Undressing her carefully, her put her to bed and told
her the one thing that she didn't expect. "I love you
Huntress" "I love you as well, Eric. Rest now." he
spoke as he gently kissed her and her eyes closed from
the draught that he had given her. It was not time to
reveal the secret yet.


Dawn came and Huntress was awake long before. She
descended down into the keep to begin her duties. She
saw two quarrelling and a voice yelled "Let the
Priestess judge this, before it hurts even those who
aren't involved!" She could Feel the discord in the
air, like a black cloud. "Priestess, will you hear
this and judge?" "Aye, I will hear, but judgement is
left up to the Hunter." With that she carefully
questioned each of the combatants in the quarrel, then
she quesitoned any witnesses, then she turned to the
children that the quarrel was about and gently
questioned them as well. She thought long and hard
about this. The children were the innocents in this
case. Then she spoke. "What harm is it to let the
little ones play together, even if their parents don't
serve the same Power? The divine Power has many names
and many faces. Even the Powers themselves will agree
with that statement. Tis not contamination, but more
like learning a different face of the Divine power, is
it not?" The quarreling parties began to look
sheepish. "In heat of anger and sometimes predjudice
things are not looked at nor seen as they really are.
It is extremely hard when one is looking through the
eyes of hate or anger to be reasonable. It is hard to
follow the Law, but the Law we must follow. Each of
the Eight Powers would expect nothing less. Nor is one
Power better than the other. All Power is equal in the
eyes of the Divine." She felt the discord dissolving.
and a collective sigh of relief from the crowd. "This
is my judgement. Let the little ones play and have the
parents get together as well and each learn about the
different faces of the Divine. IT would help us all to
learn the many faces of the Divine. Hatred and anger
have no place here. Also what we do, the little ones
follow, please remember this." so saying she left to
attend to another of her duties. She lit the candle in
the Santuary and made sure everything was in
preparedness. She Felt a presence behind her. *Be
welcome* she mentally sent to the Presence. She began
her prayers with a whole heart and mind, speaking what
was in her heart, and asking for clear sight and
reasoning. The smell of the sendlewood comforted her
as it had done in times past. A gentle hand touched
her shoulder. She looked up. She was in the presence
of the Hunter. *peace, child* as she looked up in
startlement. She nodded and calmed herself. She was
STILL not used to being in the Hunter's presence. His
next sending was with a gentle touch of humor. *You
look like you have been caught by fishwire, child, and
you be the fish!* She chuckled at that. *No apology is
necesary. You will be getting used to my presence* She
nodded and within a heartbeat, he was gone. She knelt
still singing with Power that flowed through her in
his presence. Finally she grounded herself again and
was able to continue on with her day. Alard couldn't
help but chuckle at The Hunter's reaction to the
Huntress. "Aye M'Lord... she is a special one, even if
she cannot see that for herself yet. I agree M'Lord...
She will find out in time. At that, the Hunter
chuckled and even Alard was amused at the wordless
sending. Alard knew that Huntress would not be angry
at that, for she had even laughed at it herself.
"Mayhap it be time for her to have company?. She still
has no idea of his true identity, and floored her last
night with a pronouncement." At a nod from the Hunter.
Alard just smiled. Huntress was in for QUITE a
surprise later.


The Huntress had just gone out to take her nightly
walk in the moonlight and starshine. She felt very
much at peace, now more so than ever. Reflecting on
her life and how it had changed so dramatically, she
was lost in deep thought, and did not hear Eric
calling to her. He touched her shoulder and she came
out of her reviere. Smiling, she gave him a hug of
welcome, which was returned. The grin on his face was
million watt. She basked in that sunshine for a while.
He teased her about her being in such deep though and
she just chuckled along with him. "Aye, just thinking
how much my life has changed in so short a time." "You
didn't count on me popping into your life either!
Huntress... I'll turn your world upside down with
laughter if you will let me!" his grin and the truth
of his words struck home. "I agree. You bring much
sunshine and warmth just by being a friend to me."
"More than that Button, I mean much more than that."
he surprised her with both the use of his chosen
nickname for her and more truth. She thought about it,
and agreed. His answering smile flowed over her like
warm honey. They had now known each other for well
over a year. In that time, they had steadily grown
closer and closer. He smiled a devilish smile as what
he REALLY meant hit her."Oho! methinks the Huntress
will win this one!" to which he just laughed "Or find
HERSELF the hunted!" Her answering smile and laugh
delighted him. True, she was human, having bad moments
like everyone else, but there was much more to her
than appeared on the surface. Her faith was damned
strong as was her trust. She could also throw a zinger
or two when the occasion called for it. Together they
walked out in the moonlight talking. The Hunter
watched from high atop his part of the WatchTower. A
wordless blessing flowed to them, and he vanished.
They came back inside the Tower. But parted at her
bedchamber. She prepared for bed and fell deep asleep,
but was surprised at the dream she had. She had seen
Alard, The Hunter AND ERIC!  Both Eric and Alard were
dressed in a totally different robe than hers, but the
same robes nonetheless... both robes signifying much
higher rank. and they three were standing at the foot
of the bed watching her as she slept and a
conversation took place that she could not hear.
Warmth filled her heart and soul. Blinking awake, she
went to the Pool of Vision. But no answers awaited her
there. As she tended to her day to day duties, she
wondered what did it really mean? She pushed that to
the back of her mind.  Three moons later she was
summoned to the Conservatory of the Tower, where Alard
awaited her. He began to train her in more advanced
practices. She told him finally about the dream she
had. "Child, this I cannot tell you, for that is a
puzzle that you will have to unravel by yourself."
Nodding agreement, she focused again and tried
again... THIS time it held to Alard's satisfaction.
"Good! Much better! Now let us see if you can hold it
against distractions!" with that, he began throwing
every type of distraction that he knew she could
handle, then progressed to the ones that were harder.
She fought like a animal to keep it from dissolving,
but dissolve it finally did, only after enourmous
pressure had been put, much more than she could
handle. She stood there exhausted, but the encouraging
smile on Alard's face told her that he was indeed
pleased. "Go enjoy the company of Eric for a while.
This ends your drilling for this day." With that
dismissal, she went out with a lighter heart. Eric
caught her right before she came down the stairs. "You
look like you could use a friend and some lunch! Will
you join me?" at her nod, they both descended to the
kitchen area. "You ARE beat and famished too! Being
drilled again?" She nodded. He chuckled at her and
teased her about wolfing down the food. She blushed,
something she rarely did. HE could tell she was
exhausted. Mental work was just that, WORK. For the
uninitiated, it would be as if you had moved a boulder
the size of Caras all by yourself. But he knew that
she would not rest until she had completed her duties.
"Tonight is a celebration, and Alard is going to be
doing the nights work." he spoke. Alard's voice
reached both of them "Indeed so, and the Huntress will
not be officiating this time. She is under orders to
relax and enjoy herself!" "Your's" she asked
quietly... "Aye and the Hunter's as well!" she nodded
in agreement. "The Hunter knows just how stubborn of a
Priestess he has in you and he knew as well as I  know
that you would not relent, unless ordered to by a
higher authority" She blushed again. Dead on target.
Eric chuckled a little at her reaction. "Done then!"
she replied, fatigue hitting her like a mace. She
stumbled a little as she began to rise and Eric
steadied her as she stumbled. Making her lay down, she
fell asleep in good time.

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